Sutherlandia frutescens, an indigenous shrub commonly known as “Sutherlandia”
or “Cancer Bush”, has repeatedly been illegally, indeed
fraudulently hailed by it’s marketers, Phyto Nova Developments,
as an “immune stimulant” for “improving the quality
of life in cancer, HIV AIDS and TB patients” (;;;,
without any substantiation and against all rationale to the contrary,
as I have shown previously and now additionally.
The theme proceeds unrelentingly
with statements to the media and off the record, inferences become
even bolder. An associate member, Credo Mutwa, is quoted as claiming
that it “might even offer hope of a cure for the virus”
and that “I firmly believe that scientists will be able to
create a cure for AIDS out of this plant”. One member/shareholder
of Phyto Nova, Ben-Erik van Wyk is quoted as claiming that it has
“promise as an AIDS antidote” and that it is “really
significant in the treatment of AIDS”. Another member/shareholder,
Nigel Gericke is quoted as claiming that it effects “decreases
in viral load in patients”, and then ironically that:
“the last thing we need is another virodene”. Another
member/shareholder, Carl Albrecht, following my criticism, admitted
that “there is only anecdotal evidence” and agreed that
“long term (MCC approved) trials are essential
to establish safety”, and yet after it was discovered
that the company had secretly sold two million Rands worth of tablets
to the Virodene researchers for illegal trials elsewhere in Africa,
brushed these reservations aside and admitted: “we were
not comfortable about dealing with these people, but we were a fledgling
company and it was a substantial order”. The fourth member/shareholder,
Isaac Mayeng, who was illegally the medicines control officer in
charge of complementary medicines at the Medicines Control Council,
a vested interest prohibited by law, when challenged by us, maintained
a silence, but was eventually shifted to another position.
One does not need to be
a professional detective to see the vested financial interests and
rather serious fraud perpetrated by this company. Interestingly,
the company members are all formal scientists, yet their science,
it turns out, is even more atrocious than their business and medical
ethics. I have earlier convincingly shown (,
without serious rebuttal, that there is a pathetically negative
immune system safety and efficacy profile for Sutherlandia, based
on it’s claimed primary active ingredient, canavanine and
in particular, its primary pharmacological action as a nitric oxide
synthase inhibitor. My previous emphasis was largely on
safety and I shall now focus on claimed efficacy, using the claim
of “immune stimulant” to illustrate the total absence
of scientific evidence for their main claimed immuno-efficacy for
According to researchers
in the Department of Biomedical and Therapeutic Sciences, Section
of Medical Sciences, University of Illinois College of Medicine,
researching the plant Plantago major for its “immuno-‘enhancing’
properties” (under a grant from the HIH and FDA),
“the mechanism of action associated with “boosting!
the immune system” related to significant “increases!
in nitric oxide production”, “increases of
Tumor Necrosis Factor production in macrophages” and also
“increased lymphoproliferation”, concluding that “the
regulation of immune parameters induced may be clinically relevant
in numerous diseases including chronic viral infections, tuberculosis,
AIDS and cancer” (Gomez-Flores
R, Phytother Res, 14(8), 2000). More recently, researchers
at Graduate Institute of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University,
Taiwan, confirmed these findings, adding: “strongly enhanced
stimulation and secretion of interferon-gamma” as another
parameter accompanying Plantago-induced “increased!
nitric oxide production” and also characterised these activities
as “immunostimulating in treatment of cancers and infectious
diseases” (Chiang
L et al, Planta Med, 69(7), 2003).
How does Phyto Nova hope to achieve these same claimed effects
with exactly the opposite Sutherlandia / canavanine induced pharmacological
I argued earlier against
Sutherlandia’s efficacy against cancer; in fact, quite the
opposite pertains, since inducible nitric oxide synthase
in host cells, accompanied by sufficient cellular antioxidant resources,
directly inhibits tumor growth and metastasis without otherwise
potential host toxicity and far greater host cancer risk in the
absence of nitric oxide (as might happen under the pharmacological
influence of Sutherlandia / canavanine (Leu
R, et al, J Immunol, 147:1816, 1991); (Jiang H, et al, J Immunol,
149:2137, 1992); (Kurose I, et al, Cancer Res, 53: 2676, 1993);
(Curley S, et al, J Leukoc Biol, 53:715-1993); (Kitajima I, et al,
Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 204(1), 1994); (Xie K, et al, Cancer
Res, 55(14), 1995); (Yim C, et al, J Immunol, 155:4382, 1995); (Xie
K, et al, J Leukoc Biol, 59(6), 1996); (Fukumura D, et al, Hepatology,
24:141, 1996); (Xie K, et al, Clin Cancer Res, 3: 2189, 1997); (Juang
S, et al, Cancer Biother Radiopharm, 12(3), 1997); (Wink D, et al,
Biochem (Moscow), 63(7), 1998); (Xie K, Fidler I, Cancer Metastasis
Rev, 17(1), 1998); (Juang S, et al, Hum Gene Ther, 9(6), 1998);
(Xu L, et al, Hum Gene Ther, 9(18), 1998); (Kundu N, et al, Int
J Cancer, 76(5), 1998); (Wink D, et al, Carcinogenesis, 19(5),1998);
(Shi Q, et al, Cancer Res, 59(9), 1999), (Shi Q, et al, Cancer Res,
60(10), 2000); (Sun H, et al, J Immunother, 23(2), 2000); (Wang
B, et al, Oncogene, 20(47), 2001); (Wang B, et al, Cancer Res, 61(1),
2001); (Ellies L, et al, Int J Cancer, 106(1), 2003); (Xu M, et
al, World J Gastroenterol, 9(6), 2003); ( K, Huang S, Free Radic
Biol Med, 34(8), 2003); (Wang B, et al, Oncogene, 22(12), 2003);
(Choi S, et al, Cancer Invest, 21(5), 2003); (Wei D, et al, Cancer
Res, 63(14), 2003).
Oxygen, including nitric
oxide, can be a double-edged sword. Rather than suppress its production,
natural levels should be allowed to express as the immune system
deems fit, supported by nutrition, antioxidants and anti-oxidative
enzyme capacity, so as to avoid both deficiencies and excesses.
Rather let nature do it’s best, as only it knows how. Inducible
NOS, which in humans is synthesized in challenged immune-competent
cells, has not only tumoricidal, but also parasiticidal, microbiostatic
and microbicidal activity against both intracellular and extracellular
micro-organisms and hence is not only capable of defending against
malignant growth and diverse pathogens, including bacteria, fungi,
parasites, and viruses, but is also crucial to innate cellular immune
clearing of or limiting of pathogenic infection*. Sutherlandia lacks
all these beneficial Nitric Oxide properties. Quite the opposite
- it shuts down nitric oxide production and thereby all of these
essential effects.
*References: (Nathan
C, Hibbs J, Curr Opin Immunol, 3:65,1991); (Granger D, et al, J
Immunol, 146:1294, 1991); (Hibbs J, Res Immunol, 142:565, 1991);
(Mondaca S, Higgs A, NEJM, 329, 27, 1993); (Nathan C, Xie Q, Cell,
78:915, 1994); (Stenger S, et al, J Experiment Med, 180:783, 1994);
(Nathan C, Cell, 82:873, 1995); (Mannick J, Res Immunol, 146:693,
1995); (Bukrinsky M, et al, J Exp Med, 181:735, 1995); (De Groote
M and Fang F, Clin Infect Dis, 21:S162, 1995); (Groeneveld P, et
al Scand J Infect Dis, 27:453-1995); (Melkova Z and Esteban M, J
Immunol, 155:5711, 1995); (Torre D, Ferrario G, Med Hypotheses,
47(5), 1996); (Tucker P, et al, J Virol, 70:3972, 1996); (Kreil
T and Eibl M, Virology, 219:304, 1996); (Bogdan C, Behring Inst
Mitt, 99:58, 1997); (Macmicking J, et al, Annu Rev Immunol, 15:323,
1997); (Nathan C, J Clin Investig, 100:2417, 1997); (Fang F, J Clin
Invest, 99:2818, 1997); (Zaragoza C, et al, J Clin Invest, 100(7),
1997); (McCann S, Exp Gerontol, 33(7-8), 1998); (Brune B et al,
Biochem (Moscow), 63(7), 1998); (Torre D, et al, Infection, 27(3),
1999); (Eckmann L, et al, J Immunol, 164:1478, 2000); (Shinde U,
et al, Indian J Exp Biol, 38(3), 2000); (Decker T, et al, J Clin
Invest, 109(10), 2002); (Fang F Vazquez-Torres A, Am J Physiol Lung
Cell Mol Physiol, 282: L941, 2002); (Torre D et al, Lancet Infectious
Disease, 2: 273, 2002)
Inhibition of inducible
NO synthase activity (the effect the canavanine would have in an
active dose of Sutherlandia) would quickly produce dramatic increases
in diverse microbial burden in infected individuals, in particular
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Nicholson
S, J Exp Med, 183:2293, 1996); (Fang F, J Clin Invest, 99:2818,
1997); (Nathan C, J Clin Investig, 100:2417, 1997); (Gomez-Flores
R, Phytother Res, 14(8), 2000); (Firmani A and Riley L, Infect &
Immun, 70(7), 2002); (Smith I, Clin Microbiol Rev, 16(3), 2003),
the most common opportunistic infection in
AIDS patients (Mayanja-Kizza
H, J Infect Dis, 183(12), 2001) and one disease
claimed to be improved by Sutherlandia. In fact, nitric oxide and
its products are the only molecules produced by mammalian cells
that can effectively kill tubercule bacilli (Scanga
C, et al, Infect & Immun, 69(12), 2001); (Nathan C, Amer J Respir
Crit Care Med, 166:130, 2002). Chronic administration
of iNOS inhibitors might even lead to recrudescence of latent tuberculosis
(MacMicking J, et al, Proc
Natl Acad Sci, USA, 94:5243, 1997); (Nathan C, J Clin Invest, 100(10),
1997). Increased levels of nitric oxide and associated
immune activities are observed in infants with (what is supposedly)
HIV infection who subsequently became seronegative during the first
year of life (Torre D, et al, Clin
Infect Dis, 22(4), 1996). In fact, nitric oxide
is considered capable fine-tuning immune response to viruses and
of inhibiting cellular processes necessary for all viruses to replicate
(Zaragoza C, et al, J Clin Invest,
100(7), 1997); (Blesson S, et al, Intnl Immunol, 14(10), 2002).
Phyto Nova’s ludicrous anecdote-based health claims are clearly
not only fraudulent, they are criminally irresponsible in their
high potential to induce real harm, including death!
I accept that inducible
NO can cause adverse effects by the action of an excess of a potent
oxidizing agent, peroxynitrite, that emerges from the reaction between
NO and superoxide anion (Vanin
A, Biochem (Moscow), 63(7), 1998); (Zhang H, et al, Med Hypotheses,
58(6), 2002), yet which activity is nevertheless
also responsible for the ability of infections to resolve spontaneously
(Evans, et al, Proc Natl Acad Sci,
USA, 93:9553, 1996); (Wheeler A, et al, J Clin Invest, 99 (1), 1997).
The canavanine in Sutherlandia can reduce peroxynitrite production,
but it would do so by blocking nitric oxide production, thereby
shutting down the critical immune response. Besides its indisputable
essential immunological role, inducible nitric oxide synthase may
also function as a “constitutive” enzyme for other critical
physiological functions under certain conditions
(Moncada S, Higgs A, N Engl J Med, 329:2002, 1993); (Guo F, et al,
Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA, 92:7809, 1995); (Michel T, and Feron O,
J Clin Invest, 100(9), 1997).
There is no advantage
to indiscriminately chemically inhibiting nitric oxide. I would
employ a far more rational strategy, namely that of utilising appropriate
anti-oxidants, since excessive inducible NO and peroxynitrite
can be effectively scavenged by antioxidants, thereby sparing the
host’s cells whilst retaining essential immune activity
(Keusch G, J Nutr Sci Vitaminol
(Tokyo) 39: Suppl S23, 1993); (Peterhans E, Biol Trace Elem Res,
56(1), 1997); (McCann S, Exp Gerontol, 33(7-8), 1998); (Brüne
B et al, Biochem (Moscow), 63(7), 1998).
I can truly see no rationale for employing Sutherlandia other than
that of perpetrating a fraud or possibly as a means to genocide.
On the one hand, this is due to its canavanine-based potential to
trigger an auto-immune condition that in many respects not only
mirrors, but also seriously complicates AIDS diagnosis and treatment,
ominously rendering both conditions concurrently untreatable and
on the other hand, seriously exposes malnourished user’s in
sub-Saharan Africa to significantly increased risk of death from
infectious diseases such as TB and malaria, which are already massive
The assumed good
effect of Sutherlandia on wasting in AIDS is as a result of shutting-down
of the immune response against their tuberculosis, pneumonia, malarial
and enteric infections, a terrible trade-off (better thin than dead).
The provision of nutritious food is all that is needed for these
emaciated patients to gain weight and overcome their afflictions.
The provision of canavanine via Sutherlandia is merely the substitution
of one inappropriate drug for another and the consequences are devastating.
I note from an internet report by Anne Hutchings,
an associate of Phyto Nova, one of those ‘professionals’
who are illegally testing Sutherlandia on human guinea-pig AIDS
patients, that in spite of her documented improvements in weight
and observed increases in energy levels and general well being (the
effects of resources previously used for immuno-defence), "some
‘clients’ showed significant weight losses, which could
often be attributed to infection or re-infection with TB",
obviously oblivious to Sutherlandia's direct causal role therein,
as argued by me previously, given the immune system’s need
to produce nitric oxide.
Canavanine is also an anti-nutrient,
another significant complication that should not be inflicted upon
unsuspecting malnourished and ill populations for either experimentation
or profit. Canavanine is a "Vitamin B6 antagonist"
(Bell E, Biochem J, 75:618, 1960);
(Klosterman H, "Vitamin B6 antagonists of natural origin",
J Agric Food Chem, 22(1), 1974); (H Klosterman, in R Ory (Ed), Anti-nutrients
and Natural Toxicants in Foods, Chap 16, 1981); (Vitamin B6, Integrative
Medical Arts Group, Inc, 2000); (Bielenberg J, Vitaminantagonisten
in Nahrungsmitteln, ÖAZ Aktuell, Ausgabe 10, 2003); (Vitamin
B6 Requirement, The Analyst, 8 March, 2004). Canavanine
is also an "Arginine antagonist" (Rosenthal
G, Q Rev Biol, 52(2), 1977); (M Hegarty, Toxic amino acids of plant
origin, in: R Keeler et al (Eds): Effects of poisonous plants on
livestock, Academic Publishers, 1978); (Kay D, Crop and Product
Digest No. 3 - Food legumes, Tropical Products Institute, 1979);(Tyler
V, et al, (Eds), Pharmacognosy, Lea and Febiger, 1988); (Rosenthal
G, et al, J Biol Chem, 264(23), 1989); (Ames B, et al, Proc Natl
Acad Sci, USA, July 17, 1990); (Makkar H & Becker K, Asian-Austral
J Animal Sci, 12(3), 1999); (Siddhuraju P & Becker K, Nahrung,
45(4), 2001).
The Sutherlandia phenomenon’
is about largely hype in service of wealth, not health. How is this
elevation of status from trash to treasure achieved? Sadly, mainly
as a result of State/Public funding, not via any science driven
imperative based on merit, but rather as a result of the abuse of
position by office-bearer shareholders within and several associates
outside Phyto Nova, most of who owe public funded salaried primary
allegiance to several academic institutions and government departments,
which has been the subject of my earlier reports and additionally
hereunder. Phyto Nova has made millions of Rands selling illegal
medicines, yet through such office-bearers and contacts, manages
to con the State into not only turning a blind-eye to such criminal
activities, but also to funding research into Phyto Nova’s
proprietary product and even allowing such research to be conducted
by State personnel and at State facilities. All of this is permitted
on the basis of a clearly false premise, promise and foolish hope
of a noteworthy validation of ancestral indigenous herbal healing
wisdom and the lure of a African treatment or cure for AIDS. I have
single-handedly shown, on the preponderance of scientific data and
exposure of the misinformation emanating out of Phyto Nova and its
allied accomplices, that Sutherlandia will far more likely cause
harm than healing. I shall, by way of examples, illustrate the extent
of the cheeky scientific opportunism, misinformation and outright
One of four Phyto
Nova shareholders is Dr Carl Albrecht, from Stellenbosch University,
who in this instance also credits himself as a Medical Research
Council Associate and furthermore, Co-ordinator of Research, Cancer
Association of South Africa. Albrecht, breaking the rules of several
governing institutions and ignoring the provisions of several statutes,
wears two hats, one of doctor and academic and the other of businessman,
flagrantly illegally and unethically mixing the two persona to suit
his pecuniary interests as a commercial manufacturer and marketer
of Sutherlandia as a medicine, without professionally declaring
said interest. Dated April 2003, Dr Albrecht, in a funding motivation,
authored a document bearing the MRC logo and titled “Overview
of the South African Oncology Research Environment as a Basis for
a Potential Research Partnership”. How blatant is this? In
this document, Albrecht asks: “Why develop a professional
partnership with oncology researchers in South Africa”?
As Reason No.8, he answers clearly in favour of his product (as
if only it was worthy of consideration) as follows:
“Research and development
of nutritional and botanical supplements for reducing the risk of
“Large pharmaceutical
companies are interested in developing cancer risk-reducing drugs
but they are inhibited from trying because the FDA refuses to accept
surrogate endpoints as a basis upon which claims can be made and
patents last only 20 years. If it is assumed that the FDA will not
change its position and that patents will not be extended for longer
times, it follows that another route should be taken. This is the
route of the non-prescription, or “Over the Counter”
(OTC) drug.” In other words, to hell with regulatory
consumer protection, he will just sell it anyway, which is precisely
what he has always been doing and intends to continue doing, illegally
on several counts, and he wants the State to pay for his marketing
strategy. Then he plays the poverty card, stating: “South
Africa is not a rich country and cannot afford State-of-the-Art
chemotherapy for all cancer patients. Consequently a major effort
needs to be made to develop affordable, efficacious and safe preventative
products that could reduce morbidity”.
Next, Albrecht shows his
hand, stating: “It can be predicted that during the next
10 years many Cancer Risk Reducing Products will be developed. This
is considered to be an inevitable process and the challenge is to
use good science to develop products that will reduce the impact
of cancer and not harm the user. To this end, CANSA is forming a
Consortium that will focus on optimal nutritional and botanical
supplements to lower the risk of cancer”. Unbelievable,
and it gets even more crass: “Specific projects in South
Africa relating to this paradigm are the following:”
This is in addition to an obligatory mention of Red Bush tea. Under
the sub-heading “Indigenous plants”, Albrecht, without
identifying his financial interests in Sutherlandia, either at that
point or anywhere else in the document, continues thus:
“There are a number
of initiatives in South Africa aimed at the ‘scientific evaluation’
of ‘safety’ and ‘efficacy’ of indigenous
medicinal plants”. Inverted comma emphasis is mine in
order to emphasise Albrecht’s propensity for lies, since none
of the work on Sutherlandia satisfies these stated criteria, yet
he claims just that, stating: “One such plant is Sutherlandia
frutescens, (see
(he even cheekily links out to his own website). He continues the
free plug: “This plant has been on the local market as
an ‘Adaptogenic tonic’ for the past 3 years and more
than 200 000 units of 60 tablets have been sold without any advertising
at all. There are at least 5 ongoing projects funded by the MRC,
National Research Foundation and CANSA involving Sutherlandia in
terms of safety, anti-diabetic potential, anti-HIV potential, anti-cachexia
potential, anti-inflammatory potential and pro-apoptosis potential”.
Interestingly, no evidence has emerged from any of these efforts
for any of these properties for Sutherlandia. The hypothetical anti-cachexia
and anti-inflammatory potential is so significantly associated with
increased risk of death as to be untenable for such application
and I have argued successfully against all but the apoptosis potential,
which is a new angle and will soon receive my detailed critique
and negating criticism. How blatant is this promotion of his pecuniary
With these profits, one
can only wonder why Albrecht’s company are too stingy to fund
their own research, but rather steal both the consumer’s and
taxpayer’s money to build their fraudulent house of cards,
mirages and untold tally of suffering and death, amongst the very
same deprived communities that they purport to wish to help. Regarding
the 12 million tablets were supposedly “sold without any
advertising at all”, how can Albrecht make such a fraudulent
statement after having just advertised his product for free? Act
101 of 1965 defines “Advertisement” as “any
written, pictorial, visual or other descriptive matter or verbal
statement or reference, brought to the notice of members of the
public in any manner whatsoever, which is intended to promote the
sale of that medicine; and ‘advertise’ has a corresponding
meaning”. This document clearly represents an advertisement
and Albrecht shamefully unashamedly advertises his illegal medicine
and attempts to elicit illicit funding to further said interests
in his patently bogus product.
Albrecht then proceeds to
cite the much publicised bogus MRC Animal Centre toxicity study,
which I have critiqued and exposed as such elsewhere (
without successful rebuttal from any quarter and shown it to be
scientifically untenable to reach the conclusion that Albrect is
so fond of brandishing around as it having shown the non-toxicity/safety
of Sutherlandia. No one other than an idiot or fraudster could conceive
of such an irrelevant study on healthy monkeys for a substance that
they have already sold in excess of 12 million tablets to experimental
human guinea pigs, many with critical infection predisposing malnutrition
and without their informed consent, which latter is, on several
grounds a very serious offence indeed.
Albrecht further proceeds
to motivate for continued research funding on the basis that “This
plant contains flavonoids, which could be modulating the expression
of phosphorylation genes in target cells. This is an emerging field
of pharmacology concerning ligands from food and botanicals interacting
with transcription factors on the DNA. There could be special combinations
of these ligands that induce apoptosis in certain cancer cells”.
Albrecht then proceeds to share a glimpse of his long-term master
plan for Sutherlandia, stating: “This is an entirely different
scenario compared to monomolecular chemotherapeutic ‘Golden
Bullets’. Extracts of the plant were used as a tonic for cancer
patients 105 years ago in Cape Town and it was claimed that this
tonic enhanced the quality of life and prolonged survival”.
The first half is clearly a case of “bullshit baffles brains”
and the last is an attempt to classify its cancer use as “traditional”.
Phyto Nova Developments
have, in debate with me, lamented the fact that there are no published
scientific studies on Sutherlandia. It is interesting to note that
they are now making no mention of the recent first such peer reviewed
published study. This paper starts out enthusiastically enough,
with the Phyto Nova generated hype-based introduction of the abstract
probably having been written before the test results were known,
but the conclusions give nothing to enthuse over and are sobering
to say the least, vindicating my characterization of the company’s
vested interest hype around the plant as just that. An interest
in Sutherlandia has been artificially created and generated by its
marketers for commercial gain for applications that in the real
world of health consumers remains totally unfounded, being based
on uneducated traditional uses as well as several contemporary assumed
possible uses and pre-suggested anecdotal effects, fabricated and
instigated by the commercial marketers themselves and ominously
including illegal clinical trials, without informed consent or official
authorisation, on unsuspecting human patients with serious medical
conditions. My contention remains that if doses of Sutherlandia
are going to be high enough to elicit biochemical reactions and
physiological effects, then these are by far more likely to be harmful
rather than helpful, potentially life-threateningly so.
The author’s of this
published study themselves state clearly that: “According
to the manufacturer, there is preliminary clinical evidence that
Sutherlandia has a direct anticancer effect on some cancers, and
also has “immunostimulant” properties”. I
have above already exposed the blatant lie constituting the latter
part of this statement (immunostimulant properties), so let me address
the mythical anti-cancer potential that the plant is inappropriately
named after (kankerbos). The conclusion abstracted in this first
published study of Sutherlandia (Tai
J et al, J Ethnopharmacol, 93: 9–19, 2004) is
that: “Sutherlandia ethanolic extract showed a concentration
dependent antiproliferative effect on several human tumor cell lines
but did not show significant antioxidant effects”. The
paper goes on to say that: “Despite the fact that Sutherlandia
frutescens has enjoyed a long history of use by all cultures in
Southern Africa, there are at present no reported studies in the
peer-reviewed literature, of either in vitro or animal studies,
its effects on cancer cells.” The purpose of this study was
to investigate the in vitro activities of Sutherlandia including
the antiproliferative, antioxidant, and differentiation inducing
properties on several cancer cell lines. Findings were that: “Sutherlandia
extract has differential antiproliferative property on the breast
and leukemia cell lines”. But, wait for it…………………….
The authors of this study
clearly state that: “Although our in vitro studies have
demonstrated antiproliferative activity of Sutherlandia on human
tumor cells, they were only observed at relatively high concentrations.
While the manufacturer of Sutherlandia recommended the daily dose
of two tablets (600 mg), three times a day, the plasma concentration
is much less (176 times) than the concentration found to have antiproliferative
effect in vitro. Compounds known to be efficacious cancer chemopreventive
agents are potent inducers of HL60 cell. However, treatment of HL60
cells with Sutherlandia extract failed to induce cell differentiation
along either macrophage/monocyte or granulocyte pathway, suggesting
that the herbal preparation does not contain compounds that can
induce HL60 differentiation.” An important observation of
the South African researchers who treated HIV/AIDS patients with
Sutherlandia was that it improved the appetite and body weight of
these patients. Pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-_ and IL-1_ have
been implicated in cachexia in these patients. It was suggested
that pinitol, a major ingredient of Sutherlandia, may contribute
to the positive effect. However, our in vitro data failed to demonstrate
significant inhibition by Sutherlandia.”
“Even though Ostlund
and Sherman previously suggested that pinitol may have clinical
application in treating wasting in cancer and AIDS patients, direct
evidence showing that the pinitol content in Sutherlandia actually
improved wasting in HIV/AIDS patients is still lacking. GABA is
present in Sutherlandia in levels up to 0.4mg/g dry weight. GABA
if present in patients’ circulation at sufficiently high levels
may potentially contributes to the improvement in mood and well
being experienced by many patients, and indirectly contributes to
the improved wasting in HIV/AIDS patients. Therefore it is possible
that more than one ingredient in Sutherlandia or their metabolites
contribute to the anti-wasting effects in HIV/AIDS patients. The
present study is a survey of the possible activities of Sutherlandia
frutescens. Our results have shown that Sutherlandia has significant
antiproliferative activities in vitro on several human cancer cell
lines (at 176 times the recommended dose). Its differentiation inducing
and antioxidant properties, and effect on the inhibition of secretion
of proinflammatory cytokine IL-1_ and TNF-_ mRNA in RAW 264.7 cells
are not significant.”
I reiterate: the hype around
Sutherlandia is fraudulent pseudo-science, sickeningly serving only
profits, not patients.
Following on the heels of
the above-mentioned first published scientific paper is another,
this time allied to the Phyto Nova team. Whilst no mention is made
of the negative results of this independent study, Phyto Nova have
been extremely keen to sex-up the pseudo-scientific conclusions
of their vested interest University of Pretoria team’s study.
Three words are the keys to evaluating a recent article titled "Brew
of local bush may help stress", by the Science and Health Editor
of Business Day. The only objective words, in case you missed them
amongst all the hype, are "suggests it may" and
the utility of the report, in my opinion, ends there, though the
following sobering statement: "there are no scientific
studies showing their safety and efficacy in humans",
ought also to help preserve the cautionary principle, but seldom
does, even in supposedly intelligent persons, least of all scientists
with direct pecuniary interests in Sutherlandia, incredibly, including
well-known pathologist Dr Carl Albrect, leading me to wander just
how low the science of ethnopharmacology is going to sink under
the influence of such morally bankrupt individuals, before it, through
guilt by association, joins the stinking ranks of pseudo-science.
It appears that today, a so-called scientist, by virtue of his or
her mere position or title can ensure publication and perpetrate
clear commercial fraud in the name of science. The layman and apparently
even some professionals, simply lack the ability to discern the
truth from the lies.
Witness the extent of the
pseudo-science, with the Business Day’s Science and Health
editor stating, from a Phyto Nova press release no less, that "The
latest research, published in the online edition of the Journal
of Ethnopharmacology, shows that a tea brewed from Sutherlandia
leaves has strong antioxidant properties". Odd result
and conclusion that, given that scientists from the Departments
of Pathology and Pediatrics, Center for Complementary Medicine Research,
at the University of British Columbia reported exactly the opposite
in the same journal in July (Tai
J, et al, J Ethnopharmacol, 93(1): 9-19, 2004), namely
that: "Sutherlandia ethanolic extract did NOT show significant
antioxidant effects", in spite of the fact that they tested
Sutherlandia in several far more relevant models and at concentrations
approximating those used by the University of Pretoria team, using
material supplied by Phyto Nova.
Adding plant matter to boiling
water usually reduces its antioxidant potential, whereas ethanolic
extraction usually concentrates it. Of course the test models used
in these studies could have been specifically chosen to maximise
the demonstrable anti-oxidant effects, which models may or may not
have relevance to real world usage of the plant. Whilst traditional
healers tend to favour decoctions, westerners tend to favour tinctures
and most commonly, tablets.
Interestingly, the Business
Day report repeats a statement: "The plant has a reputation
for helping to treat conditions ranging from depression to cancer
and its proponents say its anti-inflammatory properties assist people
infected with HIV", which is mere anecdotal propaganda, initiated
virtually single handedly by Albrecht's marketing company, Phyto
Nova Developments and blindly disseminated by the media, including
scientists unsuccessfully attempting to sum up the plant's popular
standing, entirely fabricated by Phyto Nova for obvious commercial
gain. The statement, “assists people infected with HIV”
is particularly disconcerting, since my own research has shown that
Sutherlandia usage not only has the potential to make AIDS untreatable,
but also to directly suppress the immune system’s infection
control mechanisms, which in the case of TB, the largest killer
in AIDS, is the only means by which TB infection is controlled.
I can understand why the
Phyto Nova/Medical Research Council (MRC) affiliated University
of Pretoria researchers would employ this strategy, but there is
no reason for the independent Canadian researchers to engage in
research manipulation, since unlike the former, the latter have
no financially vested interests in the results of what should be
an objective study, so I will unhesitantly put my faith in the Canadian
study. Phyto Nova’s excitement over a non-event - antioxidant
effects that the Canadian researchers do not consider to be at all
significant - shows just how desperate they are to maintain their
mirage of the medicinal potential of Sutherlandia to not only their
MRC funder, but also the consuming public at large and so maintain
their continued diabolical waste of taxpayer’s funds via MRC
grants to so-called medical scientists who either don’t realise
what fools they are keeping company with, or are in on the scam
for the free ride. I am determined to see a thorough investigation
undertaken of all aspects of this complex scam and all perpetrators,
statutory, quasi-statutory and civil, punished for their contributory
roles, in particular for the countless lives being lost as a result
of this product being held up as safe and efficacious in AIDS, when
in fact the reverse is true.
The SA and US researchers
are all affiliated to each other through the MRC, which through
long-term internal connections between Phyto Nova's Nigel Gericke
and the MRC's Gilbert Matsabisa, which latter institution both directly
funds studies of Sutherlandia and also allocates research grants
for its study, with taxpayer's money, into a proprietary product
that benefits only the manufacturer, who then unashamedly uses said
data very selectively, indeed fraudulently, to promote its own product.
This ought not to be how public/state funded research is carried
out, especially considering what known shocking truths the public
is not being told about the product, which is what incenses me enough
to vigorously personally pursue this controversial subject in a
public forum. The Pretoria team’s study, true to form, was
funded by a grant from the MRC. Significantly, Albrect as a co-author,
does not declare his conflict of interest as a quarter shareholder
in Phyto Nova, which declaration is the norm in science publishing
by today's standards, since it helps to keep the study in perspective,
if not actually more honest. Albrecht and the Phyto Nova team are
however very quick to make press releases to publicise the study
and make further publicity for them.
Regarding the November Journal
of Ethnopharmacology paper, how can the Business Day report characterise
the researchers as "independent", when the author's include
Professor Carl Albrecht, who is one of the four founding share-holder
members in Phyto Nova, the major commercial manufacturer and marketer
of Sutherlandia tablets and Jansen van Rensburg, his former doctoral
student, who is also the corresponding author? The abstract to this
article starts out stating: "One of the best-known multi-purpose
medicinal plants in Southern Africa, Sutherlandia frutescens...........".
The only reason that Sutherlandia is one of the best known medicinal
plants in Southern Africa is because of the incessant promotion
of the plant by its marketers, of which the author is one and the
only reason that it purportedly possesses multi-purposes, is because
its marketers, including the author, have repeatedly made such a
claim to and via the media, least of all their two commercial websites
and a series of self-serving botanical books. A mere five years
ago, the name “Sutherlandia”, as far as the public was
concerned, existed in near complete obscurity.
Significantly, the study
abstract, a traditionally formal succinct summary of the paper,
in no way characterises Sutherlandia as having ‘strong anti-oxidant
properties’, it merely noted "superoxide as well
as hydrogen peroxide scavenging activities at concentrations as
low as 10µg/ml". All plants however, have anti-oxidant
properties, many within this range - they could not otherwise survive,
especially in harsh environmental conditions, without them, so the
Business Day report and the journal paper represent, in reality,
nothing more than a gentle breeze in a teacup, a non-event, yet
stretching mundane and shrinking significant truths is what Phyto
Nova does best with Sutherlandia. The study does claim “potent
anti-oxidant activity”, but only “by scavenging
neutrophil derived oxidants”, which insinuated benefit
is seriously counter-productive in AIDS, since this effect, though
it might ease some minor discomfort associated with a vigorous immune
response, is likely to hasten the patient’s death as a result
of increasingly uncontrolled proliferation of infectious organisms,
courtesy of direct Sutherlandia suppressed immune function.
Back in March 2000, Gericke,
still rather naïve and relatively honest about the potential
of his investment admitted on the SA FM radio program “Pursuit
of Health”: “we looked into the chemistry of the
plant and found that it’s got incredibly high levels
of a compound called Canavanine”, (but when
I challenged later them on the safety of canavanine, Phyto Nova
emphasised the exact reverse view, emphasizing incredibly low the
canavanine levels are). Then a dose of reality from Gericke: “Canavanine,
which is a well-known anti-cancer agent, but interestingly, not
as promising as hoped because it’s a potentially toxic compound”.
Unfortunately, to keep the investment on the boil, this is followed
by another flight of fancy, which I shall record here, just to show
how unscientific commercial considerations can be: “What’s
very interesting about Sutherlandia is that it’s got a ‘faith
analogue’ of that compound as well, so it may well be that
the cancer cells are selectively taking up the toxic version, Canavanine,
whereas the safe amino acid, Arginine, which is an analogue of Canavanine,
also occurs in the plant.” Firstly, there is no such
thing as a “faith analog” other than in the imagination
of those that practice faith in the place of science in medicine.
Secondly, canavanine is powerfully antagonistic to arginine, not
vise versa and in this respect, canavanine and not arginine is the
analog. Thirdly, Canavanine is not selectively toxic only to cancer
cells. It is extremely toxic to normal cells, as has been proven
in the extensive studies cited in my earlier papers in this series.
Apparently Phyto Nova thinks
we are all gullible fools, content to be hoodwinked by the mere
mention of the names of influential persons, positions and institutions.
Witness Albrecht’s version of their so called “Sutherlandia
Safety Study”, which is exactly what it was, being designed
and executed in such a way as to test only safe doses in non-susceptible
healthy animals, which in no way resembles real life usage for which
this then poison is promoted, ie in malnourished ill individuals,
in particular those suffering from cancer and AIDS, which latter
are likely to be particularly vulnerable to canavanine toxicity
and hence more likely to be harmed thereby, even perish from their
AIDS defining infectious conditions a direct result of such repeatedly
assured and hence presumably safe chronic use of Sutherlandia. Albrecht:
“Last year, the MRC started becoming interested. So what
this translated into eventually was the design and execution of
a safety test for Sutherlandia. And I might just say, right from
the word go, that none of these primates were harmed. The bottom
line is that they could find not a single sign of toxicity.”
Well now, one will rarely find toxicity under such deliberately
selected neutral circumstances, which is why Albrecht is able to
state: “none of these animals were harmed in any way”,
which really is a ridiculous statement, since in a proper toxicological
study, animals would have been harmed when establishing toxic doses
and precipitating circumstances”. What should have been
a toxicological study, using patient relevant circumstances, it
turns out, was nothing but an elaborate ruse and promotional exercise.
Albrecht’s next promo:
“The real question is...I think safety is no longer such
a big issue, now that we've had the safety study done; the issue
really is the design of the clinical trial.” I can’t
wait to critique this next act, especially the scene set by Albrecht
here: “And then the third thing is the whole thing about
immune stimulation. Here we don't have a heck of a lot of information,
and this is what the clinical study could actually inform us about.
But we've had about a dozen or so reports from patients”.
When Business Day asked Albrecht whether it was ethical to sell
tablets that had not been tested in humans, he responded: "Is
it ethical to withhold potentially useful medicinal material simply
because the small people can't muster the millions of rands needed
to bring a drug to market according to the schedules of the regulatory
authorities?" This is a cute, yet serious criminal reply,
on several counts, coming soon to a company near you.
Earlier, in March 2000,
Gericke stated on the SA FM radio program “Pursuit of Health”,
that his work was “frustrating because a lot of energy
has to go into the research and a lot of time. And really, before
we can say anything from a scientific and medical point of view
about the application of a plant for a serious disease, it has to
be clinically studied.” All and well, so how did they
go about that? On the same program just over a year later, Albrecht
revealed the double-speak: “in 1999, we took a plunge
and actually decided to have tablets made out of the dried leaf
powder of the plant. We felt we needed some way in which to be able
to test the plants for safety and efficacy” and a few
minutes later, revealed the means: “we decided to test it
out on ourselves, and Nigel and I took the tablets on odd occasions”,
as well as the first criminal act, disguised as an act of compassion:
“A very good friend of ours, Anne Hutchings, who's a well-known
expert in Zulu medicine, informed Nigel and I that she'd joined
a voluntary group helping people living with AIDS, and they had
absolutely nothing in the form of medicine. So Nigel rang me up
and suggested we send them these tablets, and I think that was a
moment of great decision-making.”
Great decision indeed
- low cost illegal experimentation using ill human guinea pigs without
ethical approval or informed consent! I intend to make Sutherlandia
a test case for the Medicines Control Council’s new regulations.
Phyto Nova must bear responsibility to ensure that they properly
evaluate their product for safety and efficacy before selling it
for the supposed treatment of serious medical conditions, which
latter, for the most part, I have more than amply demonstrated will
suffer the opposite of the beneficial claims made for Sutherlandia,
including premature, if not unnecessary death. Phyto Nova has some
big names on board, including the recent collaborating researchers
and institutions. Suits me all the more, since the bigger they are,
the harder they fall, one and all. Also, the more they squander
and steal, human health and lives included, the more they will pay,
not only monetarily and through dishonour, but possibly with their
own lives, removed from society at large as is befitting such brash
criminal elements.