Agriculture, pharmaceutical,
food and cosmetic industries routinely use a very effective solvent
that often remains in significant quantities in the final product.
It is now a ubiquitous emulsifying and cleansing ingredient in many
household and other consumer goods, including personal care products
and even for care of the oral cavity in the form of toothpastes and
mouthwashes. Oxidane is what is known as a disordered solvent,
which significantly, cannot be removed by rinsing, which merely causes
it to dissolve further and spread far more widely, including into
sensitive ecosystems and organisms, where it readily bio-accumulates
and threatens life forms.
Oxidane is an extremely popular solvent, not only
because it is cheap, but also highly effective. Oxidane is indisputably
a major, yet neglected global public health problem and worldwide,
one of 20 most common causes of, and the 2nd leading cause
of death from unintentional injury. For many, the mortality
statistic of half a million human deaths annually from this source
is a shocking unexpected reality. Acute toxicity from Oxidane, a
mononuclear hydride, results in respiratory failure, cyanosis, tissue
hypoxia and ultimately heart failure. (Van
Beeck E et al, Bull World Health Organ, 83(11), WHO, Geneva, 2005)
Furthermore, this well-kept secret, until leaked recently, includes
its detection in not only the bodies of all cancer patients and
in all malignant tumours, but also its presence in the homes of
all cancer victims, in particular in their bathrooms, toilets, kitchens
and gardens. Most shocking of all is that because of its widespread
use and high utility, government regulatory agencies that were established
to protect the public from such risks, have neither banned, nor
duly restricted its use. Is not an urgent worldwide ban
appropriate? Surprisingly, the answer is no!
Oxidane is the chemical name for water. (International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry,
IUPAC, 2005) Death by drowning
occurs via suffocation.
All of the foregoing, whilst technically correct, is without essential
perspective, of no meaningful or practical relevance and served
no purpose other than to deliberately strike fear into the reader,
including a high degree of avoidance behaviour and most likely,
an impulse to caution others. Sadly, this is precisely the despicable
method used by a new breed of unscrupulous entrepreneurs allied
to the pseudo- so-called ‘organic’ movement in order
to coerce gullible consumers away from safe established legitimate
products in order to falsely promote their own products of unknown,
yet likely suspect quality, safety and efficacy. The key to the
necessary perspective was to apply the central axiom of toxicology,
namely, “the dose makes the poison!”
Note: I tend to use traditional English spellings, so eg
‘sulphate’ is used rather
than the Americanised-spelling ‘sulfate’,
unless I am referencing or quoting verbatim. Furthermore, this article
defends only trace Dioxane SLES-based rinse-off personal care cleansing
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
(SLS) is primarily an emulsifier and Sodium
Lauryl Ether Sulphate
(SLES) a foaming cleanser. Both are surfactants made from coconut
oil, using compounds of further natural substances. By lowering
the surface tension of aqueous solutions, surfactants serve to make
water wetter and so enhance its spread over surfaces. This makes
water more effective as a cleanser, rather than requiring high temperatures
and/or chemical solvents to dissolve and wash away greasy grime,
be it from fatty/oily dishes or pollution particulates adhering
to natural sebaceous skin secretions. Critics moronically criticise
SLES as cheap, but water, especially when so optimised is even more
so. Economical does not mean un-ecological.
Sodium lauryl sulphate is made by joining sodium, sulphate
and lauric acid, three abundant substances found in a healthy body.
SLS is prepared by sulphation of natural lauryl alcohol with sulphur
trioxide and neutralisation with a natural alkali (potassium/sodium
hydroxide, carbonate, or bicarbonate). SLS exists in nature, known
more commonly by its synonym, sodium dodecyl sulphate,
the very same substance as in SLS/SLES
(Yao G, Dodecyl Sulfate Pathway [Map], Univ Minnesota, 2008).
On the weight (quality and quantity) of toxicological data, it is
concluded that sodium dodecyl sulphate (and hence also nature-identical
SLS) is of no concern with respect to human health (OEDC,
Screening Information Data Set: 449, Initial Assessment Profile:
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, United Nations Environmental Program Chemicals
Unit, 2006).
Sodium Laureth
Sulphate and Sodium Lauryl
Ether Sulphate are one and the
same, a single variant of SLS, designated as SLES. ‘Laureth’
(lauryl ether) is indicative of ethoxylation (‘lauryl’
being on one side of the sulphate group and ‘ethyl ether’
on the another). SLES is SLS that has been additionally ethoxylated,
ie treated with another perfectly natural organic compound, ethylene
oxide, creating also 1,4-Dioxane, an impurity that
is the subject of so much deliberate misinformation and unfounded
fear mongering. The current consumer trend towards ‘natural’
and ‘organic’ is a propaganda boon for various commercial
opportunists having no background in and including lobbyists for
the ‘organic’ movement itself, and who should, if not
actually know better. I will deal with the 1,4-Dioxane contaminant
aspect in considerable depth later in this article, after first
debunking the various unfounded scares around Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
Internet rumours that SLS/SLES,
as used in most personal care products, are linked to toxicities,
are widespread. These have been responsibly investigated and exposed
as malicious hoaxes, seized upon or even strategically initiated
by unscrupulous fear-mongering commercial opportunists to gain broad
unfair advantage over their legitimate market competitors. Reference
to cataract, eye developmental problems and blindness attributed
to Dr Keith Green of the Medical College of Georgia, were exposed
as fraudulent fabrications by even Dr Green himself. For independent
testimony in this regard, see Paula Begoun, the ‘cosmetic
cop’, here:
For an independent answers.com review of the controversy, see here,
an excerpt of which appears below:
“In 1993 Neways supported its claim
in a products usage brochure that sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and
sodium laureth sulfate (SLES), found in shampoos and soaps, had
toxic properties and could present dangerous side effects by citing
research conducted by Dr. Keith Green, Regents Professor of Ophthalmology
at the Medical College of Georgia. According to syndicated columnist
and author Paula Begoun, who interviewed Green, he insisted that
his work was completely misquoted and stated that he dropped this
line of research ‘because the findings were so insignificant’.
In the summer of 1993 Dr. Green contacted Neways about its misleading
characterization of his research and in September of that year Neways’
President Tom Mower sent a letter to all distributors admitting
that its brochure's assertions about Green's research were ‘either
partially or wholly incorrect’. ‘We wish to issue a
public apology to Dr. Green for the mistakes made in mixing information
from different sources, which was attributed to him. In the future,
please do not refer to Dr. Green and his studies’. The
matter did not end there, however. References to Green's work continued
to appear in Neways's literature, prompting legal counsel, Andrew
Newton for the Medical College of Georgia, in 1997 to threaten legal
action if the company did not cease citing Green's study. In November
1997, Neways once again sent a letter to distributors telling them
to stop distributing company literature using the misinformation
and to refrain from using it on their independent web sites. Nevertheless,
in 1998 Newton once again contacted Neways, writing, ‘At
first, I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that these
were the lingering effects of your previous publications, for which
you might not necessarily be responsible. However, I was quite alarmed
when I visited your web site today (August 26, 1998), and found
the exact same false and libellous reference to the Medical College
of Georgia. ... This must stop.’ “
Because the eyes are self-cleansing and with the exception of infants,
one closes the eyes when washing the face or shampooing the hair,
the eye irritancy potential of SLES is irrelevant. The only effective
alternative, Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAPB), is less stinging
to the eyes, but causes allergic contact dermatitis and was even
voted “Contact Allergen of the Year” in 1994 (Mowad
C, Adv Dermatol, 20:237, 2004). In spite of causing
dermatitis of the head, neck and face of humans and especially the
eyelids and lips of infants, where it can lead to intractable inflammation
and scaling, many irrational critics of SLES stubbornly continue
to use CAPB or less effective or more toxic substances, putting
philosophical/commercial issues before safety.
CAPB is a contact allergen. SLES is not. CAPB can contain several
allergenic impurities including carcinogenic nitrosamines. Most
manufacturers of effective so-called ‘green’ and ‘natural’
products use CAPB in their cleansers, whilst others stand by the
science and defend their use of SLES. Others have knowingly jumped
on the misinformation bandwagon for commercial opportunism and instead
use SLS, CAPB or harsher, toxic or ineffective ‘organic’
alternatives. Seventh Generation, a market leader in ‘green’
household-cleaning products have stated: “Ethoxylation
is used to modify plant oils to make them function as surfactants.
We don’t believe that today there is a better or safer choice.”
We at Gaia Research / Organics concur.
‘Organic Standards’ are a total farce to those who
know better. Germany’s BIDH standards disallow SLES; yet allow
SLS and CAPB. BIDH-registered Weleda uses SLES and disputes the
arbitrary restriction, stating on their US website: “Weleda
use a very mild cleanser and foam enhancer derived from coconut
called SLES, which we have found to be safe, and effective. The
main purpose is to keep oils and minerals in suspension during hair
washing, especially necessary in hard water areas. Our research
and development team has chosen this particular ingredient as the
best available at this time to meet our customer's expectations
of a shampoo."
A recent comprehensive Australian Government safety review concluded
as follows: “The National Industrial Chemicals Notification
and Assessment Scheme has received a large number of enquiries regarding
concern over data on the Internet claiming that SLS/SLES are hazardous
to human health. In response, NICNAS undertook a literature search
of the available data on human health effects. There is no data
to indicate SLS/SLES to be a skin sensitiser, genotoxic, carcinogenic,
or a reproductive toxicant. Toxicity appears to be restricted to
acute skin and eye irritation, primarily based on effects at high
doses in studies in laboratory animals.” (NICNAS,
Priority Existing Chemical Assessment Reports: 1,4-Dioxane, DHA,
Aus, 1998/2007) |
The only exception to false
SLES scares is inappropriate use of industrial grades for non-immediate
wash-off applications (eg high-dose bubble-baths), since excess of
an impurity can remain in SLES from the standard process of ethoxylation.
Ethoxylation involves ethylene oxide treatment, which renders
SLES more effective and milder to the skin than SLS, but can leave
a potentially hazardous residue of a by-product, 1,4-Dioxane,
if not sufficiently deliberately voided. Ethylene oxide is
a “known human carcinogen” and 1,4-Dioxane is
“reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen” (Natl
Toxicol Program, 11th Report on Carcinogens, U.S. Dept of Health and
Human Services, 2005). This is of little toxicological
relevance considering the following:
Ethylene is a natural plant hormone involved in germination,
fruit ripening and senescence and is emitted by fruits, flowers,
leaves, roots and tubers during ripening. Ethylene oxide
occurs as a metabolite of ethylene, when (as a natural
growth regulator) it is degraded in plants (Jackson
M et al, J Experiment Bot, 29:183, 1978);
(Abeles F, Dunn L, J Plant Growth Regul, 4:123, 1985),
and it is further generated in animal manure (Wong
M et al, Envir Pollut, [Series A] 30:109, 1983). Ethylene
oxide is a common and natural constituent of a wet soil environment,
where it can be produced by ethylene catabolism by fungi, bacteria
and actinomycetes (De Bont J, Albers
R, AvL J Microbiol and Serol, 42(1–2), 1976); (Alexander M,
Introduction to soil microbiology, J Wiley & Sons, NY, 1977).
Ethylene oxide is a very ‘natural’, ‘earthy’
and ‘organic’ carcinogen.
Even more pertinent is that Ethylene is also produced
endogenously by and is thus a natural body constituent of humans
and other mammals. Ethylene oxide is formed during
its metabolism and readily targets DNA, presenting a far greater
intrinsic carcinogenic risk than exogenous ethylene oxide
(Bolt H, Biochem Pharmacol 52:1,1996);
(Bolt H et al, Arch Toxicol,
71(11), 1997). (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry,
Toxicological Profile for Ethylene Oxide, ATSDR, U.S. Public Health
Service, December, 1990);
(IPCS, Concise International Chemical Assessment Document 54: Ethylene
Oxide, WHO, Geneva, 2003);
(Carcinogenic Risk In Occupational Settings, Ethylene Oxide, CRIOS,
February 2008)
Bearing in mind that Ethylene oxide is
a “known human carcinogen” (along with
the likes of aflatoxins, alcoholic beverages, oestrogen, solar radiation,
tobacco smoke and wood dust) and that 1,4-Dioxane
is only “anticipated to be a human carcinogen”
(along with the likes of methyleugenol (in eg
bananas, berries and black pepper and essential oils of rose, basil,
citronella, anise and cinnamon), progesterone, safrole
(in eg basil, black pepper, nutmeg, cocoa and camphor and essential
oils of sassafras, Brazilian pepper, cinnamon and juniper) and ultraviolet
radiation (NTP 11th Report on Carcinogens,
National Toxicology Program, Dept Health Human Serv, 2005),
how can traces of dioxane outside of and invariably rinsed and/or
towelled-off the body, from where it, in any event, readily evaporates,
be of genuine concern?
Skin absorption
following dermal exposure to consumer surfactants containing 1,4-Dioxane
is very low (Young
J et al, J Toxicol Environ Health, 3:507, 1977);
(Young J et al, J Toxicol Environ Health, 4:709, 1978);
(Young J et al, J Environ
Pathol Toxicol, 2:263, 1978);
(Marzulli F et al, Food
Cosmet Toxicol, 19:743, 1981);
(Bronaugh R, “Percutaneous Absorption of Cosmetic Ingredients”,
Ch 35, in Principles of Cosmetics for the Dermatologist, P Frost
& S Horowitz (Eds), CV Mosby Co, St Louis, 1982); (IARC, IARC
Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Suppl.
7, Overall Evaluations of Carcinogenicity, IARC, Lyon, p. 201, 1987).
Since most personal care cleansers containing 1,4-dioxane
are diluted with water prior to application and rinsed-off shortly
thereafter, a 'worst case scenario' from an unintentional impurity
is calculated to represent a margin of safety of more than 1000
and not a significant health risk to the general public (Black
R et al, J AOAC Int, 84(3), 2001); (Makino R et al, Environ Sci,
13 (1), 2006); (NICNAS, Priority Existing Chemical Assessment Reports
- 1,4-Dioxane, Dept Health & Aging, Australia, 1998/2007); (Agency
for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological Profile
for 1,4-Dioxane, ATSDR, 2007).
The toxicological database for 1,4-Dioxane is relatively
robust and complete. Epidemiologic studies on workers exposed to
1,4-Dioxane occupationally ‘and’ as consumers
indicate no statistically significant increase for the number of
cancer cases or expected cancer deaths (EPA
Integrated Risk Information System, 1,4-Dioxane, US EPA, 2004).
Understand that pure synthesised dioxane, not ethoxylated surfactants,
was determined to cause cancer in animal studies. The high dosages
and long continual durations of exposure used in these studies have
no realistic bearing on the far lower, shorter and discontinuous
human consumer exposures.
There is a considerable body of solid expert evidence refuting
any 1,4-Dioxane cancer risk to humans (Young
J et al, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 3:138, 1976);
(Young J et al Toxicol Environ Med, 4:709, 1978);
(Dang V, Dioxane: “Toxicology Of a Non-Halogenated Hydrocarbon”,
George Washington Univ, School of Public Health and Health Services,
GWU, 2008) Tumours
associated with 1,4-dioxane occur only in tissues that are affected
by cytotoxicity at or above cytotoxic doses and where dose levels
exceed the organism’s capacity to adequately oxidise 1,4-Dioxane,
which only then can accumulate and produce cytotoxicity via a metabolic
pathway in tissues with a propensity for enzyme induction (eg the
liver). Enzyme induction after metabolic overloading is conceived
as a threshold phenomenon and tumours arise from enforced cell proliferation
rates in susceptible organs. Since this does not occur in humans
in occupational settings, it cannot occur in consumers. (Kociba
R et al, Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 30:275, 1974);
(Stickney J et al, Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 38(2), 2003);
(Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological
Profile for 1,4-Dioxane, ATSDR, 2007).
The media often give the wrong impression when potential cancer-causing
agents are reported, which is extrapolated to produce cancer in
the general public. Determining whether a chemical is a human
carcinogen requires evidence from both valid and unbiased epidemiological
studies ‘and’ animal bioassays. While short-term tests
are helpful in decision-making, they are not as predictive as once
believed. (Furst A, Intl J Toxicol,
9(1), 1990) Updated models based on more data and stronger
science, provide a better understanding of 1,4-dioxane in mice,
rats, and humans and a more scientifically sound basis for extrapolating
data to human equivalent doses. A comparison of cancer risk estimates
suggests significant overestimation of the potential cancer risk
from 1,4-dioxane and critical review of the scientific
literature indicates that a formal re-evaluation of the carcinogenic
potency of 1,4-dioxane is warranted. (Stickney
J et al, Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 38(2), 2003);
(Sweeney L et al, Toxicol Sci, 101(1), 2008) |
Water is the most likely
media to contain significant quantities of 1,4-Dioxane
(Hartung R, Health and environmental
effects assessment for 1,4-dioxane, Gelman Sciences, Ann Arbor,
Mich, 1989). 1,4-Dioxane biodegrades slowly
in and persists in both water and in soils, where it adsorbs weakly,
but will move quickly into groundwater, where higher concentrations
exist than in ambient air. Exposure to 1,4-dioxane in tap water
through inhalation during showering can result in even higher exposures
than from ingestion of drinking water. Because 1,4-Dioxane is miscible
in water, it is not bio-concentrated in plants, aquatic organisms,
or animals, although bio-accumulation may occur in plants by transpiration.
(1,4-Dioxane, ATSDR, 2007) This raises the logical question
of 1,4-Dioxane levels in foodstuffs, where it interestingly
occurs not only as an industrial contaminant via soil, air and water,
but also as a natural organic constituent.
As is often the case, in spite of no systematic scientific effort
to determine the extent of its natural occurrence, 1,4
Dioxane has been reported to be present as a natural constituent
in several foods, including ripe tomatoes, peppers, coffee and condiment
herbs and spices,
as well as in seafood, cooked meat, fried chicken and deep fry oil
(within the range of 2ppm – 15ppm 1,4-Dioxane common in SLES),
indicative of the likelihood of a wide range of natural occurrence,
of particular interest in plants and food cooking and processing
methods, largely unknown sources of exposure at present. The 1,4-Dioxane
in tomatoes, especially vine-ripened tomatoes, extends also to their
juices, purees, and pastes. (Chung
T et al, Agric Biol Chem 47: 343, 1983);
(Netherlands Org Appl
Sci Res & Natl Inst Public Health Environ, ‘Risk Assessment:
1,4-Dioxane’, Ministry of Public Health, The Netherlands,
1999); (Nishimura T et al, J Health Sci, 50(1), 2004);
(Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological
Profile for 1,4-Dioxane, ATSDR, 2007)
1,4-Dioxane, whether synthesised naturally by plants, fungi or
animals (incl humans) or artificially, is identically biodegraded
as a source of carbon by soil micro-organisms in a pathway leading
to ethylene glycol and various acids
(Bernhardt D, Diekmann
H, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 36(1), 1991);
(Parales R et al, Appl
Environ Microbiol, 60(12), 1994);
(Nakamiya K et al, Appl Environ Microbiol, 71(3), 2005)
or failing this, is directly taken up as Dioxane by plants (Kelly
S et al, Water Res, 25(16), 2001), so even in organic
soils and plant materials (yet not crude oil/petroleum) we have
these identical toxicants cycling naturally. 1,4-Dioxane concentration
is higher in leaves and lower in roots, with the stem in between,
unless this is of larger volume, in which case it concentrates the
bulk of Dioxane. About 30% of the available Dioxane is removed from
soil by plants via the roots over a week and accumulates mainly
in the leaves, from which it is slowly lost to the air via transpiration.
(Ying O, J Hydrol, 266(1-2), 2002)
We spend fortunes minimising carcinogenic agents created by industry,
such as ammonia, formaldehyde and 1,4-Dioxane,
yet these chemicals are created within our own bodies,
without any help from outside forces such as polluting industry,
but rather as normal by-products of both human physiological and
symbiotic metabolism. (Orient J,
Ch 12 in: Standard Handbook of Environmental Science, Health, and
Technology, J Lehr (Ed), McGraw-Hill, NY, 2000) 1,4-Dioxane
has been measured in expired air from healthy humans and attributed
to normal human metabolic processes, and in some cases concentrations
have been significantly higher than in urban ambient air samples
from industrial cities in the USA
(Conkle J et al, Arch Environ Health, 30(6), 1975); (Krotosznski
B et al, J Anal Toxicol, 3:225, 1979); (Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry, Toxicological Profile for 1,4-Dioxane, ATSDR,
Professor James Trefil (University of Virginia), a physicist and
science textbook/communications author/editor (eg
The Laws of Nature, 2002; The Nature of Science, 2003;
Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, (as editor) 2004;
Why Science?, 2007) has pertinently pointed out that regulatory
authorities restrict these very same chemicals as petrochemical
pollutants at less than one-ten thousandth of the levels that these
occur naturally in our blood and intestinal gasses, and that
if our metabolism were to be equally as tightly regulated, we would
in fact be out of regulatory compliance by a factor of approximately
10,000 (James Trefil, Human Nature:
a blueprint for managing the earth – by people – for
people, Times Books, NY, 2004). |
Traces of 1,4-dioxane are formed
as a by-product during the sulphation reaction with alcohol ethoxylates.
Since first being recognised in 1979, its level has been controlled
by manufacturers by attention to operating conditions including SO3/feed
ratios, sulphation reactor temperatures and post reactor conditions
including neutralisation. It is also important to avoid excursions
from normal operating conditions. Levels of 500ppm/actives were reported
in the 1980’s. Levels are now controlled and monitored by in-plant
analysis, and depending on the degree of ethoxylation, are typically
in the range of 30-200ppm/actives. This issue was thoroughly evaluated
in context of consumer products and it was concluded that given the
relatively low levels of 1,4-dioxane in formulated consumer products,
its presence does not pose a health risk to consumers. (Appel
K, Health Evaluation of Dioxane, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 31(2), 1988);
(European Chemicals Bureau, European Risk Assessment Report, 1,4-Dioxane,
2002) An example of nonlinear pharmacokinetics that
influences toxicity, including carcinogenesis, is 1,4-dioxane. Studies
have shown that in rats treated for 2-years with drinking
water containing dioxane, only
in doses exceeding those necessary to cause severe hepatic and renal
pathology, was 1,4-Dioxane carcinogenic. Only in
the high dose group (1000ppm) over 2-years, was there increased
tumour incidence. (Kociba R et al,
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 30:275, 1974) In the
absence of continuous tissue damage, no tumours result.
Exposure to SLES with 1,4-Dioxane does not pose a non-cancer or
cancer risk, even to children. (Voluntary
Children’s Chem Eval Program, Pilot Submission: 1,4-Dioxane,
VCCEP, Sapphire Group, 2007)
A rare study of the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of
dioxane in ‘human volunteers’ following exposure
to 1,4-Dioxane vapour,
revealed that repeated exposures to 50ppm for 8-hours daily, would
never accumulate above concentrations attained after a single 8-h
exposure, as long as the concentration of dioxane was 50ppm or less.
It was concluded that even repeated occupational exposure of humans
at the threshold limit value of 50ppm would not cause adverse effects.
(Braun W, Waechter J, J Anim Sci,
56:235, 1983) This exposure level is impossible to achieve
with any ethoxylated cleanser, even an improbable non-purified 300ppm
concentration, due to insurmountable headspace air dilution and
volatisation-limiting respiratory absorption safety factors inherent
in even intensive usage patterns. In reality, no consumer will be
directly exposed to even 1ppm respiratory dioxane from ethoxylated
cleansers, and then only for the total duration of all daily exposures
whilst washing hands, bathing and/or showering.
In a recent 13-week oral
toxicity study in rats and mice by researchers
at the Japan Bioassay Research Center of the Japan Industrial Safety
and Health Association, 1,4-dioxane was administered in drinking
water and effects noted primarily between 10,000ppm and 25,000ppm.
A no-observed-adverse-effect-level (NOAEL) was set at between 4000ppm
in mice and 1,600ppm in rats between the species and sexes and determined
at 640 ppm for both. (Kano H, J Toxicol
Sci, 33(2), 2008) Again, in reality, no consumer using
any ethoxylated cleanser is going to accidentally ingest even 1ppb
of 1,4-Dioxane during routine product use.
To place parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) concentrations
into realistic relative perspective, consider that 1ppm is the equivalent
of 1-second in 11½ -days and 1ppb, 1-second in 32 years.
A worst case scenario from use of a full strength ethoxylated SLES
cleanser with little of its 1,4-Dioxane impurities effectively removed,
would contain a likely maximum of some 180ppm, the concentration
equivalent of losing normal sleep for 1-hour in 2-years. Even the
heaviest use of such impure SLES, would not result in effective
skin or mucosal (alimentary or lung) permeation and absorption of
Dioxane in excess of a mere insignificant 1ppm, the concentration
equivalent of losing normal sleep for only 20-seconds in 2-years
- generally less 1,4-Dioxane than from the daily consumption of
a tomato puree- or paste- based meal. A more realistic average consumer’s
1,4-Dioxane exposure concentration would be 1ppb, equivalent to
losing normal sleep for a mere 1-second in 94 years – about
a single daily serving of tomato.
Given the high-dose direct continuous exposures needed to induce
toxicity in animal studies compared with the low and temporary exposures
of consumers, it is simply impossible for there to be at any risk
whatsoever from trace impurities of 1,4-Dioxane from an ethoxylated
rinse-off cleanser such as SLES, or even all possible combined exposures
to 1,4-Dioxane, without daily drinking a bottle of shampoo or cleanser
or injecting a functional application amount of it. Anyone claiming
otherwise is a political strategist with a hidden agenda (blind
organic lobbyist), a mischievous troublemaker creating a false scare
for commercial expediency, an ignoramus or a silly scammed sucker.
I state this with conviction as a long-time organic food gardener
with pioneering botanical pesticide expertise, 30-years as an independent
natural health researcher and with a 15-year background in formulating
pioneering natural health/personal care products.
The State of California, USA
has been at the forefront of many progressive cultural revolutions.
California instituted a state law, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic
Enforcement Act of 1986, known as Proposition 65, whereby the Governor
is required to publish annually a list of all chemicals known to cause
cancer as determined by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and
the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Proposition
65 requires businesses to notify Californians about “significant”
amounts of chemicals in their products by providing a "clear
and reasonable" warning before knowingly and intentionally exposing
anyone to a listed chemical and so enables Californians to make informed
decisions about protecting themselves. The Office of Environmental
Health Hazard Asessment (OEHHA) administers the Proposition 65 program
and also evaluates all currently available scientific information
on substances considered for placement on the Proposition 65 list
(approximately 800 chemicals).
The Calfornia Attorney General’s Office enforces Proposition
65. Any individual purporting to be acting in the public interest
may trigger Proposition 65 action, including district attorneys,
consumer advocacy groups, private citizens and law firms. Penalties
per violation can be as high as $2,500/day and so run into millions
of Dollars without even a defendant’s awareness. In early
2008, the Organic Consumers Association, a vested interest lobby
group conspiring against competition from petrochemical inputs,
announced via press releases, the detection in ‘organic’
personal care products containing SLES, of trace residues of 1,4-Dioxane,
a fact known for 30 years. A situation in which a self-serving OEHHA,
rather than the state or national treasury keeps the financial penalties
bar for 25%, which accrues to the plaintif as a ‘bounty hunter’,
but exempts the legislating and adjudicating state itself from prosecution
for violations, would not be tolerated by a credible court anywhere
else in the world in modern times, clearly illustrating the populist
punitive cowboy politics involved, albeit well-intentioned by the
Significantly, albeit open to much legal interpretation and considerable
scientific controversy, “all businesses are also
exempt from the warning requirement if the exposures they cause
are so low as to create no significant risk of cancer”.
For a carcinogen, the "no significant risk level” is
defined as exposure that would result in not more than one excess
case of cancer in 100,000 individuals exposed thereby over a 70-year
lifetime. The OEHHA develops guidance levels for determining whether
a cancer warning is necessary. Most oddly, businesses with less
than 10 employees and even more contentious, ‘government agencies’
are ‘exempt’. The “safe harbour” levels
tend to err massively on the side of caution, but do not preclude
the use of alternative levels if demonstrable as scientifically
valid, though a stubborn, illiberal, inflexible and narrow mind-set
prevails regarding challenges from modern toxicological science
that might threaten their traditional authorative comfort zone,
eg their injunction that “the absence of a carcinogenic threshold
dose shall be assumed”, where a threshold clearly applies.
Other scientifically and morally indefensible ‘exemptions’
to Proposition 65 are “naturally
occurring chemicals in foods” and
more recently, “where chemicals
are produced by cooking
necessary to render the food palatable or avoid microbiological
contamination”, as a result of political lobbying
to avoid a standoff that might otherwise have reformed many harmful
practices, yet this exemption was ushered in to bypass a sticky
problem for both sides, in spite of relatively higher cancer burdens
from listed chemicals from these sources than many condemned intentional
and incidental man-made chemicals. These blatant double standards
place citizens at unreasonable risk from ‘natural chemicals’
of a far more prolific and insidious nature. A listed chemical was
previously considered “naturally occurring only to the
extent that the chemical did not result from any ‘known’
human activity” and “only to the extent that it was
not avoidable by ‘good’ agricultural / manufacturing
practices”, but the cooking exemption places even this
qualification in jeopardy. The phrase “naturally occurring”
has been interpreted by radical plaintiffs to mean that a chemical
cannot be present in food from ‘any’ human activity.
In 1988, OEHHA’s predecessor, the Health and Welfare Agency,
had already promulgated an exception, which provided that human
consumption of a food shall not constitute an ‘exposure’
to a listed chemical in food to the extent that the person responsible
for the exposure can show that the chemical is ‘naturally
occurring’ in the food. A chemical was thus declared to be
‘naturally occurring’ if it is “a natural
constituent of a food or if it is present in a food, solely as the
result of absorption or accumulation of the chemical, which is ‘naturally
present’ in the ‘environment’ in which the food
is raised, or ‘grown’, or obtained”. Consider
this along with the qualification: “only to the extent that
it is not avoidable by ‘good’ agricultural / manufacturing
practices” and the food exemptions reappear as legitimate
legal candidates for warning labels. Clearly, an inconsistency was
known to exist and a solution thought to have been found via said
exemptions, failing which all grocers and most other vendors would
have been required to post a warning label on most, if not all,
food products. Such warnings would thereby have been diluted to
the point of meaninglessness and, perhaps correctly, might have
defeated the initiative. However, this situation is already exists
with many listed anthropogenic (man-made or caused) carcinogens
and toxins, hence another stop-gap exemption on carcinogens produced
by cooking and heat processing, to keep the initiative manageable.
A challenge is imminent.
What now of ‘known’ ‘organic farming’
practices that inevitably increase the natural production of endogenous
defensive plant toxins thousand-fold in organic produce?
A California Court has already ruled that the regulation’s
drafters intended only exempting chemicals in food that are the
result of “uncontrollable human activity”.
Exemptions, especially in light of the ‘controllable’
organic paradox, go to the heart of the purpose of the act and needs
to be tested in court. Recall that tomatoes, especially vine-ripened
tomatoes, and all their concentrated juices, purees and pastes contain
increasing concentrations of 1,4-Dioxane. Significantly and perhaps
fortuitously, California is not only the tomato growing, but is
also the organic farming capital of America. Tomatine, another ‘natural’
chemical toxin in tomato is present at 36mg/100g tomato (360ppm)
in a regular tomato, a concentration that is much closer to the
acutely toxic level than are man-made pesticide residues (Jadhav
S et al, CRC Crit Rev Toxicol 9:21, 1981). Neither tomatine,
nor its aglycone, tomatidine, an anti-fungal steroid-like molecule,
has been tested in rodent cancer bio-assays
(Ames B et al, Chapter 3 in Hikoya Hayatsu and Veikko Sorsa, ‘Mutagens
in Food: Detection and Prevention’, CRC Press, 1990).
There is a tendency for non-scientists to think of chemicals as
being only synthetic and toxic, as if natural chemicals were not
also toxic at some dose. One consequence of disproportionate concern
over tiny traces of synthetic manmade pesticides is that plant breeders
are developing plants for the ‘organic’ food market
that are highly pest resistant, ie are ‘high in natural toxins’.
See my treatise on this counter-intuitive paradox here.
Moreover, a regulatory agency, in the absence of express authority
in the statute itself, cannot by regulation, adopt exemptions to
the statute. Where a statute does empower an administrative agency
to adopt regulations, these must be consistent with the statute,
and must effectuate its purpose. Administrative regulations that
alter or amend the statute or enlarge or impair its scope are void
and courts not only may, but it is their obligation to strike down
such regulations. I foresee a big showdown over the arbitrary exemptions
and glaring exclusions from the listed chemicals and would have
full confidence in defeating a challenge of a warning violation,
were I subject to Californian statutes.
The OEHHA has established a “No Significant Risk Level”
(NSRL) for 1,4-Dioxane of 30µg/day over a life-time based
on data from the late 1970’s using a standard, linearised,
multistage procedure, but more recent data and toxicological analysis
suggest that OEHHA’s NSRL is a substantial under-estimate
and much higher doses are also likely to represent no significant
risk of cancer (Stickney J et al,
Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 38(2), 2003); (most
of the other Dioxane references cited above). This OEHHA
NSRL is ultra-conservative, archaic, scientifically tenuous and
many-fold overly stringent. Based on modern procedures and data,
ethoxylated SLES-based cleansers result in much smaller doses/effective
permeation/absorption levels and risk than estimated for said purpose,
additional toxicological arguments in defense of such products are
not presented, other than to point out that no self-respecting other
international or national regulator anywhere else in the world considers
such traces of 1,4-Dioxane to be a real threat.
Claims of a cancer risk from trace residues of 1,4-Dioxane in ethoxylated
cleansers are simply ridiculous; since this would require drinking
or exclusively inhaling entire SLES products on an ongoing basis,
for which insane deviation from intended use, no formulator or manufacturer
could conceivably be held responsible. International regulators
have dismissed the importance of 1,4-Dioxane as a health issue,
based on the low concentrations/dilutions involved, the evaporation
thereof and the miniscule fraction that penetrates the skin and
is absorbed. On a basis of the considerable current scientific data
against all, including reasonable worst-case usage patterns, it
can only be concluded that the presence of 1,4-Dioxane is of no
toxicological significance in rinse-off / dry-off ethoxylated cleansers,
or in terms of the currently contentious, State of California’s
Proposition 65, a “no significant risk level” (NSRL)
must apply.
Joe Schwarcz, a chemistry professor at McGill University in Montreal,
Canada and director of McGill’s Office for Science and Society,
has pointed out that though some personal care product ingredients
may be contaminated by 1,4-dioxane, a known carcinogen,
the practical relevance of this is highly suspect. Not only does
he invoke the pivotal credo of toxicology, attributed to Paracelsus
in the sixteenth century, that “only the dose makes the poison”
(a point apparently still not grasped by many ignorami several centuries
later), but further points out that not only might tiny
doses of toxins not be dangerous: they may even be good for us!
This revolutionary concept, known as "hormesis", contends
that traces of toxins can reliably stimulate beneficial protective
mechanisms, whilst posing no risk of real harm whatsoever.
To skip to the short version, click here.
Schwarcz relates how Edward Calabrese,
now a professor of toxicology at the University of Massachusetts
and recognised as the world authority on exposure to trace chemicals,
originally got interested this phenomenon, when as an undergraduate
he became involved in a project to investigate the amount of herbicide
needed to stunt the growth of plants. To his surprise, the plants
actually grew more vigorously after being sprayed with the chemical,
which it turned out, was improperly prepared and was far more diluted
than intended. Thousands of publications now document dramatically
different, including totally opposite, even practical effects from
very low concentrations of even the most potent toxins (are they
still?) compared with their quantified toxicity at higher doses.
(Schwarcz J, Toxins and Your Good Health, Arts Opin 3(4), 2004)
The scientific axiom “Sola
dosis facit venemum” (the dose makes the poison), whilst
a profound truism, does not address the shape of the curve linking
both ends of the exposure scale. Paracelsus did, however, also note
that toxic substances could be beneficial in small quantities and
progressive modern toxicologists revived this concept nearly 30-years
ago (Stebbing A, ‘Hormesis
- the stimulation of growth by low levels of inhibitors’,
Sci Total Environ 22(13), 1982). It was Hugo Schulz’s
linking of hormesis to the controversial practice of homeopathy
that brought him fame and infamy, but also, due to ideological perspectives,
prevented the fledgling hormetic dose–response theory from
receiving an open hearing within the confines of medical science
and its later disciples, toxicology and risk assessment. Surprisingly,
despite his later controversial standing in the biomedical sciences,
Hugo Schulz was nominated half a century later in 1931 for the Nobel
Prize based on his original 1887/1888 medical hormesis publications.
Harmful agents may induce toxicity,
but all organisms respond to damage signals with a coordinated series
of temporally mediated repair processes. Hormesis is an overcompensation
following an initial disruption in homeostasis, a rebound effect
representing a reparative process that slightly overshoots the original
homeostatic set point, resulting in a modest low-dose stimulatory
response, generally allocated highly efficiently during the reparative
process. Hormesis epitomises whichever benefits are gained from
resources allocated for repair activities in excess of what is needed.
This advantage can pre-adapt the organism against damage from subsequent
and greater exposure within a limited time frame and assure that
repair is accomplished adequately and timeously. Possible natural
mechanisms are multiple, eg enzymes that repair damaged DNA, immune
response stimulation, and apoptotic elimination of damaged cells,
which, if not initiated early and adequately, can lead to development
of cancer.
It is generally accepted that there
can be numerous changes to organisms following exposure to a chemical,
be it beneficial, adaptive, early manifestations on a continuum
to toxicity, overt toxicity, or several of these in combination.
This applies to man-made and natural chemicals. Under hormetic conditions,
low doses can prompt temporary dissociation from homeostatic equilibrium
and a degree of over-compensation. Potentially toxic phyto- and
anthropogenic- chemicals can at hormetic doses, protect plants and
animals, including humans, from not only their own kind, but also
each other. Higher doses can push organisms beyond the limits of
kinetic or dynamic recovery, the classical object of toxicological
research and regulatory activity. As knowledge and power are interrelated
in precautionary culture, hormetic responses are by default regarded
as irrelevant, even though its consideration would improve public
health policy.
Constraint of hormetic responses at
30 - 60% greater than controls indicates a highly conserved strategy.
Biological systems do not even have to be damaged for hormetic benefit,
if directly stimulated (Calabrese
E, Baldwin L, Hum Exp Toxicol 21:91, 2002). One can
safely be stressed daily by a vast array of chemical or other stimuli
and thereby induce hormetic mechanisms that prevent disease processes
and enhance health outcomes. It appears that to optimise health,
biological systems need to be routinely stressed, in conformance
with the hormetic dose response parameters. (Mattson
M, Cheng A, Trends Neurosci, 29(11), 2006) It is common
wisdom that an infant benefits from earlier rather than later exposure
to the world at large and that without such challenges is unlikely
to cope as well with sudden delayed exposure. This is the hormetic
principle in action and extends into adulthood until somehow severely
The toxicological database of hormetic
dose response studies contain thousands of hormetic dose–response
relationships across thousands of agents over a broad spectrum of
chemical classes, physical agents and biological models, including
plants, viruses, bacteria, fungi, insects, fish, birds, rodents,
and primates/humans. The modern father of hormesis, Edward Calabrese
(after Rudolph Verchow, Hugo Schulz and Anthony Stebbing) correctly
ridicules the old paradigm and its adherents and has submitted and
successfully published, an ‘Obituary’ for the concept
of the Threshold Dose–Response Model, which has so long dominated
toxicology and outlived its utility to (poorly) predict low-dose
responses, thus: “After a long illness, the Threshold Dose–Response
Model (TM) died following a recent publication in Toxicological
Sciences, which determined that TM lacked ability to predict responses
in the low-dose zone”. (Calabrese
E, “Threshold Dose--Response Model--RIP: 1911 to 2006”,
Bioessays, 29(7), 2007)
Hypothesising cancer risk at even low
dose ambient exposures is questionable, especially in light of much
experimental evidence indicating protective effects of low doses
(Ricci P, MacDonald T, Human Exp
Toxicol, 26(11), 2007). Regulators should rethink their
'when in doubt, keep it out' linear toxicological approach
and take hormesis seriously, which might well be the 'brake' for
the looming 'collision' with scientific reality (Hanekamp
J, Bast A, Hum Exp Toxicol, 26(11), 2007). The hormetic
dose–response is far more common than the threshold and linear
no threshold dose–response models used by government regulatory
agencies in the establishment of exposure standards. Understanding
and acceptance of hormesis has the potential to profoundly affect
the practice of risk assessment, especially with carcinogens.
(Calabrese E, Crit Rev Toxicol, 38(5), 2008); (Calabrese E, Ageing
Res Rev, 7(1), 2008)
The dominant regulatory culture of risk-aversion
engenders a policy culture that is most easily served with the old
linear approach to toxicity. The enlightened hormetic toxicology
scientific community (understanding that the most fundamental shape
of the dose-response curve is neither threshold nor linear, but
J/U-shaped) from an impressive and broad range of disciplines, are
not only already actively integrating the discipline, but are also
increasingly educating fellow scientists and challenging and the
resisters of change by intellectually prescribing to regulators
(obstinate in their government awarded authority) as to how they
ought to timeously adapt to the evolution of science in society’s
interest, a principle so fundamental to it being called ‘science’
in the first place. (Calabrese E
et al (59 co-authors), Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 222(1), 2008)
The key factor in the hormesis concept
is not the chemical, but the organism, the response being the organism’s
overcompensation to a disruption in homeostasis. Therefore, any
agent can induce a hormetic response. This does not infer that all
chemicals will be hormetic for all endpoints, but rather that biological
systems respond in a hormetic manner to signals that indicate stress,
toxicity, or disruptions in homeostasis. It is now known that low
doses of antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-tumour drugs can may
be hormetic for the disease-causing organisms and enhance the growth
of potentially harmful viruses, bacteria and malignant cells, possibly
harming the patient. Fortunately, in assessments of immune responses
to date, approximately 80% of hormetic responses assessed for clinical
implications have been rated as being beneficial to humans. (Calabrese
E, Critical Review, ‘Hormesis: “Why it is Important
to Toxicology and Toxicologists”, Environ Toxicol Chem, 27(7),
The US EPA and copy-cat regulatory agencies
use a model for carcinogens in risk assessment that cannot be validated
for a low level of estimated risks. Conversely, hormetic low dose
responses can be readily tested, assessed for accuracy and validated,
but is more difficult. Some tumour promoters and/or
metabolites acting via inhibition of cell-to-cell communication
have been reported to enhance opposite protective activity at lower
doses, showing the biphasic dose–response features of hormesis
(Zeilmaker M, Yamasaki H, Cancer Res, 46:6180, 1986).
A common example of major practical importance in this regard, is
that of hydrogen peroxide (Mikalsen
S, Sanner T, Carcinogenesis 15:381, 1994). It is confirmed
from the dose-response relationships produced by the 24,000-animal
US-Government (ED01) study, that genotoxic carcinogens
can also induce hormetic effects (Bruce
R et al, Fundam Appl Toxicol, 1:26, 1981) – though
the word ‘hormetic’ was not used at the time. Xenoestrogens
also display hormetic dose responses. (Calabrese
E, Critical Review, Environ Toxicol Chem, 27(7), 2008)
It is appropriate
that risk characterisation of non-genotoxic (epigenetic)
carcinogens, eg 1,4-Dioxane be treated
differently to genotoxic carcinogens. At toxic doses, Dioxane increases
lipid peroxidation, a potential mechanism of cell damage and precursor
of carcinogenicity. However, lower dose 1,4-Dioxane metabolites
paradoxically act as antioxidants (Pawar
S, Mungikar A, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 15(6), 1976).
Epigenetic carcinogens require a threshold dose to elicit harmful
effects, so a Margin of Safety approach is generally recommended.
Because dermal
exposure to 1,4-Dioxane is unlikely to contribute significantly
to body burden, a margin of safety is calculated
as an ‘inhalation’ NOAEL of 111ppm. In view of the relatively
small amounts in ethoxylated personal care products, health risks
to industry and end-users are considered low. (NICNAS,
Priority Existing Chemical Assessment Reports - 1,4-Dioxane, Dept
Health & Aging, Australia, 1998/2007) Epigenetic
carcinogens are known to act in a hormetic fashion in rigorously
designed rodent carcinogen bioassays
(Fukushima S et al, Carcinogenesis, 26:1835, 2005); (Kinoshita A
et al, J Toxicol Pathol, 19:111, 2006).
is known to exhibit immune-system stimulating hormetic dose-responses
(Kitchen K, Brown J, “Dose-response
relationship for… 49 rodent carcinogens” Toxicol, 88(1-3),
1994); (Calabrese E, Biological Effects of Low Level Exposures,
3(3), 1995); (Calabrese E, Baldwin L, Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 28(3),
1998); (Calabrese E, Crit Rev Toxicol, 35(2&3), 2005); (Ricci
P, MacDonald T, Hum Exp Toxicol, 26(11), 2007); (Pers Comm, Calabrese
E, 29-7-2008) and plant growth stimulation (Morre
D, Hum Exp Toxicol 17(5), 1998). While not suggesting
that 1,4-Dioxane be deliberately used in personal care products
for this purpose, I am of the informed opinion that even in any
conceivable worst-case scenarios of consumer exposure via ethoxylated
cleansers, the insignificant amounts of any trace contaminant 1,4-Dioxane
actually impacting cellularly and/or physiologically on even the
most vulnerable individuals, eg infants, would not only represent
no possible risk at all, but rather, would serve to act hormetically
to exert a modest beneficial immune stimulating effect, if indeed
anything at all.
is primarily the result of a failure of maintenance and repair mechanisms.
Stimulation of these pathways via a variety of the hormetic stressors
is reported. Hormesis is a promising approach for modulating aging
and age-related diseases via modest stimulation of various cellular
and biochemical functional characteristics of human skin fibroblasts.
(Rattan S, J Geroltol A Biol Sci
Med Sci, 59(7), 2004). Beneficial effects include the
maintenance of a favourable stress protein profile, reduction in
the accumulation of oxidatively and glycoxidatively damaged proteins,
stimulation of the proteasomal activities for the degradation of
abnormal proteins, improved cellular resistance to other stresses,
and enhanced levels of cellular antioxidant ability. (Rattan
S et al, Acta Biochem Pol, 51(2), 2004) The progression
of cellular ageing can be slowed without upsetting the regulatory
mechanisms of the cell cycle by using the body’s intrinsic
capacity for self-maintenance and repair, where via such protective
low dose toxin hormetic effects, the quality of life of cells in
terms of their structural and functional integrity can be improved
without pushing them cells into a potentially carcinogenic hyper-proliferative
mode. (Rattan S, EMBO Report 6 (Special
Issue), Europ Molec Biol Org, 2005)
Progressive accumulation of molecular
damage to human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, a hallmark of
cellular aging, is thus amenable to targeted biological hormetic
interventions and preventions (Rattan
S, “Principles of Ageing and the Practice of Anti-ageing Therapies”,
Asian J Exp Sci, 20(1), 2006). Application of hormesis
as an anti-aging approach is gaining wide recognition and acceptance.
Various chemical stressors, including oxidants, both synthetic and
natural (such as Hydrogen Peroxide and 1,4-Dioxane) are reported
to delay aging and prolong life in various systems, under which
circumstances they are classified as hormetins. (Rattan
S, Ali R, Ann NY Acad Sci, 1100:424, 2007); (Rattan S, Ann NY Acad
Sci, 1114:1, 2007) Almost all antioxidants show hormetic
dose response and become pro-oxidants above certain doses. Furthermore,
in some cases such as alpha lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10, it is
their pro-oxidant activity in producing hydrogen peroxide, which
induces defensive responses, which are the basis of their ultimately
beneficial effects (Linnane A et
al, Biogerontol, 8:445, 2007)
Hormesis appears to be a common
phenomenon in dermatology. Skin is an excellent hormesis candidate
due to its repertoire of inflammatory and immuno-modulating cytokines,
hormones and vitamins, and its unique responses to ultraviolet light,
toxins, and injury. More focus should be redirected from looking
only at adverse effects at high levels of exposure to characterizing
the complex beneficial biological effects at low levels of exposure
(Thong H, Maibach H, Cutan
Ocul Toxicol, 26(4), 2007); (Thong H, Maibach H, Dose Response 6(1),
2008). Molecular mechanisms
facilitating hormetic effects comprise of a cascade of stress response
maintenance and repair pathways. Although the extent of immediate
hormetic effects after exposure to a particular stress may only
be moderate, chains of events following initial hormesis can lead
to biologically amplified effects that may be much larger, synergistic
and pleiotropic. The consequence of hormetic amplification is increased
overall cellular and systemic defense capacity. Exposure to low
doses of potentially harmful agents can have a variety of anti-aging
and longevity-extending hormetic effects. (Rattan
S, Am J Pharmacol Toxicol, 3(1), 2008) |
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