and spices have been used as food and for medicinal purposes for
centuries. Research interest has focused on various herbs that possess
hypolipidemic, anti-platelet, anti-tumor, or immune-stimulating
properties that may be useful adjuncts in helping reduce the risk
of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Research has centered on the
biochemical activity of the Allium sp. and the Labiatae, Umbelliferae,
and Zingiberaceae families, as well as flaxseed, licorice root,
and green tea. Many of these herbs contain potent antioxidant compounds
that provide significant protection against chronic diseases. Plants
have played a significant role in maintaining human health and improving
the quality of human life for thousands of years. Culinary herbs
have also been used to flavor foods since antiquity. Government
agencies and health professionals recommend that for optimal health
we should reduce our salt intake. This can be achieved
by flavoring our meals to a greater degree with culinary herbs and
seasonings. Furthermore, using culinary herbs generously
provides a variety of active phytochemicals that promote health
and protect against chronic diseases. (Craig
W, Am J Clin Nutr, 70: 491S–9S, 1999)
Gaia Research/Organics,
with its philosophical focus on achieving, restoring and maintaining
true vibrant health via natural foods, rather than medicines, natural
or otherwise, has taken the initiative to scientifically formulate
a tasty natural salt substitute to conveniently utilize effective
and safe low sodium / high potassium powdered herbs,
spices and kelp, with pure sodium-chloride-substituting
and balancing potassium chloride and
magnesium peroxide, to this end. Gaia Organics Nutrispice,
there are several similar products in the market, but none quite
like it, is the end result of this research. One way to safely ensure
reasonably rapid sodium-potassium balance is in addition to the
use of specific potassium-rich fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices
and kelp, to use the similar tasting concentrated potassium chloride
as a salt substitute, as in the Gaia Organics Nutrispice
formula. Potassium chloride occurs in nature as the
mineral sylvite, mined from deposits or extracted from salt lake
brines, as a plant nutrient and food additive
(Hawley’s Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Van Nostrand Reinhold
Co, 1993).
International expert, Professor
Alexander Schauss points out that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
and low in sodium should maintain optimal potassium levels, but
due to poor absorbability of potassium in foods that are low in
chloride, only 40% of the potassium is retained. This factor is
not calculated into food values, which is one reason that when supplementation
is suggested by a health professional, potassium chloride
is recommended. (A Schauss, Minerals, Trace Elements & Human
Health, Life Sciences Press, 1995) Like sodium chloride, it is acutely
toxic only in large concentrated doses, which in oral overdose will
be self-limiting due to purging (The
Merck Index, Merck and Co, 1989). Diuretics deplete
potassium. Sodium chloride and potassium chloride
are the main ingredients in intravenous drips used to replace lost
electrolytes and prevent dehydration and are perfectly safe for
humans. In fact, a recent randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial, established the efficacy of moderate potassium chloride supplementation
in substantial reduction of systolic blood pressure and concluded
that its use may play an important role in the prevention and treatment
of hypertension (Gu D, et al, J Hypertens,
19(7): 2001).
Do not under-estimate the
importance of ingesting sufficient potassium to balance added sodium.
Sure, life cannot be maintained without sufficient salt (sodium
chloride), since both sodium and chloride are essential elements,
not least for the “sodium/potassium pump”, which regulates
intra and extra cellular fluids and its numerous functions. The
problem is that by far the vast majority ingests too much sodium
relative to potassium, about five or more times as much as potassium
(Philip and Phylis Morrison, Scientific
American, March 2001). Naturally occurring dietary potassium
has traditionally protected against human addition of sodium chloride.
Unfortunately, dietary changes and especially the massive amounts
of salt added by food processors to maintain colour and flavour
and as a preservative have upset the delicate balance. By way of
example (not the worst case), 100g of fresh peas contains approximately
2mg of sodium, but in canned peas, the sodium content jumps to approximately
236mg and the potassium decreases from approximately 316mg to 96mg.
(Robert Rodale, Our Next Frontier,
Rodale Press, 1981)
diets fare worse than herbivorous. Animals need sodium, especially
for muscular locomotion, but plants don’t, requiring potassium
instead for intracellular functions, as do we too for both purposes.
Plants therefore, in their natural state, have a healthy preponderance
of potassium. Increasing potassium has been found to be as effective
as lowering sodium (salt) in hypertensive individuals. Potassium
and sodium exit in a seesaw balance in the body, where an abundance
of one causes the other to be excreted in the urine. Some
sea-foods actually contain more sodium than the seawater from whence
they came, whereas kelp, a sea vegetable,
which grows in the sodium predominant ocean, provides the proper
2:1 ratio of potassium to sodium, yet tastes salty and provides
all the macro- and micro-elements, in addition to other nutrients.
(Babal K, NFM’s Nutrition
Science News, March 1996)
(See also KELP
at the internal URL Click
Herbs and spices are an
important part of the human diet. Not only do they enhance the taste
and flavour of foods, they also increase their shelf life by being
both antimicrobial and anti-oxidant. Herbs and spices also exhibit
a wide range of physiological and pharmacological properties. (Fisher
C, Chapter 9, Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health
I, ACS Symp. Ser. 506, 1992) Dietary factors play an
important role in human health and in he development of certain
diseases, especially cancer. In particular, many Phenolic compounds
are attracting the attention of food and medicinal scientists because
of their anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic
properties and their capacity to modulate some key cellular enzyme
functions. (Ho C, et al, Preface,
Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health, A.C.S. Symp.
Ser. 506, 1992)
Several commonly used herbs
have been identified by the US National Cancer Institute as possessing
cancer-preventive properties. These herbs include members of the
Allium sp. (eg garlic); members of the Labiatae family (eg oregano,
rosemary, and thyme); members of the Zingiberaceae family (eg turmeric
and ginger); and members of the Umbelliferae family (eg cumin) (Caragay
A, Cancer-preventative foods and ingredients. Food Technol. 1992;
46:65–8.) Cumin, (garlic,) oregano, rosemary,
thyme, tumeric, and others herbs and spices have remarkably effective
anti-oxidant activities and are one of the most important targets
to search for natural anti-oxidants from the point of view of safety.
It is expected that natural antioxidants will lead to chemo-prevention
of inflammation, cancer and aging.
(Nakatani N, Chapter 16, Food Phytochemicals for Cancer Prevention
II, A.C.S. Symp. Ser. 547, 1994)
Why common herbs and spices?
Common does not mean inferior,
rather, the fact that they are common is testimony to their popularity,
and the reason for that is their time-proven and broad utility and
their well-established epidemiologically determined safety. The
health-enhancing properties of common culinary herbs and spices
probably exceed that of the most popular exotic botanicals. Just
witness the documented efficacy for the selection of funky foods
which are the focus of the Gaia Research catalogue
and website, eg green tea, flaxseed, garlic and kelp; nothing fancy,
all widely used for thousands of years, and yet with health enhancing
properties that will assuredly surpass any selection of exotic botanicals,
but are nevertheless overshadowed by the far more commercially and
media hyped exotics, which actually have far less broad and specific
potential and assuredly even less both quantity and quality of research.
You can’t really hype
up green tea, garlic and flaxseed with fancy labelling and advertising
without actually “testing” the law, which states: “Prohibited
Statements: The following shall not be reflected on a label or in
an advertisement for a foodstuff: the words ‘health’,
or ‘healthy’ or other words or symbols implying that
the foodstuff has ‘health-giving properties’ as part
of the name or description of the foodstuff”. The definitions
of “label” and “advertise” are no less ridiculously
restrictive than the aforementioned regulation, which has no legitimacy
in a constitutional country claiming an open democratic society.
Reference: Foodstuffs Act,
No 54 of 1972. Regulations Governing the Labeling and Advertising
of Foodstuffs (as amended in 1993 and 1996, at which time an earlier
provision quite fairly reading: “shall, unless such word,
indication or claim can be scientifically substantiated, be guilty
of an offence” was maliciously removed therefrom).
Without attempting to afford
a comprehensive review of the literature, let us evaluate (restricted
to scientific sources only and to one reference per established
property) the potential of some common culinary herbs, using the
Gaia Research / Organics Nutrispice
selection as an reference sample to illustrate
the rich diversity of the established range of (dare I say it) “health”
enhancing properties of culinary fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices:
Allium sativum / Garlic (bulb)
Garlic has been extensively dealt with under
its own heading, GARLIC.
Apium graveolens / Celery (seed)
Anti-carcinogenic (1); Anti-epileptic (2);
Anti-fungal (3); Anti-hypertensive (3); Anti-inflammatory (4); Anti-oxidant
(5); Anti-microbial (6); Anti-ulcer (7); Chemo-protective (8); Hepato-protective
(9); Sedative (2)
Capsicum annuum / Red Pepper (fruit)
Analgesic (10); Anti-carcinogenic (11);
Anti-inflammatory (12); Anti-microbial (6); Anti-mutagenic (11);
Anti-tumorigenic (11); Digestive (13); Thermogenic (14)
Cuminum cyminum / Cumin (seed)
Anti-bacterial (15); Anti-carcinogenic (16);
Anti-genotoxic (17); Anti-hyperglycemic (18); Anti-microbial (6);
Anti-oxidant (19); Anti-spasmodic (20); Carminative (20); Digestive
(13); Larvicidal (20)
Curcuma longum / Tumeric (root)
Anti-dyspeptic (21); Anti-fungal (22) Anti-inflammatory
(23); Anti-oxidant (24); Anti-carcinogenic (25); Anti-hepatoxic
(26); Anti-thrombotic (25); Anti-tumorgenic (27); Chelator (28);
Chemo-preventive (29)
Ecklonia maxima / Kelp (foliage)
Kelp has been extensively dealt with under
its own heading, KELP
Origanum vulgare / Oregano (foliage)
Anti-bacterial (30); Anti-carcinogenic (31);
Anti-oxidant (32); Anti-spasmodic (33); Anti-viral (34); Carminative
(20); Choleretic (35); Diaphoretic (29); Diuretic (35); Expectorant
(33); Spasmolytic (36)
Rosmarinus officinalis
/ Rosemary (foliage)
Anti-oxidant (37); Anti-carcinogenic (38);
Anti-fungal (39); Anti-inflammatory (40); Anti-mutagenic (41); Anti-tumorigenic
(42); Anti-viral (43); Diuretic (44); Hepato-protective (41); Spasmolytic
Thymus vulgaris / Thyme (foliage)
Anti-bacterial (46); Anti-fungal (20); Anti-mutagenic
(47); Anti-oxidant (48); Anti-spasmodic (20); Anti-tussive (49);
Carminative (20); Deodorant (50); Expectorant (49); Spasmolytic
(to above selection of culinary fruits,
vegetables, herbs and spices)
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