(A decade
old article still vindicated by current research)
Not only are these products bogus science and easy revenue hype
for various collaborating industries, including the certification
labs and plastic surgeons, but also criminal perpetuation of same
by actively contributing to photo-ageing and even more atrociously,
actually criminally increasing the risk of the deeper and far more
deadly skin cancers, as well as critically suppressing other essential
factors reliant on natural sun exposure for optimum health and prevention
of not only skin cancer, but also eg. menopausal complications,
seasonal depression, both high blood cholesterol and blood pressure,
vitamin D deficiency, osteoporosis and even cancers other than that
of the skin, especially prostate cancer (Cancer,
Dec. 1992 & Anticancer Research, Sept./Oct. 1990)
and breast cancer (International
Journal of Epidemiology, Dec. 1990), the fastest growing
cancer epidemics amongst males and females respectively. SPF
products are risk-laden beyond your wildest imagination - causing
all skin cancers!
Increasing chemical sunscreen use is scientifically linked not
only to greater risk of chemical carcinogenesis (chemically induced
cancer - higher SPF’s = more chemical ingredients = increased
likelihood of carcinogenicity) (and allergic reactions -
Archives of Dermatology, Nov. 1992)], but also directly
to increased more serious basal cell carcinoma and especially deadly
malignant melanoma (Annals of Epidemiology,
Jan. 1993), due to criminally misleading photo-dynamics
propaganda by so-called university and medical “experts”,
who in spite of knowing that SPF’s relate only to UV-B (burning
& superficial cancer) and minimally, if at all to UV-A (ageing
& deep cancers), still falsely promote these as enabling prolonged
safe exposure as a multiple of the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) and
also exaggerate the pitiful protection potential of such products
against skin cancers generally.
In reality these sunscreen promoting pseudo-experts are actually
irresponsibly encouraging severely increased and imbalanced deadly
UV-A exposure, which they should know significantly comprises more
than 90% of the total UV spectrum and which excessive exposure only
such mal-applied chemical cocktails render not only possible, but
also probable by artificially delaying the natural inflammatory
erythematous (reddening) warning signals which would otherwise alert
one to the fact that one’s evolutionary/ethnic/medical tolerance
level for solar exposure was being exceeded (Journal of the National
Cancer Institute, Jan. 1994). SPFs
represent false security.
A maximally achievable chemical UV-A sunscreen, in spite of the
“broad spectrum” promotional hype, would only have an
extrapolated SPF of about 4, which would in any event be comparable
to a light tan, which tan significantly, in terms of UV-B protection,
would amount to as much as 75% of the only 5-10% of the UV spectrum
comprised of UV-B and the remaining 25% of which, if not screened,
would contribute important biological protective factors, since
it photo-activates vitamin D precursors having anti-tumor effects,
which if blocked by sunscreen, could allow UV-A induced deadly melanoma
to develop more readily (Medical
Chronicle, Jun. 1993). UV-B also excites cells into
producing immuno-alerting interleukins and even mild UV-B induced
sunburn flaking is a critical protective response whereby UV genetically
damaged cells commit suicide (apoptosis) and are safely sloughed-off
(Nature, Dec. 22, 1994).
UV-B damage is generally superficial and self-heals, UV-A is the
UV-B sunscreen protection does not imply immuno-protection (Dermatology,
Mar. 1993) and since the activation of melanocytes by
UV-A alone takes considerably longer and exerts greater direct immuo-suppressive
effects (Photochemistry and Photobiology,
Feb. 1993), the longer exposures needed to develop a
healthy & protective tan pose about the same cancer risk for
superficial cancers and five times that for deeper cancers, since
what is vulnerable to carcinogenic transformation is not the surface
skin but the proliferating cells below (Health
Physics, Oct. 1994). UV-B
exposure is needed to trigger biological cancer protection pathways
against UV-A exposure.
Sunburn protection does not imply skin cancer protection and yet
industries and organisations reliant on cancer for their prosperity,
including medical and cancer associations, perpetuate the lie of
cancer protection from sunscreen use, despite the absence of evidence
for this position (New England Journal of Medicine, Oct. 1993) and
considerable evidence to the contrary, namely that increased skin
cancers are associated with increased chemical sunscreen use (Garland
C, et al, American Journal of Public Health, 82(4): 614, 1992),
(Wolf P, et al, Journal of the National cancer Institute, 86(2):
99, 1994), (Autier P, et al, International Journal of Cancer, 61(6):
749, 1995), (Sabri K & Harvey I, Public Health, 110(6): 347,
1996), (Autier P, et al Melanoma Research, 7(S2): S115, 1997), (Davenport
V, et al, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 108(8): 859, 1997).
SPF rated products decrease
superficial UV-B burning, but clearly increases the risk of developing
deadly UV-A induced skin cancers. |