cream is a light, non-greasy, moisturiser that provides a layer
of oil on the surface of the skin to prevent water evaporating from
the skin surface, as easily occurs following the unnatural act of
washing with anything other than cold water. Dry skin results from
lack of water in the outer layer of skin cells, the stratum corneum.
When this layer becomes dehydrated it loses its flexibility and
becomes cracked, scaly and sometimes itchy. The stratum corneum
contains natural water-holding substances that retain water seeping
up from the deeper layers of the skin, and water is also normally
retained in the stratum corneum by a surface film of natural oil
(sebum) and broken-down skin cells, which slow down evaporation
of water from the skin surface. Aqueous cream is helpful for all
dry skin conditions, particularly eczema and dermatitis, which get
worse when the skin is allowed to dry out. Used regularly they help
restore the skin's smoothness, softness and flexibility by helping
the skin retain moisture.
Many manufacturers of especially so-called
‘natural’ personal care products consider commercial
aqueous cream to be too ‘unnatural’ for use as the basis
of their cream products (it sometimes is but need not be). In Gaia
Organics personal care products, aqueous cream it is deliberately
used as an inert spreading agent to carry precious active ingredients
across the skin without competing with these for cellular assimilation
and also serves as a non-reactive protective carrier for these actives,
not only whilst in storage, but also whilst on the skin exposed
to 21% atmospheric oxygen, ultraviolet light and body heat and elevated
ambient temperatures. All the aforementioned conditions synergistically
facilitate aggressive reactive oxygen specie and free radical attack
of and damage to the fragile actives on route to their new milieu
inside living skin cells, a critical process taking some 10-15 minutes
under comfortable ambient temperatures and after which any residual
plant oils and other biological ingredients start actively participating
in said destructive processes, in addition to several other destructive
chemical and biological processes detailed in our report ‘Mineral
vs Plant Oils as Carrier/Spreading Agents’.
If you have not been directly referred
from page 4 of our Catalogue, we have detailed
the composition of our special aqueous cream there and can link
you directly here
to a separate window. If you have not read the relevant sections
in our Consumer Awareness dossier, more details can be found below
in the section titled ‘Does and if so, why does Gaia use Aqueous
Cream? Also, how is the product preserved?’

cream is an emulsion of oil and water and is perfectly acceptable
if manufactured using the finest raw materials intended for extended
human use. Commercial aqueous creams might not consider these factors
sufficiently and are almost certain to use the allergenic Chloro-cresol
(Britton J, et al, Br J Dermatol,
148(2), 2003) or Phenoxyethanol preservatives (Marks
J et al, J Am Acad Dermatol, 38(6), 1998). Aqueous cream
itself is merely a spreading agent for several
biologically active constituents. Gaia uses pure mineral oil, the
molecular size of which ensures non-entry into the skin, so serving
as an inert non-inhibiting carrier for the precious fragile active
ingredients and an inert barrier against environmental pollution.
If not needed, residual cream may be tissued-off after 10-15 minutes,
by which time the actives, including the vulnerable plant sourced
essential fatty acids, having no competition, will all have been
safely assimilated into the cells.
Not listed in the catalogue entries are
the constituent ingredients of the Aqueous Cream,
which like other complex ingredients, is listed as the complex.
However, because the once standard British Pharmacopoeia Ung
Emulcificans Aqueosum (UEA) formula is modified to meet our
needs as entirely suitable for leave-on applications, Gaia Organics,
in the interests of total transparency, shall proportionally list
all the individual constituents: 1) water; 2) mineral gel; 3) cetyl
stearyl alcohol; 4) mineral oil; 5) sodium lauryl sulphate; 6) methyl
paraben and 7) propyl paraben. Items 2&4
are fractionally distilled to purity from crude oil, the richest
and purest natural organic repository on Earth; 3&5 are synthesised
from coconut oil and 6&7 from gum benzoin and are nature-identical
to those found in Oka (an edible tuber) and Mangoes respectively
and are used in traces just sufficient to maintain the integrity
of the base cream long enough to complete product formulation, when
colloidal silver and essential oils assume ultimate
duty in the cream products. No parabens are used in non-cream products
(those not listed as containing aqueous cream), which non-cream,
but rather water-based products, are manufactured individually from
start to finish, rather than from a common base.
Using a plant oil as a
spreading agent is counter-productive, by virtue of having to protect
it against harmful oxidation and rancidity, which
itself will quickly render not only the cream undesirable, but also
denature many of the otherwise active natural ingredients, including
the anti-oxidants intended to protect the actives and skin itself.
Gaia’s aqueous cream is specially formulated and is preserved
with just enough of the nature identical Paraben preservatives
to maintain the integrity of the cream prior to production of the
final products, which utilise colloidal silver, fruit acids,
gum benzoin and essential oils etc., instead of conventional
preservatives. The colloidal silver preservative uniquely survives
indefinitely to ensure that the products remain entirely safe in
the long term without the use of high levels of any other preservative
agent. |
In 2003 an audit of adverse reactions in children with atopic
eczema to emollients at a hospital dermatology clinic in Sheffield,
dispensing an aqueous cream amongst other emollients, revealed
that out of 71 that had used aqueous cream, 40 (56.3%) developed
an immediate reaction (one or more of burning, stinging, itching
and redness) [not unusual for any preserved high water content
(aqueous) product medicating sensitised skin with an impaired
barrier (ST)], compared with 17.8% for the other emollients. The
researchers surmised that this may be due to differences in formulations
between aqueous creams or that some were designed as a wash product
rather than a ‘leave on’ emollient. The researchers
also pointed out the following: None of the children were being
treated in accordance with best practice guidelines. There were
insufficient numbers using each of the other emollients, so a
comparison was made between them all and aqueous cream to detect
a statistical difference between them [which skewed numbers to
meaningless (ST)]. (Cork M et al,
The Pharmaceutical Journal, 271: 747-748, 2003)
Peter Lapsley, chief executive of The
Skincare Campaign, issued a sensational press release claiming
that “an irritant reaction occurs in over 56% of children
with atopic eczema when aqueous cream is used as an emollient”.
This inaccurate and imbalanced perception hit the newspapers and
was subsequently blindly repeated all over the Internet by well-meaning
do-gooders, yet is not the conclusion reached in this study and
does not match international experience. The authors actually
pointed out that various forms of discomfort can be caused by
topical agents, the best described as ‘stinging’ and
that these reactions were NOT allergic and could occur with any
emollient. They also determined that some patients reported that
they react to aqueous cream obtained in one part of the UK and
not another and suggested that one possible explanation was that
aqueous cream is provided by a number of manufacturers, since
the use of different preservatives is permitted. Their conclusion
was that “the key to effective emollient therapy is
education and tailoring the treatment to the individual child”,
nothing else. (Cork et al, 2003)
Unfortunately, no one bothered to determine
which emulsifier or preservative had been used in the aqueous
creams that could have elicited the responses compared to the
formulation of those that did not do so. Had they done this, it
would have rendered the study far more meaningful. This problem,
the authors pointed out, was highlighted in an earlier letter
to the Journal (Highsted M, Emollients
– Aqueous Creams Should Not Be Condemned (letter), Pharm
J, 265:514, 2000) and precisely as I had predicted,
Highsted reported cutaneous reactions to formulations of aqueous
cream containing phenoxyethanol as preservative, but not to those
containing chlorocresol (the old standard anti-microbial), as
preservative. As I stated in my Consumer Awareness dossier, before
even seeing the full published paper by Cork: “aqueous
cream is generally inappropriately preserved for leave-on purposes,
traditionally with chlorocresol, but now more frequently with
phenoxyethanol, which latter has spoilt a long and impressive
widespread-use history of suitability for even troubled skin conditions
such as eczema and burns”.
Aqueous cream is recommended as most suitable
alternative to warm water for washing a baby’s nappy area
(Maternal and Child Health, Skincare
in Babies and Young Children, Department of Dermatology, St. Vincent’s
Hospital Melbourne, Australia, 2002); (Mahmoud Hijazy, Principles
of Paediatric Dermatology, Electronic Book, 2000).
Aqueous cream (and also mineral oil) is recommended to prevent
and treat nappy rash (napkin dermatitis) (New
Zealand Dermatological Society, DermNet NZ, 2005).
Aqueous cream BP is recommended for the treatment and prevention
of dry skin, contact dermatitis and atopic eczema from 1 month
onwards (National Health Service,
Department of Health, UK, 2005). Atopic Eczema, otherwise
known as Atopic Dermatitis or Infantile Eczema, is a chronic relapsing
itchy disease of the skin and the Allergy Society of South Africa
also recommends aqueous cream as a wash and as a mainstay of atopic
eczema treatment, for which it is completely safe and should be
applied liberally at least twice
daily to hydrate and protect the skin (Dr
Adrian Morris, Atopic Eczema, ALLSA, 2006).
At the Hospital and Primary Health Care
levels, the standard treatment guideline for mild cases of atopic
eczema in the Essential Drugs List is the emollient aqueous cream
(UEA) applied daily as a moisturizer (especially after washing)
(Standard Treatment Guidelines
and Essential Drugs List for South Africa, The National Department
of Health, 1998); (National Prescribing Centre, MEREC Bulletin,
12(9), 1998). Topical treatment with aqueous cream
is an essential part of the treatment of pruritis (itching), and
is sometimes sufficient on its own
(Ian Back, Palliative Medicine Handbook, BPM Books, Cardiff, UK,
2006). Aqueous cream is also recommended daily as
a bland moisturizer in the treatment of vaginitis and vulvitis
to reduce dryness and fissuring (Australian
Prescriber Vol. 24 No. 3 2001). Aqueous cream is even
recommended as a moisturiser following a chemical peel (Cosmetic
Dermatology, The Private Skin Care Laser Clinic, Dermatology Department,
Royal Free Hospital, Pond Street, London, 2005).

Consider the results of this Phase III study on the efficacy
of topical aloe vera gel on irradiated breast tissue: |
The aim of the study was to see if topical aloe vera gel
would be beneficial in reducing the identified skin side-effects
of radiation therapy, including erythema, pain, itching, dry desquamation,
and moist desquamation, when compared with aqueous cream
(the standard measure - ST).
A Phase III study was conducted involving 225 patients with breast
cancer after lumpectomy or partial mastectomy, who required a course
of radiation therapy using tangential fields. Patients were randomized
to either topical aloe vera gel or topical aqueous cream to be applied
3 times per day throughout and for 2 weeks after completion of radiation
treatment. Weekly skin assessments were performed by nursing staff.
Aqueous cream was significantly better than aloe vera gel
in reducing dry desquamation and pain related to treatment.
For subjects who had undergone lymphocele drainage, the
aloe vera group experienced significantly more pain than the aqueous
cream group. In this study, aloe vera gel did not
significantly reduce radiation-induced skin side effects.
Aqueous cream was useful in reducing dry desquamation and
pain related to radiation therapy.
(Heggie S et
al, Cancer Nurs, 25(6), 2002)
follows an interesting published article relating to the importance
of preservative capacity. |
P et al, Bioline International, 6 January 2006)
Cosmetic and topical products need not be sterile but may contain
low (set maximum) levels of microbial load during use. Warm and
humid conditions tend to support the survival and growth of many
micro-organisms. Product contamination may arise from raw materials
or water used in formulation or accidentally, during use. In a situation
where a nutritionally rich pharmaceutical/cosmetic product is severely
contaminated, rapid growth and multiplication would be expected.
This could lead to biodegradation of the product and hence the risk
of infection to consumers of the product.
A cream with good preservative capacity
is capable of inhibiting immediate post-production contaminants
as well as subsequent low inocula of in-use contaminants to maintain
acceptable low levels of micro-organisms in the preparation. Studies
carried out till date do not simulate actual use conditions and
hence do not realistically monitor true capacity to suppress accidental
in-use contamination; a very important consideration for successful
preservation. This study determined the level and type of microbial
contaminants in commercial cosmetics and an aqueous cream and their
preservative capacities in-use.
Ten brands of commercially available cosmetic creams and
lotions were randomly purchased and their bacterial and fungal loads
as well as types were evaluated using standard procedures, all carried
out in duplicates. Preservative capacity was then further evaluated
by challenging the creams and lotions with isolates of Staph. aureus,
the most frequently identified (potentially pathological) contaminant
of such products, storing the products ambient room temperature
for 30 days and performing viable counting on days 1, 2, 6, 12 and
30 for enumeration of bacterial survivors. The aqueous cream was
similarly challenged with the test organism. Un-inoculated samples
served as baseline controls.
The “Preservative Capacity (PC)”of a product is the
ability to consistently maintain low and acceptable levels of microbial
contaminants when such product is challenged with fresh microbial
load(s), for which in cosmetic creams, the official specified limits
are, not more than 1.0×103 for bacteria, and 1.0×102
for moulds/g/ml of the product. (British
Pharmacopoeia Appendix XV1B, Tests for microbial contamination.
The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 1993.)
Results 1 (Initial evaluation of microbiological
quality of cosmetics): All the commercial products were contaminated
to varying degrees. Gram-positive cocci were the most preponderant;
gram-negative species were hardly found and there were lower levels
of fungal contaminants. The initial bacterial loads per gm. of material
in 6 of the 10 samples exceeded 1×103 , which is in excess
of the acceptable bottom line for bacteria in non–sterile
topical products (8). The aqueous cream was essentially sterile
at the initial stage.
Results 2 (Challenge test for preservative
capacity): Challenge test with Staph. aureus revealed the commercial
products as having low capacity for suppressing microbial proliferation
as may be encountered during in–use contamination, indicating
that the preservatives are not sufficiently potent and persistent
to maintain the preparation at the original level of bacterial numbers
or less. All the products maintained their original physical characteristics
in terms of appearance, yet qualitative microbiological quality
tests showed that the creams were generally contaminated to varying
degrees within 24h and 48h. Counts in general ranged between 5.0×102
- 1.25×104 cfu ml-1 for bacteria and less for moulds.
In some products there was initially a decrease
in the bacterial populations for the first 12 days, but this was
followed by a rapid increase in numbers (over 200 log percent).
Products not showing initial decreases also displayed increases
in the bacterial numbers, but at much reduced rates (50–60
percent log increases). With regards to the aqueous cream, the initial
count was very low and the contaminant species was only Bacterium
subtilis. No moulds were isolated from this preparation. There
was an initial decline in bacterial counts for days 2-6, followed
by a resurgence of growth though, at a much-reduced rate.
The preservatives employed in these cosmetic products did not possess
adequate capacity to bring about acceptable low levels of microbial
contamination as demanded by regulatory bodies. There is a pressing
need to ensure the microbiological wholesomeness of such products.
Although Enterobacteria were generally absent from the creams, the
frequent isolation of Staphylococcus aureus, Microsporium canis
and Aspergillus fumigatus is of some concern because of
the pathogenic potential of these organisms.
Commercial cosmetic creams evaluated
did not generally meet the standards for microbial limits as specified
in official monographs. Such products can adversely affect health
status of consumers as well as the stability profiles of the products.
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