Sunday 26th January 2002
Whenever a catastrophe threatens
a nation or a community we start seeing the emergence of all that
is noble, beautiful and god-like within us fragile human beings.
We see people showing courage that we can only call godly - like
the firefighters who walked into the burning World Trade Centre
when it was already crumbling, and were never seen again. But we
also see the emergence of all that is evil, satanic and cunning
in some human beings under the cloud of the catastrophe. This is
true now of the Aids pandemic that is sweeping through sub-Saharan
Africa, threatening to destroy millions of people.
There are men and women
in South Africa who are rising like warriors of old to place themselves
between our people and the ghoul of HIV infection. There are unsung
heroes and heroines, black and white, spending months and years
of their lives trying to fend off the demon of Aids. People who
come to my mind even as I write are Ms Anne Hutchings of the University
of Zululand, who has given enhanced quality of life to thousands
of people in KwaZulu, Sr. Priscilla Dlamini who runs a hospice in
Emoyeni and has done the same, and Sr. Lana Oatway in Etembeni,
and Virginia Rathele in Kuruman. There are many other individuals,
as yet unnamed, who are also sacrificing their time and risking
their lives fighting a battle that should be fought from the highest
echelons of the South African Government.
Confronting these unsung
heroes and heroines are men and women whose very names make me feel
ashamed to be a member of the human race. There are organizations
and individuals I can name who are playing a sinister and demonic
part in the Aids pandemic, and what they are attempting to do is
to bring about the failure of the anti-Aids campaign in all is parts,
and the deaths of millions of people. I want to point out something
extremely sinister and utterly diabolical that has been happening
in South Africa and which has been happening for the last fifteen
years or so. It is a known fact that no pharmaceutical company has
yet developed a drug that is both effective in combating HIV and
full blown Aids and that can be readily affordable and accessible
to the poorest of the poor. Anyone who cares about our country’s
and our peoples’ future realizes that something must be used as
an emergency stop-gap between the Aids pandemic and our suffering
people until such a time as the pharmaceutical companies can produce
and make available affordable, effective drugs that can halt the
Aids pandemic and neutralise its effect upon our peoples’ bodies.
African Potato (Hypoxis)
their desperate personal battle against Aids, the black people of
South Africa have been taking to using ancient herbal remedies which
were handed down across the generations from parent to child. Some
years ago our people came up with a plant known in English as African
Potato (botanical name Hypoxis), a plant that had been used for
generations by men for cancer of the prostate, and by African healers
to treat wasting diseases in children. In recent years African Potato
became so popular, and was so effective in improving quality of
life in Aids sufferers that vendors were boiling it in pots on almost
every street corner of towns such as Mafikeng, and bottling it and
selling it to our sick people. But suddenly a terrible blow fell
upon this ancient African traditional medicine, as unknown white
men spread news among the population that this plant was satanic,
spread by the devil, and that it contained dangerous bacteria and
chemicals, and further that it was a liver poison. I decided to
investigate this thoroughly and an amazing fact emerged - I found
that the men who were heaping filth on this sacred plant were men
who were promoting a fraudulent pharmaceutical medicine which claimed
to have been made from African Potato, but which in fact had been
made from sterols and sterolins imported from America, extracted
from soya beans and pine trees. This was a deadly game of death
in which our people were made to throw out something tested by time
to embrace something practically worthless that has no impact on
the pandemic at all.
And now the dark game of
death and genocide is being played once more, this time on a sacred
African medicinal plant which is one of the oldest and most effective
medicinal plants in sub-Saharan Africa. This plant’s name is Sutherlandia
frutescens, known as unwele by the Nguni-speaking black people of
South Africa. This plant is known as ‘the medicine of many uses’
because for centuries Africans have used it for combating many ailments
in humans, livestock and poultry. In the days before a cure for
TB was found by western scientists, Sutherlandia frutescens was
the African herbal medicine of choice for treating this disease,
known in my early days as consumption. This plant was even used
as a medicine by the white settlers who came to South Africa in
the 18th and 19th centuries, who used it as a weapon against cancer,
and who called it ‘Kankerbos’ which means Cancer Bush. It is an
historical fact that this plant was even used topically in powder
form by whites as a disinfectant and wound-healer for gunshot and
assegaai wounds. Even the great Boer President, Paul Kruger, carried
it in his saddlebags, and used it when his thumb was shot in a hunting
accident. On another occasion, on hearing that a German prince was
dying of cancer, President Kruger sent a bag of Sutherlandia by
ship to Germany for him, but the prince died before the ship arrived.
No sane farmer will ever
use a dangerous herb on his livestock, and Sutherlandia has been
used by many generations of Cape farmers as an effective feed supplement
for ostriches, useful for many of the ailments that these large
and expensive birds are prone. Goats fatten on eating kilograms
daily, sheep thrive on it and so do cattle. Even in Australia, South
African Sutherlandia is being grown as an experimental feed.
And now a group of white
extremists have launched an attack upon this ancient African medicine,
and their purpose is to force our people away from it with the resultant
deaths that will occur among the many thousands of people living
with HIV and Aids presently benefiting from it. One of the extremists
has made the astonishing statement that Sutherlandia ingestion is
more dangerous than “the alleged disease” (I am quoting this reference
to Aids) that it is supposed to combat. What is more dangerous than
Aids itself ? And to my surprise and disgust, while he attempts
to label Sutherlandia as toxic, he fails to make any reference to
the toxicity of many manufactured pharmaceutical drugs that are
freely available on the South African black-market, such as AZT.
He shows his contempt and loathing for African medicine and culture,
and he makes statements which are so exaggerated and so ridiculous
that even a half-educated barbarian such as myself can see through.
He arrogantly stated on the telephone to a woman known to me that
his aim is to destroy a firm manufacturing Sutherlandia products,
a firm called Phyto Nova, and that he intends to “take out” one
of the firm’s directors, for which he has a particularly obsessive
hatred. He arrogantly stated that once he has destroyed Phyto Nova,
he will get on with selling the colloidal silver products he markets.
Here we have the astonishing spectacle of a human being endangering
the lives of millions of people in order to settle a personal and
business vendetta.
My challenge to this man
and his colleagues is that before you can throw rubbish on an affordable
ancient African medicine that enhances the quality of life of people
living with HIV/ Aids, I call upon you to produce a better medicine
than the one you are attempting to destroy. It is one thing to destroy,
gentleman, but to create for the good is another matter.
Yours sincerely,
Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa

21st April, 2002
Dear Credo
I have just read your ridiculous
accusations about me in your article: "Sutherlandia Safety
All I am prepared to say
in reply, besides the following, is that you are an even bigger
old fool than I first suspected.
The "white extremist"
remark is absurd, and quite frankly, your use of the race card is
a very cheap shot and strips you of any respect I may have
had left for you.
Your statement: "And
to my surprise and disgust, while he attempts to label Sutherlandia
as toxic, he fails to make any reference to the toxicity of many
manufactured pharmaceutical drugs that are freely available on the
South African blackmarket, such as AZT". This accusation
too is blatantly false. On my website, in the research and projects index,
just two entries below that titled "Sutherlandia Toxicity",
is an entry titled "AZT", which along with the former,
I have grouped under "Health Fraud". The specific URL
is http://www.gaiaresearch.co.za/azt.html
and the title of the document is "AZT - Death By Prescription".
Also included in this group is homoeopathy and fluoride, in addition
to addressing traditional African medicine toxicity in some
25,000 words.
In reaction to the latter,
you state: "He shows his contempt and loathing for African
medicine and culture, and he makes statements which are so exaggerated
and so ridiculous that even a half-educated barbarian such as myself
can see through".
Credo, if you had taken
the time to read the latter mentioned "Genocide and Ethnopiracy"
report with an open mind, you would be convinced otherwise,
but in your zeal to defend the culturally indefensible, you
turn your back on a genocide plot far more deadly to African
people than the New World Order capitalist scam that is
Your "barbarian"
remark is remarkably accurate in the context of defending said cultural
acts, including animal sacrifices and muti-murders, over and above
the preventable deaths of tens of thousands of African traditionalists
annually by the very ignorance upheld by cultural beliefs.
Finally, the ultimate proof
of your ignorance is your false statement: "He arrogantly
stated on the telephone to a woman known to me that his aim is to
destroy a firm manufacturing Sutherlandia products, a firm called
Phyto Nova, and that he intends to “take out” one of the firm’s
directors, for which he has a particularly obsessive hatred. He
arrogantly stated that once he has destroyed Phyto Nova, he will
get on with selling the colloidal silver products he markets. Here
we have the astonishing spectacle of a human being endangering the
lives of millions of people in order to settle a personal and business
What a load of crap. You
recklessly repeat libelous statements based on hearsay regarding
an alleged vendetta intended to "destroy Phyto Nova" and
to "take out one of the firms directors". What a load
of malicious crap. I have raised my objections in this private forum
to your publicly posted prejudicial lies about me, in respect of
which I reserve my rights. You wouldn't like yourself and the other
members of Phyto Nova who by allowing this defamatory drivel
on their website to be sued by a white supremacist who might use
your and their Sutherlandia profits on "the emergence of
all that is evil, satanic and cunning", now would you?
Finally, for the record,
I do not market colloidal silver. I do, in the context of optimising
the immune response of individuals susceptible to or suffering with
AIDS, advocate the use of colloidal silver, copper, zinc and
manganese, as well as selenium, probiotics, culinary herbs
and spices, kelp, oxygen products and green tea. Yes I do supply
these to those interested, but I also advocate the use of approximately
100 other natural products, as included in an appendix hereto,
none of which I supply.
Because you have been misinformed,
I will hold none of all the above nonsense against you, bar for
the defamatory and libelous statements already objected to. I shall
not even insist on an apology, since I know you think you are defending
truth, but I must insist that the defamatory and libelous lies,
insinuations and hearsay be removed from the document currently
posted on the Phyto Nova website at: http://phyto-nova.org/sutherlandia_safety_credo_mutwa.html,
failing which I reserve my rights. A reply from all respondents,
individually or collectively is timeously requested.
Stuart Thomson
cc Messrs Nigel Gericke,
Carl Albrecht and Ben-Erik van Wyk
nilotica, Acemannan polysacharrides, Achyrocline flaccida, Aesculus
chinensis, Agastache rugosa, Alpha-lipoic acid, Alternanthera philoxeroides,
Andrographis paniculata, Arctium lappa, Aspalathus linearis, Astragalus
membranaceus, Azadirachta indica, Bee Propolis, Betulinic acid, Boswellia
carterii, Brazil nuts, Buxus sempervirens (SPV-30), Calendula officinalis,
Calophyllum cerasiferum, Calophyllum cordato, Calophyllum lanigerum
(calanolide), Carrisyn-rich Aloe vera, Castanospermum australe,
Cayenne, Chamaesyce hyssopifolia, Choline, Co-enzyme Q10, Coix lachryma-jobi,
Colostrum, Cordia spinescens, Coriolus versicolor, Croton tiglium, Cynomorium
songaricum, DHEA, DMG, DNCB, Echinaceae, Elderberry, Epimedium grandiflorm,
Eucommia ulmoides, Euphorbia granulata, Eupatorium buniifolium,
Fomitella supine, Fructo-Oligo-Saccharides (FOS), Gamochaeta simplicaulis,
Ganoderma lucidum, Garlic, Organic Germanium, Ginseng, Glycyrrhizin,
Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Hypoxis rooperi, Hyptis lantanifolio,
Hyssopus officinalis, Inulin, Jatropha curcas,
L-Arginine L-Carnitine, L-Cysteine, L-Cystine, L-Glutamine,
L-Glutathione, L-Lysine, L-Ornithine, L-Threonine, L-Tryphophan,
Lithospermum erythrorhizon, Lonicera japonica, Lemon balm (Melissa
officinalis), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Maitake mushroom, Marila
laxiflora, Maytenus senegalensis, Mentha piperata var crispa, Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane
(MSM), Milk-thistle extract (Silymarin), Momordica charantia, N-acetyl-cysteine
(NAC), Ocimum basilicum cv ‘cinnamon’, Oleanolic acid, Olive leaf
extract, Oregano, Ozone (stringent antioxidative enzyme preparation
& extreme caution required), PADMA28, Papaverine alkaloids,
Perilla frutescens var crispa f. viridis, Phellinus rhabarbarinus,
Phyllanthus myrtifolius, Phyllanthus sellowianus, Platanic acid,
Pomolic acid, Proanthocyanidins, Prunella vulgaris subsp asiatica,
Pumpkin seed oil, Quercetin, Rhizophora mucronata, Rodiola rosea,
Rosemary, Savory (Satureja Montana), Scutellaria baicalensis (Baicalin),
Shitake mushroom, Beta-Sitosterols & Beta-Sterolin glycosides,
Staphage lysate, St Johns wort, Syzigium claviforum, Tetrapteris
macrocarpa, Thiamine disulfide, Tofu, Trametes cubensis, Trichaptum
perrottetti, Trichosanthes kirilowii, Urine, Viola yedoensis, Viscum
album, Whey protein.

Nova's Dr Carl Albrecht’s response (CA) below follows my (Stuart Thomson’s)(ST)
second document posted above and is presented in its entirety, with
commentary by Gaia Research's Stuart Thomson, whose earlier and current
comments are italicised.
Albrecht’s rebuttal was dated 7
May 2002 and Stuart Thomson’s commentary 20 May 2002
CA: In this attack
ST focuses on the following topics:
1. L-canavanine
2. MRC Safety Study on Sutherlandia
this posting I wish to concentrate on the Sutherlandia Safety Study
and come back to the canavanine issues at a later stage.
refers to this study as "A perfect bogus study, designed
and interpreted to whitewash any toxicity issues" and
makes the following assertions to trash the study:
ST: 1. "No animals were ill, in fact all were characterised
as healthy, so in no way resembled target users."
CA Rebuttal:
aim of the study was to find out if the dried leaf powder of Sutherlandia
microphylla was toxic for vervet monkeys given escalating doses
over three months. In standard toxicological studies healthy animals
are used. By "target users" I assume ST means patients
living with AIDS. To my knowledge there are no animal models available
in South Africa that could be a model for humans with AIDS. Surely
when one intends to study the possible toxicity and efficacy of
a promising and reasonable product such as Sutherlandia, the obvious
thing to do would be to obtain ethical permission for an appropriate
clinical study with humans and then to apply to the MCC for permission
to conduct such a study with all the necessary caveats protecting
the participants. In fact ethical permission to conduct such a study
with Sutherlandia was granted by the Ethics Committee of the MRC
in October last year and application was made to the MCC thereafter.
At present the application is being considered by the MCC.
ST Commentary:
stated purpose study was to investigate the possible toxicity in
vervet monkeys. As a result, it succeeded in showing no toxicity
in well-nourished (unlikely to be reliably so in humans) male (the
least susceptible sex) healthy (highly unlikely in the target user)
vervet monkeys fed for only 3-4 months (as opposed to the 6 months
needed to express the start of toxicity ‘under adverse conditions’
in 10% of healthy animals). How this “Toxicity Study” with these
severe limitations becomes a “safety study” applicable to humans
is science fiction and only those desperate to reach such a conclusion
could stretch the truth so far as to exclaim that “Sutherlandia
Passes Safety Test” as Phyto Nova’s Albrecht has done.
to describe Sutherlandia as ‘promising and reasonable’ is likewise
jumping the gun, being purely anecdotal at this stage and without
any proof whatsoever. As for the planned human trials, I don’t expect
that these will be any more relevant, yet will assuredly be hailed
as such, and will likely also be a just a sham, bearing in mind
the monkey study and that the MRC connections who organised the
former will also be involved in the latter.
ST: 2. "No animals were reportedly receiving medication,
in particular, auto-immunity disease risk-increasing drugs".
CA Rebuttal:
is hypothesising that Sutherlandia can precipitate auto-immune disease.
(Unfortunately this is stated by ST as a fact and not a hypothesis,
which it is.) This issue will be dealt with thoroughly in a later
posting. Nevertheless, I believe that it is not ethical to conduct
experiments with animals, such as giving them auto-immunity disease
risk-increasing drugs, without an excellent motivation. The study
being discussed here was the first ever to test the safety of Sutherlandia.
This was also the first safety study of an indigenous medicinal
plant using vervet monkeys. I believe the model used here was excellent
and will set the standard for years to come. I believe it is
far better than rat or mouse models which are phylogenetically far
removed from man and do not allow monthly blood-sampling in sufficient
quantity to do a battery of tests. One has to do one thing at a
time. It would be arrogant to exclude the possibility that Sutherlandia
and other L-canavanine containing products such as alfalfa (on the
shelves in supermarkets in South Africa) or astragalus (which has
been used in China for 2000 years and is also on the shelves in
South Africa) could induce auto-immune disease in susceptible users.
If incontrovertible facts were forthcoming that pointed in this
direction, it is conceivable that this possible side-effect
could be tested in the vervet-model where risk-increasing drugs could
be incorporated. To expect such a study now is not reasonable and
actually un-ethical.
ST Commentary:
I am hypothesising that Sutherlandia can precipitate auto-immune
disease. No, I am not stating this as a fact rather than as a hypothesis,
but the fact that canavanine can cause auto-immune disease may legitimately
be extrapolated to a likelihood that Sutherlandia might do the same,
given that it contains ‘significant’ concentrations of canavanine
and especially so, given the likelihood of greater susceptibilities
which I have identified in the largest group of target users that
Phyto Nova are currently using as guinea pigs without informed consent.
Albrecht’s final and following utterances appear to indicate that
he actually accepts my criticism, but is not prepared to be prudent
and put people before profit, which is what I believe he is obliged
to do under the prevailing circumstances.
ST: 3. "No animals were females, so in no way resembled
the most frequently susceptible target users"
CA Rebuttal:
conducting an animal toxicity study it is absolutely necessary to
reduce variables to a minimum and increase the subjects to a maximum,
which is constrained by the budget and logistic facilities. This
implies using only one sex in the initial experiment.
ST Commentary:
you cannot afford to perform a study correctly to arrive at a meaningful
and trustworthy result, you have an obligation to wait until you
can do it properly, rather than engaging in a sham to portray it
as something it is not, in particular when you intend to silence
your critics and convince the gullible and ignorant that the product
is safe on the basis of same, which is clearly a case of fraud.
Needless to say, the product also should not be mass-produced and
mass-marketed until meaningful studies on humans have been completed
with informed consent, which is clearly not yet the case, and so
exposing countless gullible and trusting susceptible individuals
to potential harm.
ST: 4. "No animals were malnourished, so in no way
resembled most likely malnoursihed AIDS target users. In fact, unspecified
micro- and macronutrients were supplemented, most likely negating
any likelihood of acute toxicity."
CA Rebuttal:
giving of any drug or tonic (such as Sutherlandia) to malnourished
AIDS patients is a big problem. Most AIDS drugs were tested in developed
countries where malnutrition is not rife. I agree that the nutritional
status of AIDS patients, especially in South Africa, is of cardinal
importance in terms of drug side-effects and efficacy. Nevertheless,
the appropriate circumstances to measure safety and efficacy in
malnourished AIDS patients is indeed with AIDS patients and not
with vervet monkeys. The mere conceptualisation of the experimental
details of creating a cohort of malnourished vervet monkeys representative
of malnourished AIDS patients is exceedingly problematical. How
would one induce anorexia and cachexia in the monkeys? ST is mischievously
mixing apples with pears. There are appropriate and separate questions
that are answered by animal studies and clinical trial with humans.
ST Commentary:
agrees with me, but then loses his credibility by failing to admit
that he used said study to rebut my concerns re safety in humans
arising from mass marketing the drug to susceptible malnourished
and seriously ill persons prior to said appropriate human clinical
trials as an informal mass epidemiological experiment to add to
the several illegal human trials already undertaken without informed
It is actually Phyto Nova and Albrecht himself who are mixing
apples and pears and do so only when it suits them to sham passing
a safety study.
ST 5: "No animals were monitored beyond
12 weeks, whereas 24 weeks is the point at which well-fed healthy
animals on high doses significantly (10%) develop auto-antibodies"
CA Rebuttal:
current study was designed to address both acute and semi-chronic
manifestations of toxicity in vervet monkeys. In order to study
acute toxicity the monkeys received 1x, 3x and 9x the equivalent
human dose of Sutherlandia dried leaf powder. (The recommended human
dose is two tablets a day containing 300 mg each of the dried leaf
powder. This translates into 9mg leaf powder per kg for an average
human weighing 66 kg. The same dose of 9mg/kg was used for the monkeys
which obviously weighed less than the humans.) Three months was
chosen as a reasonable time to observe the manifestation of toxic
effects detectable with the battery of haematology and blood chemistry
tests. Any statistically significant indications would of course
dictate further follow-up studies and in fact the monkeys were kept
on the Sutherlandia for an extra month until all the data of the
previous 3 months had been statistically analysed. No statistically
significant changes were found from baseline to month three in any
of the three Sutherlandia groups for any variable and consequently
it was considered un-ethical to perpetuate the experiment.
the most comprehensive data published on monkeys dosed with L-canavanine
is contained in the study of Malinow et al. (Science, 216, 415-417,
1982). They found that monkeys (Cynomolgus macaques) fed a diet
containing 40 percent oven-dried alfalfa sprouts, developed haematologic
and serologic abnormalities similar to those observed in human systemic
lupus erythematosus (SLE). This condition could be reactivated by
giving the monkeys pure L-canavanine (1% of the diet). They report
on 3 monkeys that developed symptoms of SLE after 2 (8 weeks) and
10 months. The haematologic indicators were a decrease in hemoglobin,
red blood cells and hematocrit. In our study with vervet monkeys
fed Sutherlandia dried leaf powder in escalating doses, the hemoglobin
increased with the highest dose (Figure 3); the red blood cells
increased with the highest dose (Figure 1) and the hematocrit increased
with the higest dose (Fig. 2). There were no statistically significant
changes compared to the controls. IN OTHER WORDS SUTHERLANDIA DOSING
light of this, it was considered un-ethical to perpetuate the experiment
ST Commentary:
completely irrelevant. Interestingly Albrecht labours that it would
be unethical to perpetuate an experiment that would be unlikely
to harm their monkey subjects, but remarkably does not extend the
same courtesy to the human subjects being used by Phyto Nova as
guinea pigs in several illegal trials without informed consent and
an informal mass epidemiological study of Phyto Nova Sutherlandia
consumers, who for the vast majority have no idea that they are
paying for and participating in a potentially health damaging, even
life-threatening experiment, on the basis of false or unsubstantiated
claims to improve their health, and yet will have no idea that the
insidious symptoms they might be experiencing might be as a result
of their medication rather than their disease, unless of course,
they are privileged to have had access to the Gaia Research reports
or to an alert doctor so privileged.
ST: 6. "No animals received 3x and 9x the recommended
human dose as claimed"
CA Rebuttal:
Rebuttal 5.
ST: 7. "Besides the time frame, the number of animals
and frequency of monitoring variables was grossly inadequate".
CA Rebuttal:
I believe the
time frame, number of animals and the frequency of monitoring variables
was reasonable and so did the Animal Ethics Committee of the MRC.
Anyone working in this field knows that the design of studies depend
on ethics, science and available budgets. To balance all of this
out satisfactorily requires careful planning. It is easy to criticise
from the sidelines.
ST Commentary:
to what end and what the hell would the Animal Ethics Committee
know about the dynamics of canavanine poisoning? As I said before:
“If you cannot afford to
perform a study correctly to arrive at a meaningful and trustworthy
result, you have an obligation to wait until you can do it properly”.
It is for this reason that I am criticising from the sidelines,
at great personal expense I might add, to afford consumers with
the protection which Phyto Nova, in conflict with the Bill of Rights
of the Constitution, apparently do not accept they are entitled
ST: 8. "In virtually every variable, the baseline
values reflect greater significant differences than both quarter
and end-points and where the control group, which should reflect
the greatest consistency over time from the start, is the most erratic
of all. In fact the control group appears to have received constant
dietary manipulation, so that even were no other criticisms valid,
this fact alone would serve to invalidate the entire study".
CA Rebuttal:
I find it
indeed interesting that the control values appear to be more erratic
than the Sutherlandia-treatment values in general but especially
for red blood cells (Fig.2), haemoglobin (Fig.3), platelets (Fig.14),
creatine kinase (Fig.23), alkaline phosphatase (Fig.28), uncongegated
bilirubin (Fig.28), urea (Fig.32), total cholesterol (Fig.34) and
LDL-cholesterol (Fig. 36). What is one to make of this? A very interesting
possibility is that Sutherlandia acting as an adaptogenic
tonic has stabilised these parameters. Especially the stabilisation
of the release of creatine kinase would suggest stabilisation of
cardiac-cell-membranes. I find such hypotheses much more interesting,
exciting and testable than the un-called-for and distasteful insinuation
that the experiment was cooked-up by the researchers involved ("In
fact the control group appears to have received constant manipulation"
ST). This kind of statement, which questions
the integrity of decent hard-working scientists, honestly seeking
the truth, is decidedly shameful and induces many a reader to switch
off. It is certainly not conducive to rational debate.
ST Commentary:
Again, most of this is irrelevant in view of my criticisms. As for the
possibility of an adaptogenic effect, this is merely wild speculation,
as has been most, if not all that has been so irresponsibly merely
anecdotally rather than scientifically attributed to Sutherlandia
by Phyto Nova to date, which translates to quackery, if not outright
fraud. Without details, I cannot determine where the culpability
for this bogus study lies, but I find it interesting that Albrecht
assumes that I am pointing a finger at the MRC researchers, who
most likely merely faithfully executed the basic study, rather than
the Phyto Nova scientists who ought to have carefully planned and
submitted the proposal. Yes, the insinuation of a bogus study is
distasteful, but only because the evidence so clearly points to
exactly that. Furthermore, wild speculations of eg, an adaptogenic
effect in an attempt to divert attention from a truly feasible explanation
as to the reasons for the large baseline deviations and the clear
instability of the control group are apparently perfectly in keeping
with Phyto Nova’s sloppy operating style. Is it really so unreasonable
of me to question the integrity of those involved in such nonsense
and under such circumstances, to accuse me of making statements
not conducive to rational debate, when it is clearly Phyto Nova
themselves who are not up to the task?
CA: In my next posting I will deal with the whole L-canavanine
ST Commentary:
Shit, I can't

Dear list members
Mohapeloa (Ph.D in Mathematics) recently wrote: "The existence
of individuals who wage crusades such as Stuart Thomson’s
(July 29, 2002 Subject: [druginfo] Sutherlandia for AIDS: Final
Nails in the Coffin) is an unwelcome phenomenon that
the scientific/medical community just seems condemned to confront
from time to time."
Excuse me sir, but since
when is the submission of a counter-hypothesis an unwelcome phenomenon
in the scientific/medical community?
Obviously this would be
the case with those having a prevailing hypothesis so
weak as to be threatened by the application of even the minimal
scientific method of defending against a referenced critique
of unsubstantiated claims around such hypothesis.
It is in fact my contention that without
my participation in this matter, no science would have been applied
at all, except of course for Phyto Nova's pseudo-scientific
utterances fraudulently passed of as science.
Prof Albrect wrote in his
last communication that: "Preliminary reports are not a substitute
for results from a controlled clinical trial, but support the hypothesis
that Sutherlandia is a profound immune stimulant and anti-viral
plant". On their website, Phyto Nova state: "Researchers
anticipate that there will be a delayed progression of HIV into
Aids, and actual remission of the disease is hoped for".
Phyto Nova provide not
a shred of evidence or supporting data for these and other even
more ridiculous claims, other than miscontextualised or outdated
and subsequently refuted research references to non-Sutherlandia sourced canavanine-containing
constituents, plus vague anecdotes and testimonials, which is commonly
the case with all snake-oil salesmen generally.
There can be no doubt that
canavanine is used as the basis of the main hypothesised
beneficial effects attributed by extension to Sutherlandia. What
objection then can Mohapeloa have to my arguing on that same basis?
There can also be no doubt
that Sutherlandia is claimed by Phyto Nova to be a safe
(except possibly in pregnancy) treatment for AIDS, so what
objection can Mohapeloa possibly have against me arguing against
its use in AIDS.
I note with interest that
Mohapeloa's rebuttal has shifted the focus from toxicity to dosage,
indicating that there is acceptance that my claims of toxicity are
undeniable. He states: "In sum, the line of reasoning appears
to be: The ingestion of canavanine leads to systemic lupus erythematosus
(SLE). Sutherlandia contains canavanine. THEREFORE the ingestion
of Sutherlandia leads to SLE."
It is illustrative to note
that Prof Albrecht nearly four month's ago promised me and the Druginfo
list a further posting dealing with my hypothesis that Sutherlandia
can precipitate auto-immune disease, but that this has not been
forthcoming to date.
In contrast to Phyto Nova's
paucity of scientific evidence, every statement made by me
that is not either introducing, summarising, or concluding my argument, is
fully referenced and in most cases consists of actual published
scientific abstracts. It is my contention that Phyto Nova's hypothesis
is consequently struck down as false, indeed fraudulent by
my far superior counter-hypothesis and it is all the more the
pity that this has not yet also seen a final resolution in
the courts, since Phyto Nova continues not only to bullshit the
gullible, but also to put their health, indeed their lives at an
unacceptably increased risk relative to non-existent potential benefit.
It is also interesting to
note that shortly thereafter, Phyto Nova promised me a
High Court action if I did not purge my website of my
Sutherlandia Report and our subsequent debate within 24 hours.
I indicated my refusal to comply and my willingness to defend my
document in court, which latter still stands uncensored
Regarding the hyperbole
attendant to my "Final nails in the coffin" sub-title
to my recent "Sutherlandia for AIDS" update report,
surely this is not unreasonable when countering and compared
with the totally unsubstantiated hype titles attributed to Sutherlandia
in the media to the effect of "Wonder SA Plant Fights
AIDS" as a result of Phyto Nova's numerous totally fraudulent
promotional campaigns to this end. Surely my extensively referenced
precautionary rebuttals are ethically, morally and scientifically
superior and preferable.
As per usual, when on the
losing end of an argument, the loser shifts the debate to credentials
and resorting to shooting the messenger, eg "We feel that
Thomson’s assertions about Sutherlandia are at least ill advised,
but fear that his motives are far worse", and reference to
"Thomson’s intellectually dishonest devises".
I have already dealt extensively
and conclusively with Mohapeloa's pathetically weak three points
attempting to rebut my recent report update, but I feel I must
challenge him on the issue of dosage, where he states: "In
his 'offering' Thomson neatly avoids the matter of dosages",
which is a blatant lie to Druginfo list and other readers in
his attempt to save face. I have raised several dose
issues, including the following:
"Chronic doses would
over time be cumulatively toxic at considerably lesser concentrations",
since "even small doses allow recognition of clear toxic effects
(Tschiersch B, Pharmazie, 17, 621, 1962)".
I elaborated on this theme as follows:
"ST: L-canavanine is
also accumulatively toxic at much lower doses over time in several
susceptible individuals, particularly those who are malnourished
or otherwise deficient in protein / L-arginine and those who are
ill (especially with prolonged illness or infections), using medications
and or subjected to chemical exposures, under which circumstances,
so widely prevalent in South Africa and especially in AIDS patients,
even relatively low doses of L-canavanine are readily substituted
for arginine. Canavanine may have limited possible short-term minor
anti-inflammatory drug benefits, but these are logically only likely
at higher active doses, equally likely to be followed by potentially
catastrophic consequences for health, as detailed in my report."
Not only the dose. Several variables are being totally ignored in
this over-simplistic equation. As I have already pointed out, health
food eaters using
alfalfa sprouts tend to be more well-nourished and are further spared
from canavanine poisoning by the fact that alfalfa itself is rich
in the L-canavanine antagonist, L-arginine, besides the bulk/weight
of sprouts increasing and the canavanine content decreasing at the
leafing sprout stage. The essential points to bear in mind is that
with Phyto Nova’s target users (cancer and especially AIDS), we
are not dealing with healthy consumers, but with those more likely
to be suffering protein/arginine deficiency and exposed to chemicals,
rendering them more susceptible to adverse auto-immune outcomes
from Sutherlandia, especially considering that bacterial and viral
agents are also likely to be triggering factors for auto-immune
diseases, rendering such persons far more vulnerable to canavanine
Directly regarding dosage,
I also wrote: "X2 and X6 tablets daily are commonly recommended
doses, with no maximum dose set anywhere, but left to the discretion
(supervision) of a health care professional, particularly in cancer
and AIDS patients (those most likely to be on higher risk medications)."
Elsewhere I wrote: "Furthermore, Phyto Nova on their website
advocate not just 2, but 6 (2X3) tablets daily, thereby tripling
the possible toxicity stakes. A photographic advertisement gives
as the suggested dosage, that: “AIDS and cancer patients should
take Phyto Nova Sutherlandia on an ongoing basis under supervision
of a health care professional”, leaving determination of the dose
to the discretion of one of several class of possible quacks considered
to be health care professionals".
I also wrote: "Yes,
I am hypothesising that Sutherlandia can precipitate auto-immune
disease. No, I am not stating this as a fact rather than as a hypothesis,
but the fact that canavanine can cause auto-immune disease may legitimately
be extrapolated to a likelihood that Sutherlandia might do the same,
given that it contains ‘significant’ concentrations of canavanine
and especially so, given the likelihood of greater susceptibilities
which I have identified in the largest group of target users that
Phyto Nova are currently using as guinea pigs without informed consent".
Mohapeloa also wrote: "Thomson
instead resorts to scientifically imprecise statements such as;
"It has been amply documented that the canavanine SO RICHLY
contained in Sutherlandia can induce…" Question: how many milligrams
per gram does "so richly" mean?
me clear up the issue of the canavanine content of Sutherlandia
as presented to the public by Phyto Nova themselves: (1) “A
number of ‘highly active’ compounds (canavanine & pinitol) occur
in ‘high quantities’; (2) ”the plant is ‘rich’ in amino acids”
(and the formula of canavanine is illustrated); (3)
“Analysis of the plant showed two ‘particularly abundant’ elements”; (4)
levels’ of L-canavanine are found in Sutherlandia leaves".
A high concentration/potency message is indisputable and is
clearly only reversed following the fallout resulting
from my report.
Mohapeloa also wrote: "Another
example of Thomson’s intellectually dishonest devises is the following
sentence: "For anyone using a canavanine containing product
like Sutherlandia for [the] treatment of AIDS, it should be pointed
out that the auto-immune condition which IT causes often complicates
and aggravates AIDS. A very likely reading of the capitalised "it"
is that it refers to "a canavanine-containing product like
Sutherlandia" though once cornered an easy escape for the writer
can be to say the reference is to canavanine".
Talk about shooting the
messenger and grasping at straws!
Mohapeloa proposes some
elaborate trial to test Sutherlandia's potential to cause auto-immune
conditions. I would welcome same, but unlike the pseudo monkey
conducted previously, it would have to be credible, in which
case I would have to be consulted on the design and monitoring thereof,
so both parties would be obliged to accept the outcome thereof.
Mohapeloa wrote: "Thomson’s
'offering' offers not even an anecdote – better yet, several – involving
the administration of Sutherlandia where patients developed SLE".
Nor should I. The moral
and legal obligation is on Phyto Nova as the supplier and distributor
to prove otherwise.
Mohapeloa also wrote: "The
huge number of articles (presumably appearing in reputable scientific
journals) Thomson cites may indicate the harmful effects of canavanine
but without a quantitative link to Sutherlandia the references do
nothing to support Thomson’s anti-Sutherlandia campaign".
I have already dealt with
the quantative link, incidentally, the link which Phyto Nova themselves
were were at such great pains to stress prior to my critique. What
a wonderfully inventive way to negate 100 scientific studies
in favour of none, just summarily dismiss them. The link is there
to Sutherlandia via canavanine. Remove the canavanine and you remove
the risk of serious harm.........and in the process, any likelihood
of any beneficial effect where canavanine might have provided an
iota of therapeutic potential and rationale to Sutherlandia
as a traditional medicine for conditions expressing excessive nitric
oxide, of which HIV/AIDS is assuredly not one. I have already contextualised
the unlikely potential of pinitol and GABA to have therapeutic potential
at the traces present in the "safe" canavanine toxicity
limited doses and in the case of pinitol, I have shown
that subsequent studies have failed to substantiate a therapeutic
effect even at high doses.
I don't think there is any
contest as to whom is being irresponsible in this matter. It's certainly
not me that is distributing this poison as a panacea.
Stuart Thomson
Gaia Research.
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