Prod No. |
Product Name |
Volume |
A |
Green Tea Bags |
100g (50's) |
B |
Green Tea Loose Whole-Leaf |
100g |
BL |
Green Tea Loose Whole-Leaf Budget |
200g |
CH |
Green Tea With Chamomile |
100g (50's) |
D |
E |
Nutri-Spice Salt Mild |
84g |
F |
Nutri-Spice Salt Hot |
84g |
G |
Nutri-Paste (Savory Flaxseed
Meal - Antiox Herbs & Spices) |
50ml |
H |
60g |
I |
Selenium Sea
(Selenomethionine Enriched Micronised Kelp Powder) |
60g |
J |
Flaxseed Oil
(Unique Cold-First Pressing Of The Day) (Nitrogen purged) |
250ml |
K |
Magnesium Oxygen Powder (Magnesium Peroxide) |
40g |
L |
Hydroperox 35%
(120Volume) FOOD GRADE Hydrogen Peroxide |
75ml |
M |
Hydroperox 35%
(120Volume) FOOD GRADE Hydrogen Peroxide |
500ml |
N |
Hydroperox 35%
(120Volume) FOOD GRADE Hydrogen Peroxide |
1000ml |
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Undoubtedly the most versatile and efficacious
natural health substance yet discovered. Extensively scientifically
researched and verified in the laboratory and epidemiologically
(large-scale usage studies). A recent Medline search revealed
thousands of peer reviewed published scientific papers focussing
on green tea, more than any other health food, beverage or even
herbal, nutritional or medicinal substance. There is no other
natural health substance or product anywhere in the world, known
to be capable of competing for safety and efficacy, even regular
commercial green tea, let alone our unique special ‘peasant
grown, harvested and processed optimal health grade’. No
medicinal claims are implied, but rather a broad review of the
tremendous health optimising potential hereof.
Chinese green tea generally, let alone its authentic
traditional peasant-grown whole-leaf form here, has received extensive
scientific acclaim from diverse biological disciplines that on
analysis of the voluminous research at hand can only briefly be
accurately described as a “mega-potent anti-oxidant
health optimising anti-aging beverage”. Vindicating
Gaia’s pioneering, arguably visionary, personal care applications
nearly 2 decades ago, researchers have now stated: “Green
tea can be used as a natural ingredient with excellent physiological
functions for the human skin through cosmetic or food composition”
(An B et al, Am J Clin Med,
33(4), 2005).
A Gaia Research short literature review is available in our Health
Care Research department here.
Click On Photos To Enlarge |
There is a general misconception that because Green Tea contains a
small amount of Caffeine (which is not harmful, but actually synergises
the healthful properties), it might disrupt sleep - so essential to
good health - but this is not so. Theanine is an amino acid present
only in Chinese tea (2% in green & reduced via oxidation to black)
and in a species of wild mushroom. Of all amino acids found in green
tea, L-theanine is the most prevalent and is a taste component, which
specifically negates this assumed effect of caffeine, resulting instead
in a state of ‘relaxed alertness’, which once
one withdraws one’s attention from active stimuli, actually
results in improved sleep. There is no nervousness, drowsiness, grogginess
or other negative side effects as associated with other sedatives
and stimulants and the calming effect of L-thianine in green tea can
improve sleep quality without increasing duration. |
Click Photo To Enlarge |
The mechanisms are known. When L-theanine is
absorbed in the intestinal tract and delivered to each organ,
it is also delivered concentration-dependently to the brain. Increase
of dopamine levels and changes of serotonin levels by L-theanine
have been observed. (Yokogoshi
H et al, Biosci, Biotech Biochem, 62(4), 1998); (Yokogoshi H et
al, Neurochem Res, 23(5), 1998);(Yokogoshi H, Terashima T, Nutrition,
16(9), 2000). In various behavioural tests, improvements
in memory and learning performance with the administration of
L-theanine have been observed. In human subjects, the activity
of the parasympathetic nervous system increased. Also, alpha waves
in the brain increased significantly, inducing relaxation. (Kobayashi
K et al, Nippon Noegikagako Kaishi, 72 (2), 1998); (Lekh R et
al, Trends Food Sci Technol, 10 (6-7), 1999); (Kakuda T et al,
Biosci, Biotechnol Biochem, 64(2), 2000)
Gaia Research have identified Chamomile as the
perfect companion to green tea to set consumer’s minds at
ease over the widely assumed issue of caffeine in green tea disturbing
sleep, which unnecessarily limits their use of green tea to daytime
only. To encourage consumption of sufficient green tea throughout
the wakened state so as to extend and optimise its well-established
considerable health benefits, Gaia have blended some of our Green
Tea with ¼ German Chamomile to take advantage of the synergistic
calming and digestive settling properties of both, making the
blend more than suitable for afternoon and even evening consumption
and complement and synergise the already considerable beneficial
properties of green tea, without any of the hazards attendant
to tranquillisers.
These two beverages have not been used together
until now, due to an incorrect notion of expected conflict of
principal properties, whereas the reverse is true, in particular
towards the end of a busy day as one prepares to ‘actively
unwind’. The combination teabags make convenient effective
warm eye compresses, perfect for treating our hard working windows
to the world that reflect the strains of our hectic lifestyles
and chronic lack of quality sleep. Whilst Chinese green tea is
the most widely consumed beverage in the world, Chamomile is still
an official traditional medicine recognised by government authority
in the pharmacopoeia of 26 countries and it has been estimated
that over one million cups of Chamomile tea are ingested daily
worldwide, making it the most widely consumed herb tea.
(Foster, S. Chamomile, Botanical Series, No 307, Amer Bot Council,
Austin, Texas, 1991)
Animal studies have demonstrated German Chamomile's
ability to reduce inflammation, speed wound healing, reduce muscle
spasms, and to serve as a mild
sedative to help with sleep. In Europe, Chamomile was traditionally
and is commonly used as a digestive aid, to treat mild skin conditions,
menstrual cramps, insomnia, and as a tension
reliever. Chamomile has also been used successfully to
provide comfort in cases of the common cold, sore throats, abscesses,
gum inflammation (gingivitis), psoriasis, acne, eczema, psoriasis,
minor first-degree burns, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative
colitis), stomach ulcers, diaper rash, and colic. Laboratory studies
have also confirmed some anti-microbial properties.
(Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, Herbal Medicine: Expanded
Commission E Monographs, Integrative Medicine Communications,
Newton, MA, 57-61, 2000)
Chamomiles have been used for centuries in teas
as a mild, relaxing sleep
aid. In the Developed World, oral chamomile is used primarily
for relaxation and sleep.
Low doses produced a calming
effect, while higher doses are more likely to cause sleep, sedating
and anti-anxiety effects. Chamomile also has antispasmodic
effects, relieving or preventing uncomfortable muscle contractions,
especially in the gastrointestinal tract and has also been used
to treat minor gastrointestinal complaints such as gas, motion
sickness, and stomach cramps. Topically, Chamomile can be applied
to the skin as a wash or a poultice (hot teabag) for haemorrhoids
and minor skin irritations. (
April 17, 2006) No medicinal use is intended or implied.
These properties are an added bonus.
In order to ensure the most healthful green tea available, Gaia
supply only hard-sought and acquired authentic imported peasant-grown
whole-leaf Chinese green tea as our unique “quality”
standard, selected on the following unique evidence-based unorthodox
quality, safety and efficacy criteria, established during our many
years research into the intricacies of this truly amazing miracle
natural health product. Any green tea may be termed “Chinese”
by virtue of its geographical evolutionary origins in China, as
signified by its botanical name Thea (now
Camellia) sinensis, which renders it important
to specify ‘Chinese grown’, indeed ‘peasant
grown Chinese green tea’ to ensure optimal quality
and that you are not obtaining inferior Japanese, Taiwanese, Hong
Kong, or commercial Chinese tea, for numerous significantly important,
but generally unrecognised reasons to be outlined hereafter.
Of varietal significance is that green tea grown
commercially even inside, but especially outside of China, has a
lower vital polyphenol content due to different breeding lineages
over many centuries, whereby national cross-cultures have favoured
certain characteristics to suit different agronomic, taste or aesthetic
preferences. In particular, the valuable polyphenol antioxidants
are moreover not significantly induced in irrigation, fertiliser
and pesticide pampered crops, hence our choice of tea grades originating
from peasant grown sources, since these poor subsistence farmers
cannot afford the aforementioned luxuries, so allowing the plants
to beneficially struggle.
An unappreciated critical advantage of agronomic
austerity, besides lack of toxic agrichemical residues, is the fact
that as the indigenous tea plants struggle against the harsh environmental
factors of drought, heat, wind, insects, and fungal attack, under
these conditions they also optimise the synthesis of complex survival
chemistry developed evolutionarily to cope with such conditions
and of which the potent antioxidant polyphenol catechins are the
most important for health, but are far from fully exploited when
the plants are agronomically pampered as is standard practice in
mainstream world tea markets and grades of tea. Struggle breeds
character, and in this case, strength.
Further unappreciated advantages are avoidance
of rather significant risks relating to the chemical bio-accumulation
characteristics of the tea plants themselves, whereby heavy nitrogen
fertilisation, as used extensively for commercial crops so as to
optimise yield and produce brilliant green foliage, besides pampering
the plants, also radically increases the uptake of toxic aluminium
to truly undesirable levels as high as 1000ug/g and which process
is further aggravated by the standard extensive use superphosphate
fertilisers outside of Chinese peasant systems, and which moreover
release and cause significant uptake of the toxic heavy metal, cadmium,
to as much as 250ppm, particularly noteworthy since cadmium is a
chronic mammalian enzyme poison having no place at all in a healthy
diet, let alone of those who are ill. How many suppliers of Green
Tea as a health beverage consider this?
The Chinese peasants significantly also still use the time-honoured
traditional organicultural methods of fertilisation with organic
agricultural wastes, night soil and crushed rock mulches, which
are more practical for their hilly terrain than synthetic fertilisers,
which would in any event be lost by runoff by the first rain following
application. A recent development is the introduction of annual
selenium-rich rock dressings to optimise benefits. Interestingly
the Chinese Academy of Sciences have pioneered the development of
environmentally benign bio-pesticidal strategies to the obvious
benefit of products of the local peasant system, so helping to keep
pests to manageable levels without actually requiring pesticide
use. Our detailed assays confirm the success of this strategy.
Chinese peasants moreover, still use pan-firing to control the
anti-oxidant destructive polyphenol oxidase enzyme mediated damaging
oxidative chain-reaction, whereas the Taiwanese, Japanese and highly
commercialised Chinese plantations use the significantly more nutrient
leaching steam method. The Chinese peasants still scrounge and grow
their tea on the rich hilly alkaline red earth in the south-east
provinces, which are more exclusively devoted to traditional green
tea production in the plant’s original ecological niche, under
ancient natural labour-intensive systems, content to trade-off toxic
agrichemicals and processing machinery for a lower crop yield, but
bearing and recognising, albeit not intellectually, the mentioned
distinct health advantages over all other types of green tea.
What additionally, uniquely sets Gaia’s own green tea standard
way ahead of the competition, besides the above-mentioned and our
hand-sorting quality control, is our leading-edge use of ozone (triple
oxygen molecule) sterilisation and furthermore, our exclusive use
of 7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance of the final product, to ensure optimal
frequency reorientation of the molecules to the original Earth frequency
following post-harvest disruptions. A comprehensive assay of our
product from the Fresenius Institute in Germany has verified the
purity of this tea.
We have a comprehensive assay of our tea from the Fresenius Institute
and it is amazingly pure for a modern tea.
here to view a scan of the assay, which is presented
with permission from our German client, Eckart Pinnow, who had our
green tea assayed for export to the European Union. |
Gaia pedigreed Kombucha cultures are personally
raised in our laboratory exclusively on high quality peasant grown
Chinese green tea, fueled with natural brown sugar, providing
access to high integrity source materials to perpetuate a centuries
old tradition of producing your household’s own “Divine
Che”, “Mo Gu”, “Manchurian Tea”
or “Kargasok Tea”, some of 100-odd names by which
the slightly sweet, tart beverage produced is known around the
world and which culture every fortnight doubles its production
capacity, which is why it’s offspring are often given away
as a gift and it has been called the “fungus
of charity”. Consumption of Kombucha was first
recorded in 220 BC in Manchuria, from whence it spread throughout
the Far and Near East, Pacific, Russia and Germany to eventually
the rest of Europe, Africa and more recently the entire globe.
The kit comprises a solid living culture, live liquid concentrate,
durable hygienic micro-sieve, a starting green tea sample and
A Gaia Research extensive literature review is available in our
Health Care Research department here.
A pure, uniquely natural
processed kelp, blended with a synergising selection of culinary
herbs and spices chosen for their combined flavour and health-promoting
properties, collectively superior to any mineral supplement and
even the most exotic herbs currently being hyped as wonder-drugs.
This formula also focuses on providing abundant organic potassium
to offset excess dietary sodium, an essential changes to restore/maintain
micronised kelp, paprika, turmeric, marjoram/oregano, rosemary,
celery seed, cumin, garlic, thyme (cayenne & black pepper,
if “Hot”); and potassium chloride and magnesium peroxide.
Sprinkle on food to taste (after cooking).
Please refer to our more detailed nutritional and herbal research
information relating to the constituents comprising the formulation
of this pro-active food product, which is available in our Health
Care Research department here.
A uniquely micronised and defatted flaxseed based
foodstuff, pioneering optimal bioavailability of the lignans,
which are even more health protective and beneficial than the
already well-established beneficial oils, purposely largely removed
from this product to enhance bioavailability and assimilation
of the water soluble- and bacterial conversion-dependent lignans.
Flaxseed is the most significant dietary source of vital dietary
phyto-hormonal precursors known as lignans. Studies in humans
have shown flax lignans to play an important role in avoidance
of menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease
(Kurzer M & Xu X, Annu Rev
Nutr, 17, 1997).
Contains: micronised defatted flaxseed
meal and the high potassium and antioxidant Nutri-Spice
(See item E). The cyanide precursor that remains in ground
flaxseed and flaxseed sprouts has been removed by centrifuging.
Suggested use: a mere smear or finger-lick daily; possibly a little
more initially, will exceed all meals in provision of these valuable
nutrients. Can be refrigerated for preservation of optimal integrity,
though it will keep very well even at room temperature.
A Gaia Research short literature review is available in our Health
Care Research departments here
and here.
Trace elements are essential to all critical
life-dependent enzyme pathways, including cellular immunity, but
are increasingly deficient in modern foods. All earth elements
leached from our soils are bio-accumulated by kelp in an optimum
chelated form. Avoidance of nutrient damaging irradiation (ozonisation
sterilised instead) and focussing on ultra-micronisation, ensures
that critical nutrients are up to 1000 times more bio-available
than with kelp tablets.
Suggested use: up to ¼ of a teaspoon daily
in water, fruit juice / smoothies, vegetable juices and cool food.
Ensures that mineral deficiencies from widespread soil depletion,
cooking and processing are more than recovered. Nature’s
richest source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine
and manganese. An exceptional source of all other nutrients.
A Gaia Research short literature review is available in our Health
Care Research department here.
As with H) above, but optimally fortified with
selenium. Maximum usage: ¼ teaspoon (200ug
selenium) daily.
A Gaia Research short literature review is available in our Health
Care Research department here.
Our ‘first 25kg seed cold-pressing
of the day’ standard is unique in the industry.
‘Cold’ presses soon run at temperatures at around
40 degrees Celsius or more. The term "cold-pressed",
rather than equating to a ‘cold’ press, merely indicates
that the press does not utilise thermal elements to artificially
increase the temperature beyond the frictional temperature as
is commonly done commercially to reduce the oil viscosity even
further so as to maximise the yield that can be expressed from
the seeds. Our oil is always pressed first, when the equipment
is started stone-cold in the morning and is never more than the
first 25kg seed yield, to avoid exposure to inevitable increasing
temperatures as the built in metal heat sinks saturate and can
no longer draw heat away from the screw and barrel.
Absolutely no one but Gaia Organics supply a flaxseed oil of such
outstanding quality and integrity, period.
Use as a dose or salad dressing – initially up to a teaspoon
daily for a few weeks and thereafter 15-35 drops daily, depending
on the amount of competing oil and fat in the diet - to fill a
major nutritional gap in the natural food chain, without the organo-chlorine
PCB toxicity attendant to Salmon oil, the only other rich source
of omega-3 besides nearly always suspect rancid hemp oil. The
dietary n-3 fatty acids in high integrity flaxseed oil can confer
a novel approach to improving arterial function (Nestel
P, et al, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 17(6), 1997),
has anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, anti-arrhythmic, hypolipidemic
and vasodilatory properties (Simopoulos
A, Am J Clin Nutr, 70(3 Suppl), 1999) and can markedly
prevent or reduce the development of hypercholesterolemic atherosclerosis
and related heart attack and stroke (Prasad
K, Atherosclerosis, 132(1), 1997), to list but a few
benefits over and above basic nutrition.
A Gaia Research extensive literature review is
available in our Health Care Research department here.
Magnesium peroxide (MgO2) is 43% powdered
magnesium (Mg) and 57% pure ‘solid phase oxygen’ (O2).
Magnesium is an ideal carrier for the oxygen, since it is an antacid
and alkalizes the gut fluid, enabling the oxygen to dissolve.
Magnesium peroxide progressively liberates the oxygen upon contact
with the acids in water and also imparts a beneficial high alkaline
reaction to water to which it is added. Oxygenated magnesium has
additional advantages over other forms - such as significantly
greater mineral ionisation. Normally Gaia Research would
not recommend elemental minerals, preferring food sources, but
in this case there is considerable scientific evidence that it
is uniquely well utilised as a water additive, especially since
it is ionised.
Directions: We recommend a pinch
of powder in every glass of water or up to a heaped teaspoon early
morning in a glass of water/dilute fruit juice on an empty stomach
at least 30 minutes, if not longer, before breakfast, continued
daily until the bowel completely empties, after which halve the
dose daily until 1/8th of a teaspoon is reached. Magnesium peroxide
is also useful for coating seeds for gardening and adding to sprouting
seeds to improve germination and alkalise, oxygenate and sterilise
the young roots as it slowly liberates hydrogen peroxide and oxygen.
Please see also next entry for Hydrogen
Peroxide which may be safely added at 3 drops to a pinch of Magnesium
Peroxide per glass of drinking water.
A Gaia Research short literature review is available
in our Health Care Research department here.
H2O2 is found naturally
in very low concentrations (i.e. highly diluted) in rain and seawater,
raw seeds, sprouts, fruits and vegetables and mothers' milk. H2O2
is formed when for example: ether is exposed to sunlight, when
a hydrogen-oxygen flame impinges on ice and when water in a quartz
vessel is exposed to ultraviolet light. Humans and other mammals
and also plants, synthesise H2O2 intracellularly, under endogenous
anti-oxidative enzyme control, in particular as an essential component
of the immune response against infectious micro-organisms.
‘Food grade’ hydrogen peroxide
is stable at 35% (120 vol.) and is therefore free of the stabilisers,
preservatives and other contaminants, normally not considered
a problem in the commercial 3-12% (10-40 vol.) solutions used
as skin antiseptics and hair bleaches, which are not suitable
for human oral consumption. H2O2 at a dilution of 1-3, possibly
5 drops per glass of water (up to 15 drops in polluted water survival
emergencies) in a 250ml glass of water serves as an effective
drinking water disinfectant against unicellular pathogens and
reproductive egg stages of multi-cellular pathogens without the
high toxicity potential of chlorine, other disinfectants and their
Food-grade 35% hydrogen peroxide, suitably
diluted to or below the maximum oral strength of 15 drops per
glass of water is perfectly harmless at this dilution, provided
it is consumed on a relatively empty stomach free of iron supplements,
vitamin C and polyunsaturated oils. If it reacts with food residues,
extra water should be drunk to increase dilution and reduce nausea
caused by excessive nascent oxygen liberation, which may be totally
avoided by limiting use to 3 drops per glass, with no limitation
being applicable to how many such glasses are consumed. It is
recommended that any regimen using high dose oral H2O2, also include
the regular consumption of green tea.
So safe is this dilution that beneficial
acidophilus intestinal bacteria are not threatened, since they
actually produce H2O2 to control their natural enemy, Candida
albicans. H2O2 decomposes to water and oxygen in the bowel before
absorption. With doses over 5 drops per glass of water, rinse
the mouth with neat water to avoid any likelihood of decalcifying
tooth substance. H2O2 tastes obnoxious at the higher levels mentioned,
serving as a precaution against inappropriate use, which would
be difficult to achieve due to nausea that would accompany consumption
of too much, other than accidental gulping, which is why the bottle
must be stored responsibly.
Caution: Please be mindful of the abovementioned
maximum suggested oral dilutions. Higher concentrations up to
this 35% product are considered corrosive and must be treated
as such at all times. Painful gastric distension and belching
may be caused by the liberation of large volumes of oxygen in
the stomach. Blistering of the mucosae and oropharyngeal burns
may follow ingestion of concentrated solutions, and laryngospasm
and haemorrhagic gastritis are a possibility. Sinus tachycardia,
lethargy, confusion, coma, convulsions, stridor, sub-epiglottic
narrowing, apnoea, cyanosis and cardiorespiratory arrest may ensue
within minutes of ingestion of upper end concentrations.
Emergency Poisoning Measures: Immediately drink
some water. Gut decontamination is not indicated, thanks to rapid
decomposition by catalase to oxygen and water. If distension is
painful, pass a gastric gas release tube.
Suggested uses for 3% strength (50ml in a 500ml hand-pump
atomizer of water) include: sterilisation and chemical
detoxification of fruit and vegetables, crockery, cutlery, chopping
boards and kitchen sinks and surfaces. Wait a few minutes, the
longer the better, before rinsing, except for fruits and vegetables,
which should be rinsed within 3-minutes to preserve the beneficial
biothiols. Dry off all non-stainless steel metals to prevent rusting.
The presence of micro-organisms is detectable by a micro-foaming
action that is often even audible at close ear range and is a
useful indicator of hotspots. Can be sprayed on the body and rinsed
off before or once itching first becomes perceptible. An excellent
antiseptic skin damage monitor - all bacterial pockets will prickle
and present as whitened effervescence on or under the skin, indicative
of oxidative disinfection. Also suitable, at 5-35ml to 500ml water
as a light toilet seat and toilet paper spray for 1st class personal
hygiene; and boiled or sprayed onto a suitable hot surface or
used in a humidifier/steamer, serving as an atmospheric steri-oxygenator,
especially in a sick-room. Caution: Do not ever mix with
any other chemical, eg chlorine or bleach, since the result could
be explosive.
Please see also previous entry
for Magnesium Peroxide which may be safely added at 1 pinch per
glass of water to which 3 drops of Hydrogen Peroxide.
An abbreviated review
of the role of hydrogen peroxide in the human body is available
in our Health Care Research department here.
These beneficial organisms,
inoculated in infancy during breast-feeding, should be the primary
species for optimal intestinal & colon ecology, failing which
health is progressively compromised until it fails, usually permanently.
Use is essential following courses of antibiotics and also intensive
or prolonged colloidal silver regimens. The primary functions
of alimentary canal microflora include nutritive, immunological
and protective activities. Suggested use: 2 tablets mornings with
full glass of water on empty stomach for 2 weeks. (Refrigerate).
For more detailed
research please
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