Margie Peden
Specialist Scientist
Trauma Research
Medical Research Council |
March 2000 |
Dear Margie

Thanks for your e-mail communication.
I am pleased to correspond with you on this topic
You wrote: "Your message was forwarded
to me by Dr Bradshaw for comment. Unfortunately the report did not
come with the email. I am interested to know where you get your
figures from. I am the project leader of national injury surveillance
system. We only see about 60 000 non-natural deaths a year and no
ways are one-sixth or one-third of these related to traditional
medicines. Is this in essence what you are saying? Where do you
get these data from? since I have the database on non-natural deaths
in SA. Please could you let me know your source?" (End of letter)
I assume that this is the beginning of the
government spin control, based on your immediate rejection of my
hypothesis without having even read the report. I am however pleased
that dialogue is at last opening up, even if it is only a challenge
rather than attempt to establish the facts, which clearly no-one
yet fully knows. The latest addition of the Report is attached hereto.
The data that I have used is in
fact that which Dr Bradshaw provided me with in April last year
as “the only information available”, primarily: (Bradshaw
D, Estimated Cause of Death Profiles, Based on 1990 Data, CERSA,
MRC, 1991), based in turn on data supplied
by Stats SA; (Bradshaw, Health and
Related Indicators, SA Health Review 1997); (Recorded
deaths, 1994. CSS
Report No. 03-09-01 (1994) Pretoria:
Central Statistical Services). The figures used for
comparisons are those of the Dept of
Health, which as you can see, confirm the figures which I
used in the extrapolations.
Whilst you may be tempted to reject
my estimates, I am equally at liberty to reject your scanty data.
Your figure of 60,000 non-natural deaths furthermore is clearly
out-dated, ultra-conservative and has not been adjusted to take
into account the extra few million souls discovered in the last
census, both factors of which, even if conservatively adjusted,
would together leave the figure more in the region of 80,000 -100,000,
excluding homicide, violence, accidents and self-afflicted.
It is no secret that the national
database is incomplete and inadequate for your purpose, eg.
“Data on mortality and morbidity
in South Africa are inadequate. The absence of a comprehensive national
health information system poses problems for an analysis of mortality.”
(White Paper on Population Policy,
RSA, March 1998) Based on this fact, it is impossible
to refute my estimations without first collecting the critical data
needed to perform the analysis necessary to decide either way. Currently
however, the considerable circumstantial evidence clearly positively
favours my disturbing position.
Dr Bradshaw conceded the dilemma,
stating: “Estimating
specific causes of death in South Africa is difficult, the last
detailed information being almost a decade old, since the law was
changed at that time to exclude the necessity of recording the details
of the actual cause of death. The data collection
system makes no provision for gathering the type of data needed
to determine how many deaths might be attributable to traditional
medicines. The overall figures must all be considered to
be vast underestimates. There
are major problems with the data. Not
all deaths in rural areas are registered and many are in the ill-defined
category where it was not specified on the certificate.”
(Pers comm, Dr D Bradshaw, Centre
for Epidemiological Research in Southern Africa, MRC, 6 April 1999)
My simple extrapolation is based
on the official figures: 13.71% ill defined, 4.24% undetermined
& 1.61% other external, totalling 19.56%. For
ease of estimation I used 20% of 40 million to arrive at a rough
estimate of 80,000 deaths from unnatural causes, excluding homicide,
violence, accidents and self-afflicted. I would not split
hairs over the figure in either direction, since I am not trying
to calculate, which is impossible without precise data, which simply
does not exist, since it still has to be collected. I am merely
estimating the possible magnitude of the problem of traditional
African medicine (TAM) mortality and trying to bring a solution
to bear on these tragic preventable deaths.
Based on the extensive and convincing
other diverse data collated in my report, I wrote as follows:

crude death rate in South Africa is 8.9 per 1 000
(1995 United Nations estimates, & RSA Stats in Brief, Aug 1996;
9.4/1000 according to DoH), meaning that approximately
400,000 of 40 million South African’s die each year.
In the RSA 20% of all deaths are of
unknown causes, (according to Stats South Africa: 13.71 ill-defined
(15.2, DoH), 4.24 undetermined,
and 1.61 other external = 19.56%).
(Bradshaw D, Estimated Cause of Death Profiles SA, Based on
1990 Data, CERSA, MRC, 1991)
”“Deaths from traditional African medicines “could”
constitute a large portion of this 80,000 estimate and it
is not unrealistic to assume that traditional medicine poisoning
deaths are responsible for at least 10% of the 80,000 annual deaths
from unnatural causes, (excluding homicide, violence, accidents
and self-inflicted), ie 8,000 traditional medicine mortalities.
I did go on
to speculate that
this could be: “”possibly”
doubled to 15,000 and taking into account a percentage of deaths
attributed to “natural” causes such as eg cardiac failure,
5000 additional of which may be traditional medicine induced, 20,000
is a fairly conservative “maximum” estimate
for the number of annual preventable deaths from traditional medicines.”
The “eg” could include
any of a number of symptoms and other established “natural”
causes of death, categorised separately from the “unnatural
causes”, and hence I wrote: ”Significantly,
the symptoms and causes
of death from traditional medicines closely mirror the major causes
of death among the black population in South Africa: diarrhoea,
fetal distress, renal failure, hepatic failure, respiratory
distress and cardiac failure. The additional 5000 estimate from
“natural” causes is likewise conservative, because no
one is significantly, let alone consistently, capable of determining
the true causal agent in all cases.
My point is
borne out by other scientists, eg locally: “Amongst
black South Africans, the poisoning category is the second in order
of importance in the five main causes of death (second
only to contagious and parasitic diseases),
whereas it is only the third and fourth category amongst the other
groups.” (Van Rensburg
H & Mans A, Profiles of Disease and Health Care in South Africa,
R&H Academica, 1982).
Also, internationally,
Prof Pieter Joubert, ex Dept. of Pharmacology & Therapeutics,
Medunsa, opinioned: "Toxicology
services, primarily geared towards the management of cases of drug
poisoning, are inappropriate to the needs of developing communities",
(Joubert P & Sebata B,
S Afr Med J 1982 Nov 27; 62(23))
and: “in developing countries (South Africa), besides
infectious conditions, acute poisonings with pesticides, paraffin
(kerosene) and traditional medicines are the main causes of morbidity,
whilst acute poisonings
with traditional medicines is the main cause of mortality.”
(Joubert P & Mathibe L,
Adverse Drug React Acute Poisoning Rev 1989;8(3))
Joubert reported
that in South Africa:
“Among whites, medical
drug poisonings predominated but among the black developing community,
it is traditional medicine poisonings.” (Joubert
P, J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 1982 Jul; 19(5)) Whilst
researching an earlier report, I assumed that the morbidity and
mortality incidence for South Africans using indigenous medicines
would be minuscule, but I was stunned to uncover the shocking scientifically
recorded and published clinical observation that: "In
South Africa, the major cause of death among black South Africans
are traditional medicines.”
To reassure the reader that
this was not a typographical error, the editor, a Clinical Professor
of Medical Toxicology, added in brackets "(about
50 % of deaths)". (Ellenhorn's
Medical Toxicity: Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning, Williams
& Wilkins, 2nd Edn. 1997)
The main paper
referenced in the above-mentioned textbook is Prof. Joubert's “Poisoning
admissions of black South Africans”, dealing with acute poisoning
admissions to Ga-Rankuwa Hospital, Pretoria, which determined that:
major cause of fatal poisoning pattern at Ga-Rankuwa appears to
be very similar to that reported from Bloemfontein (and is similar
to mortality reported from Zimbabwe). Overall, the major causes
of mortality were traditional medicines, responsible for 51.7 %
of the deaths. Of the patients who died, 62 % were poisoning by
traditional medicines.
None were deliberate self-poisoning. The
main issues were the extremely
high mortality and the
prevention of poisoning by traditional medicines merits high priority
in the health care of the indigenous population of South Africa.
The traditional African medicine mortality is extremely high. If
poisoning due to these substances can be eliminated, the overall
mortality will decrease by about 50%”. (Joubert
P, J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 1990; 28(1)) Joubert
was an exceptionally dedicated investigator.
Other scientists
have however also observed that; “The
probability of dying from a ”non-communicable disease”
is higher in sub-Saharan Africa than in other market economies.
The paradox of higher non-communicable
death rates in the adults of the developing world must be attributable
to other major determinants of mortality that are more common in
these regions. The
estimates that are most uncertain are those for sub-Saharan Africa,
particularly for the exact composition of non-communicable and injury
mortality. As more regions undergo
epidemiological transition, particularly premature
death among adults will increasingly
become a major public-health concern. Surveillance
and research to measure and monitor mortality must anticipate this
trend.” (Murray
C, Lopez A, Mortality by cause for 8 regions of the world: Global
Burden of Disease Study, Lancet 1997; 349)
M Stewart, Department of Chemical Pathology, SA Institute for Medical
Research has
stated: “There
is an urgent requirement for
development of diagnostic methods in order to
reduce the number of cases in which the death certificate refers
only to the final pathology and not the causative agent.”
(Stewart M et al, Ther
Drug Monit, 1998, Oct, 20(5))
Also: “Since there are as yet
no standard methods for the detection of many herbal remedies or
their metabolites, careful
analysis is (should be) mandatory for the correct identification
of the true cause in cases of poisoning.” (Stewart,
M et al, Forensic Sci Int 1999 May 17; 101(3)) Further:
is suspected that many cases are undiagnosed, especially so in South
Africa, where patients may die without reaching hospital and do
not often admit to ingestion of a traditional remedy.”
(Steenkamp V, et al, Hum Exp Toxicol
1999 Oct; 18(10))
Stewart recently conducted
an analysis of the Johannesburg forensic database over the years
1991-1995, which interestingly revealed only 206 cases in which
a traditional remedy was stated to be the cause of death or was
found to be present in a case of poisoning with an unknown substance.
(Stewart, M et al, Forensic Sci Int, 1999 May 17; 101(3)) Illustrating
just how incomplete the databases are, is his recent prior observation:
“70 traditonal African
medicine deaths in 8 months at Coronation Hospital, Johannesburg,
and this just the few that made it to the hospital alive, only to
die there, not to mention those who were/are extremely close to
death.” (Dr
M Stewart, Personal comm, 31 March, 1999)
It would appear
that Dr Stewart is the only sober humanitarian scientist working
in this neglected field, having recently written:
“In South Africa there exists
a window of opportunity for a serious examination and publication
of the facts concerning the risks of using traditional herbal remedies.
In addition, there needs to be a coming together of those interested
in the toxic, as opposed to the beneficial aspects of traditional
medicines.” (Stewart
M et al, Ther Drug Monit, 1998, Oct, 20(5)) Dr
Stewart and colleagues have developed a method for the detection
of “Impila” constituents in urine. (Steenkamp
V, et al, Hum Exp Toxicol 1999 Oct; 18(10))
Dr Stewart, has focused on “Impila” (Callilepsis laureola)
(“health” in Zulu), probably the biggest single killer,
yet his annual budget for all his analytical work was a mere R50,
000, with not a cent from the MRC (Pers
comm, 31 Mar 99). Perhaps
this is why the MRC don’t appear to also have him silently
muzzled and on a short lead.
A look at Impila
will illustrate how easily its toxic effects might be confused with
other pathologies: IMPILA:
A, Zulu Medicine and Medicine Men, Centaur, 1966 – “without
doubt a virulent
poison”; ·Seedat
Y, Hitchcock P, S Afr Med J Jul 31; 45(30) – “acute
renal failure”; ·
Wainwright J, et al, S Afr J Med 1977 Aug 13; 52(8) – “found
to cause fatal
liver necrosis, widely
used as a herbal medicine; nephrotoxic,
hypoglycaemic, hepatoxic”; ·Watson
A, Coovadia H, Bhoola K, S Afr Med J 1979 Feb 24; 55(8) –
“administration of Impila is common, the practice can
and does cause poisoning,
hepatic and renal tubular necrosis, hypoglycaemia,
alteration of consciousness, hepatic and renal dysfunction”;
·Veale D, S Afr
Pharm J 1987;(54) – “rootstock is toxic
and can be fatal if ingested in small quantities,
the main features:
confusion, vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions, hypoglycaemia and liver
and kidney failure”; ·Savage
A, Hutchings A, “Poisoned by herbs”. Br Med J 1987;
295 – “clinical symptoms of Impila intoxication
are abdominal pain, jaundice, hypoglycaemia, disturbed
hepatic and renal function”;
·Dehrmann F et al, J Ethnopharmacol
1991 Sep; 34(2-3) – “used extensively as a medicament,
nephrotoxic”; ·Bye S, Dutton M, In: Oliver J, ed. Forensic
Toxicology. Scottish Academic Press, 1992 – “hepatoxic,
nephrotoxic, hypoglycaemic”;
·Steenkamp V, et al,
Hum Exp Toxicol 1999 Oct; 18(10)) –“Poisoning with
impila is a recurring phenomenon in South Africa and since it leads
to rapid death from
renal and/or hepatic failure, it is suspected that many cases are
undiagnosed; patients may die without reaching hospital and do not
often admit to ingestion of a traditional remedy.”
Since there
are no approved uses, we have to assess its most popular
uses against the above-mentioned
risks: a) “Roots
as a cough remedy” (Watt
J & Breyer-Brandwijk M, The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of
Southern and Eastern Africa, 2nd edn. Livingstone, 1962) b)
“Roots as
tonics by young girls
in the early stages of menstruation.” (Doke
C, Vilakazi B, Zulu-English Dictionary, 2nd edn. Witwatersrand Univ
Press 1972);
c) “Roots for snakebite
and administered as
enemas and in baths to
protect the children of parents who have already lost many children.”
(Valley Trust, Personal comm
Hutchings) Even more dangerous
is Impila’s traditional use during pregnancy and childbirth,
likely the biggest killer of all, eg: d) “Roots are
sometimes an ingredient in “inembe”, taken regularly
during pregnancy to ensure
an easy childbirth,
and to make an infusion for
(Gerstner J, Bantu Stud 15
(3) (4), 1941); e) “They
are sometimes included in medicines known as “isihlambezo”,
which are used by traditional birth attendants to ensure
the health of both mother and baby during pregnancy.”
(Gumede M, Traditional Healers,
Skotaville Publ 1990) Consider
the widespread usage of Impila and you ought to grasp the import
and urgency of my thesis: “In Umlazi, one of the largest townships
in the Durban area, 30% of a random sample of residents had used
the highly toxic medicinal plant impila.” (Wainwright
J, et al, S Afr J Med 1977 Aug 13; 52(8)) “With
approximately 50% of the population using Impila in Natal,
it is the second most widely used traditional medicine.”
(Ellis M. Medicinal Plant
Use - A Survey, Veld and Flora 1986 Sept).
as not to re-write the entire 20,000 word document, I shall
close with a few concepts which may help to put the likelihood
of a significant mortality figure for traditional African
medicine into perspective. |
If one looks at the iatrogenic / nosocomial mortalities for the
USA, which has the
best-computerised data internationally, we see quite clearly that
nosocomial adverse drug reaction (ADR) mortalities exceed
100,000 annually. (Lazarou
B, et al, Incidence of Adverse drug reactions in hospitalised patients:
A meta-analysis of prospective studies. Journal of the American
Medical Association, 1998; 279: 1200-5) In South Africa,
allopathics are in a 20-40% minority to 60-80% for traditionals.
A simple calculation
based on the (1990) US population of 260 million compared to SA’s
40 million, reveals a figure of 15,000+,
based on a direct extrapolation, which is perfectly within
my ballpark figure of 10-20,000. However, the US figures reflect
actual captured data, the real figure being estimated to be double
that in real terms. (Holland
E & Degruy F, American Home Physician, 1997, Nov 1; 56(7): 1781-1788)
Either way, locally, 15-30,000
deaths are distributed between the two types and never-mind
how one allocates ratios, one type will inevitably gain by the other
type’s loss.
The US figures are
for advanced First World scientific medical drug related hospital
deaths, where the ADR’s rank from the 4th to 6th leading cause
of death. (Editorial, Bandolier, UK NHS, June 1998: 52-3) (White
T, et al, Pharmacoeconomics, 1999 May; 15(5): 445-58) Compare our
predominantly Third World facilities which most traditional African
medicine patients would not even reach before or after death, and
my figure of 10-2000 deaths gain ever-increased credibility. It
is highly unlikely that South Africa would somehow escape its averaged
extrapolated burden.
The percentage of the abovementioned
deaths that are considered avoidable / preventable is either near
side of a full 50%. (The above references
apply, as do the following) (Johnson J & Bootman J, Archives
of Internal Medicine, 1995 Oct; 155(18): 19) (Bates D, et al, Journal
of the American Medical Association, 1995 Jul; 247(1): 29-34) (Nelson
K & Talbert R, Pharmacotherapy, 1996 Jul; 16(4): 701-707) (Bootman
J et al, Archives of Internal Medicine, 1997, Oct; 157(18): 2082-2096)
The South African figure
would minimally be 15,000 “preventable” deaths annually
from all adverse drug reactions. If the allopathic category accounts
for 5,000 (even this percentage will be denied by those responsible),
then traditional African medicines would have to account for 10,000.
The total figure (both preventable and non-preventable) deaths for
each category would then accordingly be 10,000 and 20,000 for allopathic
and traditional African medicines respectively. I am content to
let the authorities argue amongst themselves as to precisely who
is responsible for what.
That’s it in a nutshell.
I look forward to your information-based response. I do however
suspect that you will be under pressure to counter my embarrassing
exposé at all costs due to the fact that the MRC
are so intimately involved in the ethnopiracy and cover-up
of the essence of what I have uncovered. I am however hoping that
you will surprise me, by honestly appraising the situation in the
light of current data (or rather lack of it) and motivating the
generation of the data necessary to scientifically quantify the
facts and so facilitate the urgent policy setting and implementation
of appropriate solutions.
Yours sincerely
Stuart Thomson
Director, Gaia Research Institute, National Co-ordinator, PHARMAPACT
Peoples Health Alliance
Rejecting Medical Authoritarianism,
Prejudice And Conspiratorial
cc Dr D Bradshaw
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