The considerable
health benefits of flaxseed oil are effected primarily by providing
a positive balance between omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids (EFA’s)
by supplying predominantly the former rarer of the two in the modern
and especially vegetarian diets with 18.3n-3 Alpha-linolenic acid,
an essential dietary constituent from this its richest source (57%),
twice that of fish oils, free of cholesterol and the parent molecule
being capable of body storage and conversation of the ALA to bioactive
EPA and DHA as needed. For those concerned with their weight, it
is interesting to note balanced essential fatty acids actually help
burn excess calories instead of depositing them as fatty tissue
and furthermore also act as solvents to help the body dissolve and
remove hard fats deposited by long-term bad dietary habits.
A few words of caution to those using fish
oils (eg salmon oil) rather than flax or another good source, hempseed
oil - a Greenpeace report, “Body of Evidence: the effects
of chlorine on human health”, relates independent laboratory
analysis of 20 fish oil supplements, all of which had detectable
levels of cancer-causing organo-chlorine pesticides, including DDT
and also the feared cancer causing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s).
An excess of the pro-inflammatory omega-6
EFA’s, due to health hype from vested interest promotion of
excessive consumption of polyunsaturated vegetable oils, especially
margarine and the extraction, refining, hydrogenation and clear
packaging of which create free radical generating trans-fatty acids
and contribute a major portion to the prevalence of depression;
eczematous and other skin derangements; obesity; acne; chronic viral
fatigue; arthritis and other inflammatory conditions; heart and
circulatory derangements; immune system breakdown and cancer, plus
numerous other scourges of our times, often aggravated by drugs
as seemingly innocuous as aspirin and trapping one in a spiral of
All of the above deviations from health
are generally readily prevented, improved and rectified by dietary
intake of quality anti-inflammatory omega-3 EFA’s and reinforcement
by appropriate dietary reform and may be further beneficially influenced
by traces of the uniquely high levels of mammalian specific lignans
present in flaxseed. Critical to the healthful processing of flaxseed
oil is the careful cold-pressing; minimal filtering to leave the
additionally healthful micro-lignan precursor fragments intact;
and immediate light-proof storage and transport under refrigeration
to prevent oxidative toxicity and loss of beneficial properties.
To be optimally effective, EFA's are best combined with sulphur
amino acids and hence we suggest raw nuts, oilseeds and/or sprouted
legumes at the same meal (but not with hot food).
will be the nutraceutical food of the 21st century because of its
multiple health benefits, according to Dr. Stephen Cunnane, Professor,
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto. Cunnane
was Chair of a nutrition symposium at the 16th International Congress
of Nutrition in Montreal, July 1997. Researchers suggested that
flaxseed has beneficial effects in the prevention of cancer, coronary
heart diseases (CHD) and sudden death from heart arrhythmias. CHD
causes half a million deaths in the U.S. each year, according to
Alexander Leaf, MD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine,
Harvard University. Half of those cases die within an hour from
fatal arrhythmias. For the first time, Leaf said, he has shown in
animals that the omega-3 fatty acid found in abundance in flaxseed—alpha-linolenic
acid—is effective in preventing arrhythmias caused when an
artery is clogged and blood cannot get to the heart muscle. Opening
plenary session speaker, Dr. Walter Willet of Harvard University,
agreed with Dr. Leaf, noting that: "studies have consistently
found a 40-50% lower risk of fatal CHD, with only slight increases
in intake of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)." The Nurses Health
Study, directed by Willet, found a 50% decreased risk of CHD with
higher intakes (ALA). Flaxseed is the highest vegetarian source
of ALA.

The rapid rate of postmenopausal bone loss
is mediated by the inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1, interleukin-6,
and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Dietary supplementation with flaxseeds
and flaxseed oil in animals and healthy humans significantly reduces
cytokine production while concomitantly increasing calcium absorption,
bone calcium, and bone density. Possibilities may exist for the
therapeutic use of the omega-3 fatty acids, as supplements or in
the diet, to blunt the increase of the inflammatory bone resorbing
cytokines produced in the early postmenopausal years, in order to
slow the rapid rate of postmenopausal bone loss. Evidence also points
to the possible benefit of gamma-linolenic acid in preserving bone
density. (Kettler D, Altern Med Rev,
6(1): 61, 2001)
Results of many studies indicate that consumption
of n-3 fatty acids can benefit persons with cardiovascular disease
and rheumatoid arthritis. However, encapsulated fish oil is unlikely
to be suited to lifetime daily use and recommendations to increase
fish intake have not been effective. Foods naturally rich in n-3
fatty acids, such as flaxseed meal can be used to achieve desired
biochemical effects without the ingestion of supplements or a change
in dietary habits. A wide range of n-3-enriched foods could be developed
on the basis of the therapeutic and disease-preventive effects of
n-3 fatty acids. (Mantzioris E, et
al, Am J Clin Nutr, 72(1): 42, 2000)
Many anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals inhibit
the production of eicosanoids and cytokines and it is here that
possibilities exist for n-3 dietary fatty acids. Flaxseed oil contains
n-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid which can be converted after
ingestion to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which can act as a competitive
inhibitor of AA conversion to PGE(2) and LTB(4), and decreased synthesis
of these is observed after inclusion of flaxseed oil in the diet.
Regarding the pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor
alpha and interleukins 1 beta, studies of healthy volunteers and
rheumatoid arthritis patients have shown 90% inhibition of cytokine
production after dietary flaxseed oil.
(James M, et al, Am J Clin Nutr, 71(1 Suppl): 343S, 2000 )
It is essential in the process of returning
n-3 fatty acids into the food supply that the balance of n-6/n-3
fatty acids in the diet that existed during evolution is maintained.
Clinical investigations confirm the importance of n-3 fatty acids
for normal function during growth and development and in the modulation
of chronic diseases. Pregnant and lactating women and infants should
benefit since their diet is deficient in n-3 fatty acids, especially
for the vegetarians among them. Since cardiovascular disease, hypertension,
and autoimmune, allergic, and neurological disorders appear to respond
to n-3 fatty acid supplementation, a diet balanced in n-3 and n-6
fatty acids consistent with the diet during human evolution should
decrease or delay their manifestation.
(Simopoulos A, Lipids, 34, Suppl, 1999)
Human beings evolved consuming a diet that
contained about equal amounts of n-3 and n-6 essential fatty acids.
Over the past 100-150 years there has been an enormous increase
in the consumption of n-6 fatty acids due to the increased intake
of vegetable oils. Today, in Western diets, the ratio of n-6 to
n-3 fatty acids ranges from approximately 20-30:1 instead of the
traditional range of 1-2:1. Studies indicate that a high intake
of n-6 fatty acids shifts the physiologic state to one that is prothrombotic
and pro-aggregatory, characterized by increases in blood viscosity,
vasospasm, and vasoconstriction and decreases in bleeding time.
n-3 Fatty acids, however, have antiinflammatory, antithrombotic,
antiarrhythmic, hypolipidemic, and vasodilatory properties. These
beneficial effects of n-3 fatty acids have been shown in the secondary
prevention of coronary heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes,
and, in some patients with renal disease, rheumatoid arthritis,
ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease. Most of the studies were carried out with fish oils [eicosapentaenoic
acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)]. However, alpha-linolenic
acid, found in green leafy vegetables (and especially) flaxseed,
desaturates and elongates in the human body to EPA and DHA and by
itself may have beneficial effects in health and in the control
of chronic diseases. (Simopoulos
A, Am J Clin Nutr, 70(3 Suppl) 1999)
Flaxseed, with 51-55% alpha-linolenic acid
in its oil and its richest source of plant lignans, reduces hypercholesterolemic
atherosclerosis by 46-69% without lowering serum lipids. (Prasad
K, Atherosclerosis, 136(2): 367, 1998)
Use of flaxseed oil as a vegetative source
of PUFA omega-3 in diet of patients with ischemic heart disease,
hyperlipidemia and high blood pressure resulted in positive dynamic
of clinical manifestation, blood lipids and coagulograms of the
patient. Pronounced influence on membrane lipids of erythrocytes
was revealed: significantly increased a quota an linolenic, eicosapentaenic
and docosahexaenic PUFA against a background of reducing a level
of linoleic acid. (Rozanova I, et
al, Vopr Pitan, (5): 15, 1997)
The compliance or elasticity of the arterial
system, an important index of circulatory function, diminishes with
increasing cardiovascular risk. Dietary n-3 fatty acids in flax
oil confer a novel approach to improving arterial function.
(Nestel P et al, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 17(6): 1163, 1997)
Naturally occurring polyunsaturated fatty
acids (PUFA) are derived from (C18) linoleic and (alpha) linolenic
acids, which cannot be synthesized by animals, but have to be derived
directly or indirectly from plants. However, these acids are metabolised
by animals from plants to form the omega 6 and omega 3 families
of C20 and C22 PUFA and their physiologically powerful eicosanoids.
The omega 6 eicosanoids generally produce such adverse effects as
inflammation, clotting and promotion of cancer cell growth, and
have an unfavourable influence on the immune system. In contrast,
the omega 3 eicosanoids are anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting, retard
the growth of cancer cells, and produce favourable effects on the
immune system. The protective effects of omega 3 metabolites on
coronary heart disease and cancer are relevant to the question of
longevity. Polyunsaturated margarine is high in omega 6 fatty acids,
and meat and milk products, high in omega 3 fatty acids, are however
also high in cholesterol. (Shoreland
F, Proc, Nutr Soc New Zealand, 17, CAB International, 1995) Flax
bears the benefits without the risks.

Nutritional profile of
whole flaxseeds
Two (2) tablespoons provide the following
naturally occurring fatty acids, lignin fiber and lignan:
Alpha Linolenic Acid (Omega-3) ........................1,710
Linoleic Acid (Omega-6) ................................……480
Oleic Acid (Omega-9) ......................................…540
Lignin Fiber ...............................................…...1,003
Lignan ..........................................................….13.6
Can Manipulation of the Ratios of Essential Fatty Acids
Slow the Rapid Rate of Postmenopausal Bone Loss?
Debra B. Kettler, MS, DC
The rapid rate of postmenopausal bone loss
is mediated by the inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1, interleukin-6,
and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Dietary supplementation with flaxseeds
and flaxseed oil in animals and healthy humans significantly reduces
cytokine production while concomitantly increasing calcium absorption,
bone calcium, and bone density. Possibilities may exist for the
therapeutic use of the omega-3 fatty acids, as supplements or in
the diet, to blunt the increase of the inflammatory bone resorbing
cytokines produced in the early postmenopausal years, in order to
slow the rapid rate of postmenopausal bone loss. Evidence also points
to the possible benefit of gamma-linolenic acid in preserving bone
density. (Altern Med Rev 2001;6(1):61-77)
The National Institutes of Health Consensus
Development Conference Statement on Osteoporosis Prevention, Diagnosis
and Therapy, published in March 2000 states:
"Osteoporosis, once thought to be a
natural part of aging among women, is no longer considered age or
gender-dependent. It is largely preventable due to the remarkable
progress in the scientific understanding of its causes, diagnosis
and treatment. Optimization of bone health is a process that must
occur throughout the lifespan in both males and females. Factors
that influence bone health at all ages are essential to prevent
osteoporosis and its devastating consequences."1
In the United States today, eight million
women have osteoporosis and 15 million more have osteopenia, placing
them at increased risk for osteoporosis. One out of two women will
have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime. Osteoporosis
is responsible for more than 1.5 million fractures annually, with
an associated cost for direct expenditures in 1995 (hospitals and
nursing homes) of $13.8 billion.2 The most typical sites of osteoporosis
related fractures are the thoracic and lumbar vertebral bodies (T8
through L3), the proximal femur, distal radius, humerus, pelvis,
and ribs. Of all osteoporotic fractures, those at the hip are associated
with the highest risk of morbidity and mortality.3
Many factors contribute to the lifetime
accumulation or decline in bone mineral density (BMD), including
levels of the nutrients vitamin D, calcium, sodium, and protein,
as well as lifestyle factors such as body mass index, exercise,
drug and alcohol use, and smoking.1,2 Remodeling of bone takes place
throughout adult life, with osteoclasts resorbing old bone and osteoblasts
creating new bone. These cells continuously renew the skeleton while
maintaining its strength and density. Normally, in the adult skeleton,
three percent of cortical bone and 25 percent of trabecular bone
is remodeled each year. The primary characteristic of osteoporosis
is a reduction in bone mass due to an increase in bone resorption
over bone formation. Postmenopausal osteoporosis is characterized
by an accelerated loss of bone tissue (2-4% per year on average)
that begins after natural or surgical menopause, and lasts 5-10
years in the absence of treatment. Fractures are most likely to
occur within 15-20 years after ovarian function ends.4
Postmenopausal bone loss is associated with
an increase in both the number and activity of osteoclasts in trabecular
bone. This rapid decline in BMD at menopause is often followed by
a gradual decline in BMD, known as age-related osteoporosis (1-2%
per year on average), which may persist indefinitely and may accelerate
once more after the age of 70.5 The rapid decline in BMD at menopause
is the major factor contributing to the high rate of disabling bone
fractures in postmenopausal women.6
Biology of Cytokines
Bone cells and hematopoietic cells share
the same progenitors, respond to some of the same cytokines and
enjoy a symbiotic relationship. Osteoclasts and osteoblasts are
both formed in the bone marrow. The progenitors of osteoclasts are
from the hematopoietic cell line and the osteoblasts originate from
the marrow stroma. Osteoclasts only develop in the presence of stromal/osteoblast
cells, which mediate the effects of cytokines and systemic hormones.7
Cytokines include interleukins (IL), interferons,
colony stimulating factors, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa),
and transforming growth factors. Cytokines are secreted proteins
that induce cells to proliferate and differentiate. They are produced
by both lymphocytes and monocytes and vary tremendously in function
and biochemical properties. However, cytokines do have several characteristics
in common: (1) cytokines are all glycosylated proteins; (2) cytokines
act only on cells that express specific receptors for that cytokine;
and (3) cytokines may have several functions, acting on several
different types of cells. Cytokines regulate hematopoiesis, the
inflammatory response, and immunity.8 Three cytokines, interleukin-1
(IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and TNFa are described as inflammatory
cytokines;9 they are active in the pathophysiology of osteoporosis,
increasing osteoclast formation, activity, and lifespan.7
IL-1 and TNFa, produced primarily by monocytes
and macrophages, stimulate their own and each other's synthesis.10
IL-1 and TNFa stimulate stromal/osteoblast cells to produce IL-6.11
IL-6 regulates osteoclast progenitor differentiation and stimulates
the early stages of osteoclastogenesis in human and murine cultures,
suggesting that it acts on osteoclast hemopoietic precursors, but
does not activate mature osteoclasts. IL-1 and TNFa are powerful
stimulators of bone resorption and inhibitors of bone formation.
They cause bone resorption in vitro and hypercalcemia when infused
in vivo. They activate mature osteoclasts indirectly through osteoblasts,
inhibit osteoclast cell death, and stimulate osteoclast progenitor
Due to feedback interactions of the cytokines,
a small increase in IL-1 and TNFa formation leads to a significant
increase in levels of all three cytokines. Conversely, the lack
of any one of these cytokines will decease the levels of the others,
possibly inhibiting osteoclast formation and bone loss.10
Estrogen replacement therapy is useful in
the reduction of postmenopausal bone loss.12 Studies suggest estrogen
acts to reduce bone resorption by inhibiting the release of cytokines
from bone marrow and bone cells.13-16
Review of Fatty Acids
There are two classes of essential fatty
acids (EFAs): omega-3 and omega-6. Humans (like all mammals) are
unable to synthesize EFAs so they must be provided in the diet.17
EFAs are required for membrane integrity, visual and neurological
function, and their deficiency is associated with neurological and
immunological disease.18 Small changes in the fatty acid composition
of the cell membrane can significantly alter cell function.19
The parent compound in the omega-6 fatty
acid family is linoleic acid (LA), while the parent compound of
the omega-3 fatty acid family is a-linolenic acid (ALA). These parent
compounds are metabolized to longer-chain fatty acids (which play
other, more important roles in the body) by a series of elongation
and desaturation steps. LA is first converted to gamma-linolenic
acid (GLA), then to dihomogamma-linolenic acid (DGLA) and arachidonic
acid (AA), while ALA is converted to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).19
Although the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
compete for the desaturation enzymes, the D 4 and D 6 desaturases
favor the omega-3 fatty acids.17 Generally, the desaturation steps
are slow and rate limiting, while the elongation steps usually proceed
rapidly. Factors known to inhibit fatty acid desaturation are aging,
smoking, diabetes, high sodium intake, and biotin deficiency, whereas
calcium deficiency can impair essential fatty acid elongation.19
Fatty fish are the major source of EPA and
DHA in the U.S. diet, while vegetable oils, especially soybean and
canola oils, are the primary sources of ALA. Although flaxseed oil
contains approximately 57-percent ALA, it is not commonly used in
food preparation. Nuts, seeds, vegetables, and some fruit, as well
as egg yolk, poultry, and meat contribute small amounts of omega-3
fatty acids to the diet.
The typical American diet has a high ratio
of omega-6:omega-3 fatty acids.20 Studies show that the consumption
of increased amounts of fish,21 fish oil,22-25 flaxseed oil,25,26
or canola oil27 will result in the incorporation of the longer-chain
omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA into the plasma and cell membranes
of platelets, erythrocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, and liver cells.
This leads to a change in the ratio of omega-6:omega-3 fatty acids
in the membranes,28,29 a change in the function of the membranes,29
and a decrease in the production of IL-1, IL-6 and TNFa.22-25
Experimental and Clinical Evidence for the Involvement of Essential
Fatty Acids in Osteoporosis
Studies in rats have shown that EPA inhibits
bone loss due to ovariectomy,30 that fish oil (which can concentrate
toxic oil-soluble chemicals) can inhibit bone resorption,31 and
supplementation of essential fatty acids as GLA and EPA can increase
calcium absorption,32 and enhance bone calcium.31-33 A pilot study
in humans, supplementing GLA and EPA, also showed an increase in
In this review,
the MEDLINE database was searched for research to support or refute
the question: Do essential fatty acids (especially EPA, DHA, and
GLA) slow the rapid loss of bone at menopause? The relationships
between cytokines and menopause in humans, omega-3 fatty acids and
cytokines in humans, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and bone
in rats and humans are explored.
Clinical Studies of the Effect of Menopause on Cytokines
A series of small cross-sectional and prospective
studies performed by Pacifici et al,13,14,35 on cultured peripheral
blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), supports the idea that cytokines
and loss of estrogen at menopause effect postmenopausal osteoporosis.
Under normal conditions circulating cytokine levels in healthy humans
are extremely low. Therefore, in most human studies, PBMCs are isolated,
cultured for 24 hours and then stimulated in vitro to produce detectable
cytokine concentrations. These tests measure the capacity for PBMCs
to produce cytokines.
In a 1987 cross-sectional study, Pacifici
et al35 were the first to recognize that IL-1 was secreted in higher
amounts from the PBMCs of patients with "high turnover"
osteoporosis. "High turnover" osteoporosis is recognized
as the hallmark of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Thirty-six individuals
were enrolled from the Jewish Hospital of St. Louis, Missouri. The
participants were healthy, ambulatory, and voluntarily sought treatment.
Patients previously treated for osteoporosis or with secondary osteoporosis
were excluded from the study.
There were 14 control subjects ages 44.0
± 9.2 years (range 30-59 years). Their history was negative
for back pain, fractures, or loss of height, and they had normal
vertebral mineral density (137.0 ± 5.4 mg Ca/cm3) by quantitative
CT scan. The twenty-two subjects with a mean age of 51.4 ±
12.8 years (range 29-77 years), had a positive history for at least
one spontaneous spinal fracture and evidence of osteopenia on lateral
lumbar spine X-rays. Their vertebral mineral density was significantly
lower than controls (60 ± 7.4 mg Ca/cm3; p< 0.001). Monocytes
from both the normal and osteoporotic subjects were cultured for
48 hours and found to secrete IL-1 spontaneously at all dilutions
tested. The mean IL-1 secretion was significantly higher in the
subjects (14.8 ± 3.0; p < 0.001) than the controls (3.1
± 0.8).
The osteoporotic subjects could be further
separated into two groups: those whose cultured monocytes secreted
high amounts of IL-1 (26.5 ± 3.4; p< 0.05), and those
whose cultured monocytes secreted low amounts of IL-1 (3.2 ±
0.4). Levels of immunoreactive bone 4-carboxyglutamic acid protein,
a marker of bone formation, were positively correlated with high
IL-1 levels, indicating an increased rate of bone formation in the
high IL-1 group.
In a small cross-sectional study on 57 pre-
and postmenopausal osteoporotic and non-osteoporotic women, Pacifici
et al13 reported that menopause without hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) was positively correlated with a marked increase in peripheral
blood monocyte IL-1 production (101.2 ± 42.1 units/mL) that
was suppressed by estrogen therapy (1.2 ± 0.5 units/mL; p<0.01).
Additionally, they found a significant negative correlation between
IL-1 production and years since menopause; however, non-osteoporotic
postmenopausal women showed a reduction in IL-1 to premenopausal
levels within eight years postmenopause, while osteoporotic women
continued to demonstrate high IL-1 levels. In a second prospective
study within this report, HRT consisting of conjugated estrogen
(0.625 mg/d for days 1-25 of the month) and medroxyprogesterone
acetate (10 mg/d for days 15-25 of the month) was initiated in three
non-osteoporotic and five osteoporotic postmenopausal women. HRT
decreased PBMC secretion of IL-1 significantly from a mean of 79.1
± 47.5 units/mL before treatment to a mean of 2.1 ±
1.0 units/mL (p< 0.01) within one month of treatment.
The effect of oophorectomy and subsequent
estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) on the spontaneous secretion
of IL-1 and TNFa from PBMCs was evaluated in a prospective study
in 1991.14 The study population consisted of 15 healthy Caucasian
premenopausal women, 41.9 ± 2.4 years, undergoing total hysterectomy
with bilateral oophorectomy, and nine healthy control premenopausal
Caucasian women, 39.8 ± 2.3 years, undergoing hysterectomy
without oophorectomy. Surgery was performed for uterine myomas or
uncontrollable non-neoplastic bleeding. All women had normal BMD.
The women who underwent hysterectomy without oophorectomy did not
show any changes in estrogen levels, indices of bone turnover, or
cytokine release. In the women who underwent oophorectomy, 17b-estradiol
levels decreased significantly within one week and significant elevations
in IL-1 and TNFa (p< 0.05), as well as urinary indices of bone
resorption (p< 0.01), were seen within two weeks of surgery.
Six women did not take ERT and their levels of IL-1, TNFa, and indices
of bone turnover continued to increase throughout the eight weeks
of the study. In the nine women who took ERT, estrogen levels increased
to preoperative levels within one week of treatment (week 5 after
surgery) and IL-1 and TNFa decreased significantly (p<0.05) after
two weeks of ERT, reaching preoperative levels by the fourth week
of treatment. This study appears to demonstrate that it is the change
in ovarian hormone status that accounts for the postovariectomy
cytokine increase, not the surgical stress, as no rise in cytokines
was seen in the hysterectomy-without-oophorectomy group. The study
would have been strengthened if the women had been followed for
a longer period of time.
A cross-sectional study by Bismar et al15
examined cytokine levels in bone marrow aspirates of patients with
localized breast cancer without metastasis, inflammatory diseases,
or intake of drugs known to affect bone metabolism (except HRT).
Forty women participated in the study: 12 were premenopausal (41
± 7 years, range 28-51); five were within five years of menopause
(51 ± 5 years, range 44-57 years, 2.3 ± 1.6 years
since menopause); 18 were postmenopausal for over eight years (70
± 6 years, range 62-83, 18 ± 8 years since menopause);
and five (61 ± 5 years, range 55-69, 15 ± 15 years
since menopause) had been receiving estrogen for 3, 5, 9, 18, or
38 years, respectively, and had discontinued estrogen within one
month of surgery. Significantly higher levels of IL-1, IL-6 and
TNFa were seen in the bone marrow cell cultures of women who had
recently discontinued estrogen therapy than pre- or postmenopausal
women. The highest cytokine levels were seen in the three women
who had been receiving estrogen therapy for over eight years.
This study demonstrated that estrogen-associated
changes in cytokine secretion that have been observed in PBMCs in
culture also occur in human bone marrow. Bone marrow cells from
early postmenopausal women or from women who have recently discontinued
HRT have an increased potential for cytokine secretion. Long-term
estrogen therapy does not prevent increased cytokine production
on discontinuing estrogen. The increase in cytokine production after
natural menopause appears to be self limiting, as bone marrow cultures
from women more than eight years after menopause had slightly lower
cytokine levels than the premenopausal women. This correlates with
the rapid self-limiting increase in bone turnover that occurs after
menopause. This study did not have a control group of non-breast
cancer patients and therefore an effect of the breast cancer itself
cannot be ruled out, although the results were in line with the
results of other studies that have looked at cytokine levels in
A 1995 study by Cantatore et al16 examined
the effect of estrogen replacement on bone metabolism and serum
cytokine levels in surgical menopause. No significant changes in
IL-1 or IL-6 were observed in women without oophorectomy. Significant
increases in IL-1 and IL-6, as well as parathyroid hormone (PTH)
were seen six months post-surgical menopause in women with oophorectomy
and without HRT. The long interim period (six months) rules out
the possibility of inflammation causing the rise in cytokines. The
rise in alkaline phosphatase, indicating increased bone remodeling,
was positively correlated with the rise in PTH and cytokines. It
is interesting that this study was conducted on serum cytokine levels,
not on cultured PBMCs.
McKane et al36 studied eighty normal, healthy
women (24-87 years). Cytokines were measured in fasting morning
blood, and IL-6 was positively correlated with both an increase
in age (increasing three-fold over the 24-87 year range in age of
the women (p< 0.001)) and with type I collagen carboxyl-terminal
telopeptide (p< 0.05), a marker of bone breakdown. IL-1 levels
did not appear to be associated with age, menopausal status, serum
estra-diol, bone mineral density, or bone biochemical markers. The
contradictory results of this study point to the possibility that
an increased production of bone resorbing cytokines may occur only
in the local environment of the bone or bone marrow, and may not
easily be detected in the serum. Or, since the authors did not divide
the postmenopausal women into early (5-10 years) and late (>10
years) postmenopause, the results may have been obscured, as the
rise in cytokines occurs, as stated in the previous papers, in early
postmenopause in most women, returning to normal levels after eight
years postmenopause.11,13 Proper division of the women might have
altered the results as cytokine values in late menopausal women
can return to premenopausal levels.
A 1998 cross-sectional
study by Rogers and Eastell37 assessed the effects of ERT on the
secretion of cytokines in the peripheral blood. The subjects were
ten women ages 56-59 years, between three and nine years postmenopause,
who took ERT for at least two years. Ten age-matched women, age
54-59 years, between four and ten years postmenopause, without ERT
in the previous two years acted as controls. The authors did not
mention ruling out illness or other medical treatments that could
affect bone. The study showed a trend toward decreased levels of
IL-1 in ERT women, but this was not significant. The difference
in results in this study compared to the studies by Pacifici et
al13,14,35 can be attributed to the different methods of sample
collection. This study used whole blood, as compared to PBMCs in
the studies by Pacifici et al. The lack of increased serum cytokine
levels in estrogen-deficient women is consistent with the idea that
cytokine release requires the adherence to a solid substrate (bone);
therefore, estrogen deficiency is unlikely to stimulate cytokine
secretion from circulating cells.5
Clinical Trials of the Effect of Essential Fatty Acid Supplementation
on Cytokines
Omega-3 fatty acids have been investigated
for their possible anti-inflammatory effects in rheumatoid arthritis,
psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, and heart disease. Originally, the
anti-inflammatory effects were thought to be modulated by the production
of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. More recent studies point to
a decrease in cytokine production as another potential mechanism
for their anti-inflammatory effects.38 Clinical trials on the effects
of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on cytokine production in
humans are reviewed here.
Two studies showed dramatic decreases in
cytokine production following omega-3 fatty acid supplementation.
Endres et al22 gave 18 g/d MaxEPA® fish oil containing 2.7 g
EPA and 1.85 g DHA to nine healthy, young (21-39 years) male volunteers
for six weeks. Production of IL-1 and TNFa by stimulated PBMCs was
assessed four times during the study: at baseline, after six weeks
of supplementation, and 10 and 20 weeks after ending supplementation;
PBMC fatty acid profiles were also analyzed. The results showed
that dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids reduced the
inducible production of IL-1b (43%, p=0.048) at six weeks. Ten weeks
after the end of supplementation there was a further decrease (61%,
p=0.005). The production of IL-1b returned to pre-supplementation
levels 20 weeks after supplementation ended. IL-1a and TNFa levels
fell in a similar pattern. Although the decreases in IL-1a and TNFa
were not significant at six weeks, they were significant 10 weeks
after the end of supplementation (IL-1a decreased 39%, p=0.022;
and TNFa decreased 40%, p=0.008). Twenty weeks after the end of
supplementation the production of these cytokines had returned to
pre-supplementation levels. The control group did not show any of
these changes.
In the same study, the results from a sample
of five subjects showed a significant increase in the omega-3 fatty
acid composition of mononuclear-cell membranes (from a baseline
value of 3.0 ± 0.3% to 7.1 ± 1.1%) after six weeks
of supplementation, an increase of more than 100 percent (p<
0.03). The ratio of AA:EPA in the mononuclear-cell membranes was
significantly changed after six weeks of supplementation when compared
to baseline. The ratio of AA:EPA remained lower than baseline ten
weeks after supplementation was discontinued (20.9 ± 2.2
at baseline; 2.4 ± 0.2 at six weeks; 12.0 ± 2.1 at
ten weeks after supplementation).
In a second clinical trial, Meydani et al23
measured the effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acids on cytokine production
in young and older women. Six healthy young women (23-33 years,
mean age 26.7 ± 1.7 and non-menopausal) and six healthy older
women (51-68 years, mean age 60.7 ± 2.9 and naturally postmenopausal
for at least two years) supplemented their typical American diet
(35-40% of energy from fat, 300-400 mg cholesterol/d) with omega-3
fatty acids daily for 12 weeks. Each subject received 1.68 g EPA
and 0.72 g DHA daily. Blood samples were collected at baseline and
at one, two, and three months to measure IL-1, IL-2, IL-6 and TNFa.
Compliance was confirmed by the significant increase in plasma EPA
and DHA noted in both groups, with a ten-fold increase in EPA in
older women and a five-fold increase in EPA in younger women. AA
was significantly decreased only in the older women, but the AA:EPA
ratio was significantly decreased in both groups (young women: p<
0.003 and older women: p< 0.001). The production of the pro-inflammatory
cytokines, IL-1, IL-6, and TNFa, was not significantly different
between young and older women prior to omega-3 fatty acid supplementation.
Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for a three-month period significantly
suppressed the inducible production of IL-1, IL-6, and TNFa, as
well as IL-2 in both young and older women. The synthesis of IL-1
and TNFa was reduced by more than 50 percent in an eight-week period
and continued to decline at 12 weeks. While the decrease in inducible
production of IL-1, IL-6, TNFa, and IL-2 was present in both younger
and older women, the decrease was greater in older women, even though
the baseline levels were similar. The authors noted that the decrease
in IL-2 could negatively impact the immune response and lead to
an increased risk of infections and tumors, particularly in the
older women. However, Wu et al39 demonstrated that in the presence
of adequate vitamin E levels, increasing the intake of EPA and DHA
could increase IL-2 production. All values returned to presupplementation
levels at 20 weeks and no significant change was seen in cytokine
production in the control group not taking fatty acid supplements.
In contrast to the results seen in the above
studies, a 1997 study by Blok et al40 found no difference in cytokine
production between the placebo and omega-3 treatment groups at any
point during the one-year random blinded intervention. Fifty-eight
monks in good health ranging in age from 21-87 years (56.2 ±
16.5 years) participated in the study. The study consisted of a
two-week baseline period, a one-year intervention, and a six-month
follow-up. The subjects were randomly and blindly divided into four
groups: one group received no omega-3 (n = 14); a second group received
1.06 g omega-3/d (n = 15); a third group received 2.13 g omega-3/d
(n = 15); and a fourth group 3.19 g omega-3/d (n = 14). The supplementation
was in the form of fish oil capsules. (Flax is an alternative source,
without the problem of toxic oil-soluble chemical concentrations)
The production of IL-1 and TNFa was not
significantly different among the four diet groups at 26 or 52 weeks
of supplementation or 4, 8 or 24 weeks post-supplementation. Interestingly,
in all three treatment groups as well as the placebo group, endotoxin-stimulated
secretion of IL-1 was significantly higher during oil supplementation.
The study found levels of EPA in erythrocyte membranes increased
significantly in all groups except placebo. However, the baseline
values of EPA in the membranes were almost one-percent of total
fatty acids in all of the treatment groups, and approached one-percent
even in the placebo group during the study. A study by Caughey25
noted that as little as one-percent EPA in the membrane was necessary
to inhibit IL-1 and TNFa production. It should also be noted the
cytokines were measured ex vivo in whole blood, not from cultured
PBMCs as in the other studies.
Dietary Effects on Cytokine Production
It is possible to influence cytokine production
by dietary manipulation. The National Cholesterol Education Panel
Step 2 diet (NCEP Step 2) for the reduction of cholesterol recommends
a fat intake of <30 percent of calories (<7-percent calories
from saturated fatty acids, 10-15 percent of calories from monounsaturated
fatty acids, and £10 percent of calories from polyunsaturated
fats (PUFA)) with a cholesterol intake of <200 mg/d.
Meydani et al24 studied the effects of long-term
(24 weeks) feeding of the NCEP Step 2 diet with or without fish-derived
omega-3 fatty acids on in vitro and in vivo cytokine production.
The 30-week clinical trial period was divided into two diet phases
and all food was supplied by the study. Twenty-two healthy men and
women volunteers over the age of 40 (range 50-73 years) were initially
fed a typical American diet for six weeks. For the following 24
weeks the group was divided in half; each half consumed low-fat,
low-cholesterol, high PUFA diets based on the NCEP Step 2 recommendations.
One diet was rich in omega-3 fatty acids (low-fat, high fish: 0.54%
or 1.23 g/d EPA and DHA, equal to 121-188 g fish/d), while the other
was low in omega-3 fatty acids (low-fat, low-fish: 0.13% or 0.27
g/d EPA and DHA, equal to 33 g fish/d). (Flaxseed oil is a healthful
alternative to fish-oil, without the toxic concentrations of oil
soluble chemicals normally found if fatty fish and fish oil supplements)
Inducible IL-1b (40%; p=0.03), IL-6 (34%;
p< 0.05), and TNFa (35%; p=0.4) were all significantly decreased
in the low-fat, high-fish diet group. The low-fat, low-fish diet
caused a significant increase in inducible IL-1b (62%; p< 0.05)
and TNFa production (47%; p<0.05). This dietary intervention
shows that omega-3 fatty acids supplied as fish (121-188 g/d (4.3-6.7
oz/d) from tuna, filet of sole and salmon) can have similar cytokine
lowering effects as fish oil supplements.
Caughey et al25 examined the effects of
a flaxseed oil-based diet on IL-1 and TNFa levels in healthy male
volunteers. A sunflower based diet was compared with a flaxseed
oil based diet in parallel groups. The flaxseed oil group (n=15)
was instructed to maintain a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids by
using flaxseed oil and a flaxseed oil and butter spread (2:1) in
place of their usual cooking oils and spreads. The flaxseed oil
contained 56-percent ALA and 18-percent LA, and the flaxseed oil
and butter spread contained 23-percent ALA and 8-percent LA. The
control group (n=15) was instructed to maintain a diet high in omega-6
fatty acids by using sunflower oil, and sunflower-based spreads
and salad dressings. The diets were maintained for eight weeks.
After the first four weeks, both groups supplemented their diets
with 1.62 g/d EPA and 1.08 g/d DHA from fish oil. (Flax oil is a
non-toxic source)
The average dietary intake of ALA in the
flaxseed group was 13.7 g/d and resulted in a membrane EPA content
of 0.4-percent of total fatty acids. ALA inhibited the inducible
production of IL-1b and TNFa by approximately 30 percent (p<
0.05) after four weeks. EPA ingestion of 1.6 g/d in the second four-week
period resulted in a membrane EPA content of 1.6- and 1.7-percent
of total fatty acids in the sunflower and flaxseed groups, respectively,
and inhibited the inducible production of IL-1b and TNFa by 70-80
percent (p< 0.05) in both the sunflower and flaxseed oil groups.
The suppression of both cytokines was maximal when the membrane
EPA content reached approximately one percent. Further suppression
of cytokine secretion was not seen with higher membrane levels of
EPA, indicating that high doses of fish oils may not be necessary
to provide maximal cytokine inhibition. This study demonstrated
that free-living subjects could elevate their membrane EPA concentrations
and decrease inducible cytokine production with the use of flaxseed
oil in their own domestic food preparation. However, flaxseed oil
is not suitable for all aspects of food preparation, such as frying,
due to its high degree of unsaturation. The study further demonstrated
a greater decrease in cytokine production with the addition of EPA
Animal Studies of the Effect of EFAs on Bone
Sakaguchi30 was the first to report on the
interaction of estrogen deficiency, EPA, and bone activity in rats.
Ovariectomy and low calcium diet caused a decrease in bone weight
and bone strength (both p< 0.01). EPA prevented the loss of bone
weight and bone strength in the ovariectomy and low calcium diet
group, but it failed to show an increase in bone weight and strength
in the normal calcium group.
Claassen et al31 studied the effects of
feeding different ratios of GLA and EPA on bone status and parameters
of bone collagen breakdown by assessing free urinary pyridinium
cross links (Pyd) in growing rats, age 5-12 weeks. Pyd excretion
was significantly lower in all the groups receiving the diets containing
GLA and EPA. No abnormal bone growth stimulation or restriction
was seen in any of the supplemented groups. After six weeks of supplementation
the 3:1 and 1:1 (GLA:EPA) diet groups showed significantly higher
levels of bone calcium than controls (24.7% and 9.0%, respectively,
p< 0.05), and bone calcium was significantly higher in the 3:1
diet group than in the 1:1 diet group (p< 0.05). The 1:3 diet
group experienced a statistically insignificant decrease in bone
calcium compared to the control group. Claassen et al32 further
explored the effect of GLA:EPA on calcium absorption in the same
group of rats. Calcium absorption (calcium intake minus fecal excretion)
after the six-week supplementation period was significantly higher
in the 3:1 and 1:3 supplemented groups (41.5% and 21.4%, respectively)
as compared to the control group (p< 0.001 and p< 0.05, respectively).
This study shows that essential fatty acid supplementation may have
a role in reducing the age-related decline in calcium absorption.
Kruger et al33 used ovariectomized (OVX)
female rats to study the relationship between EFAs, bone turnover,
and bone calcium. The rats were supplemented from age 12-18 weeks
with a semi-synthetic diet containing different ratios of GLA:EPA+DHA
(9:1, 3:1, 1:3, 1:9) added to the diet. LA:ALA (3:1) was used as
a control in a sham-operated and OVX group (n=7 per group). DGLA
(r=0.54; p=0.007), DHA (r=0.65; p=0.002) and EPA (r=0.59; p=0.003)
were all significantly and positively correlated with calcium concentration
in the femur. DGLA (r=-0.61; p=0.002), DHA and EPA were negatively
correlated with deoxypyridinoline (Dpyd), a marker of bone degradation
but only DGLA reached significance. DGLA may have an anabolic effect
on bone, indicated by the positive correlation with bone calcium
and the negative correlation with Dpyd.
Schlemmer et al41 tested the effect of GLA
and EPA, in the form of a novel diester, in the prevention of bone
loss in the ovariectomized rat. The ovariectomy + placebo (OVX/P)
group showed lower femur calcium levels and increased Dpyd levels.
The one-percent linoleic acid + estrogen (linoleic/E) and the diester
+ estrogen (diester/E) groups both showed significant increases
in mg calcium/mm (12.6% and 17.5%, respectively; p=< 0.05) when
compared to OVX/P. Additionally, linoleic/E and diester/E had significantly
lower excretion of Dpyd compared to OVX/P and the effect of estrogen
was enhanced in the diester/E group by the diester. In this study,
only the groups with the estrogen implant showed significant increases
in bone calcium and significant decreases in bone turnover as measured
by Dpyd, although the diester alone did increase bone calcium toward
baseline levels.
Clinical Studies of the Effect of EFAs on Bone
In a single-blind, randomized study, Kruger
et al34 studied 65 osteoporotic or osteopenic women, confirmed by
bone densitometry, mean age 79.5 ± 5.6. All of the women
were living in the same institution for the elderly and fed the
same low-calcium, non-vitamin D enriched foods, and had similar
amounts of sunlight. The study was conducted for 18 months and at
the end of the study all of the women were offered the option of
continuing treatment for another period of 18 months. A total of
21 women agreed to continue, including 11 women who had previously
been on placebo. The subjects received a 6 g mixture of evening
primrose oil and fish oil. Analysis of the capsules showed 60-percent
LA, 8-percent GLA, 4-percent EPA, and 3-percent DHA. The placebo
capsules contained 6 g coconut oil (97% saturated fat and 0.2% LA).
The fatty acids were supplied as 500 mg capsules and four were taken
three times daily with meals. In addition, all patients received
600 mg/d calcium, as calcium carbonate, which brought their daily
calcium intake to 1253 ± 249 mg/d. Fatty acids and calcium
were supplemented for 18 months.
The marker of bone degradation, Dpyd, measured
in urine, was decreased significantly in both the treatment and
placebo groups (p< 0.05), perhaps indicating an effect due to
the increase in calcium intake in both groups. A Lunar DPX-L densitometer
was used to measure the lumbar spine BMD at baseline, and at 12
and 18 months. It was measured again at 36 months in those continuing
treatment. During the first 18 months of the study lumbar spine
BMD stayed the same in the treatment group, while it decreased 3.2
percent in the placebo group. Femoral bone density increased 1.3
percent in the treatment group and decreased 2.1 percent in the
placebo group. The difference in risk for fracture at 18 months
between the two groups was significant (p=0.037) with the treatment
group having a lower risk. At 36 months the lumbar spine BMD of
the group who had received continual treatment increased 3.1 percent,
while the change 18 months earlier to active treatment from placebo
increased lumbar spine BMD 2.3 percent. Femoral neck BMD remained
the same in the treatment group but increased 4.7 percent in patients
who changed from placebo to active treatment. The increases in BMD
in the groups continuing treatment may possibly indicate a specific
effect due to the EFAs, as the calcium was maintained in both groups
throughout the length of the study.
Although low peak bone mass contributes
to postmenopausal osteoporosis, an ovarian hormone-dependent increase
in bone remodeling and accelerated loss of bone in the early years
postmenopause appear to be the main pathologic factors. The NIH
Consensus Statement calls for HRT and consumption of recommended
dietary intake levels of calcium and vitamin D as the most effective
way to build bone mass at menopause.1 However, a proper balance
of the essential fatty acids, without the inclusion of HRT, may
also play a role in minimizing bone loss at menopause.30-33,42 Most
women are very concerned with menopausal weight gain and may diet
extensively to control their weight. A study by Salamone et al43
demonstrated that this could have deleterious effects on BMD, as
the intervention group of perimenopausal women (average age 46.7
± 1.7 years), who modified their lifestyle to lose weight
by lowering fat intake and increasing physical activity, had a two-fold
greater rate of loss in hip BMD (p=0.015) compared to a non-dieting
control group. The loss of BMD with dieting may be induced by alterations
in the total body content of the essential fatty acids, such as
by membrane depletion or preferential utilization and excretion.44
None of the studies reviewed can definitively
conclude that increasing the level of omega-3 fatty acids or manipulating
the ratio of GLA:EPA in the diet will slow the rapid loss of bone
at menopause. However, there are interesting associations that deserve
further attention. Inflammatory cytokines are produced in the local
bone environment at menopause,13-15 and monocytes are the primary
producers of IL-1 and TNFa in the local bone environment.5 Supplementation
of omega-3 fatty acids as fish oil, dietary fish, flaxseeds and
flaxseed oil decreases the production of IL-1, IL-6, and TNFa in
cultured PBMCs.22-25 The fatty acids GLA, EPA, and DHA in plasma
and cell membranes are positively correlated to bone calcium.32
Incorporating higher amounts of the omega-3
fatty acids into the diet, thereby altering the ratio of omega-6:omega-3,
while concurrently increasing vitamin E intake to inhibit lipid
peroxidation, may have a positive effect on calcium absorption and
bone density. There is also a need for additional study to further
understand the relationships between fatty acids, calcium, and vitamin
D. Such studies could supplement different ratios of the parent
fatty acids LA:ALA, different ratios of GLA:EPA+DHA, or different
ratios of GLA:ALA, while controlling for current LA:ALA levels in
the diet, saturated and monounsaturated fat, vitamin D and calcium
intake, and measuring BMD, Dpyd, serum 25(OH)D, and PTH in pre-
and postmenopausal women.
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